Page 7 of Heavy Shot

The question broke the spell a bit and Kline looked at the man. He recognized the smarminess of studio executive on the guy and shook his head. "No, and he has no interest in it, either. I wouldn't put him through that, anyway," he said, straightening as he turned to Jill. "I'd love to see you again while you're here. Where are you staying?"

"I'm renting a house in the Valley. Is that right? I have no idea what anything is here. Uh--what's my address?"

Royce flicked out one of his business cards and scribbled on the back of it, then flicked it at Kline with a toothy grin."She's staying here. That's my info on the other side if you decide you want to talk about your kid.I'm casting for a Spielberg flick--he'd be great.”

"He doesn't act," Kline said, taking the card."Jill, maybe we can get together?"

She shrugged, her own smile was wavering."I’m so busy! We'll have to see. You've got my info."

He smiled, pocketing the card. "I'll be in touch. It was really great to see you."

"You, too," she said, nodding. "Take care."

"Gentlemen," Kline said, barely glancing at them before turning away and walking back to the table where Jack sat wearing a frown of displeasure.

"What?" Kline asked.

"Who are they?"

"There's a lady over there named Jill. She's an old friend of mine from when I lived in New York--before you were born. I had to go say hello."

Jack looked down, pushing a French fry around his plate for a few minutes before saying, "Can we go to Gameworks now?"

Kline sat stunned for a moment, then nodded. "Absolutely. Come on." He waved at the server and put on his sunshades. Within seconds he had his and Delia’s tabs to sign, and then he and Jack started off with Delia a few paces behind.

"Can we call Kim to come, too?"

"It's Kim's day off, Tiger," Kline said, starting for the front door."But we'll have fun. Delia will be with us.”

"Okay," Jack said, though he sounded far less enthused about that idea than he had been about the rest of their plans. "She’s not as fun.”

“But I’m fun, right?”

“I guess.”

Kline frowned, looking back at Delia, who shrugged. The valet brought his car around, pausing before the stand so that Delia could get into the back with Jack behind the blackout windows, then pulled it all the way up to the awning where photographers were waiting to snap Kline getting behind the driver’s seat.

At Gameworks, they played together until someone sent out word that Kline Scott was there, then fans started to arrive, along with photographers, ruining Jack’s fun. Since that last dust up, the photogs were getting aggressive to see if they could get a rise out of Kline for better pictures.

This time, he played it cool and sent Delia and Jack out the back door with a store manager, while he took fifteen minutes to sign autographs and pose for selfies. By the time he got out to the car, Jack was sitting with folded arms and a look on his face that mirrored what Kline was feeling inside. “Sorry, Tiger,’ he said. “Your old man is popular.”

“I want a burger.”


“I want a burger.”

“You just ate!”

“He didn’t eat much,” Delia said from the back. Regardless of how tuned out she appeared to be, the nanny was always ears-on for whatever Jack needed, and he had learned to listen to both Delia and Kim when they made a suggestion.

“Fine. What is it with you and burgers, kid?”

“I want In and Out.”


The drive-thru was easier to navigate than the restaurant had been, though driving home with the meaty smell of burgers was making Kline’s lean-meat-and-veg only stomach growl with hunger. When they got home, he saw everyone inside, then changed into his workout gear and hit the home gym, carrying the two business cards he’d collected with him.