Page 35 of The Lost Child

Alkdama nodded, then frowned. “Half-blood witch. Or something.” She leaned in close, ignoring Canavar’s growls as she looked into my eyes and then ran her gaze up and down my body. “Mother was probably an earth witch, andhermother likely had blood witch ancestry. It’s faint, but it’s overpowering her earth magicks.”

She paused, then addressed me. “Have you ever lost control around blood? An untrained witch would be a danger to herself and others any time blood was spilt. Especially her own.”

Dread filled my veins as I thought furiously about each time the uncontrollable pressure had come: the attacks while raiding, fights with other pirates, and … holy fuck. I glanced down at my hand, marveling at the large scar in the middle of my palm.

“I see you’ve experienced some of it firsthand. You’re lucky to be alive.” Alkdama’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “I was right. You had something to do with the large wreck out at sea, didn’t you? We all saw the smoke from miles away.”

The other witches behind her nodded and muttered among themselves, dark glares shooting out to the ocean, where even now tendrils of smoke from far away continued to billow up to the sky.

“I, uh … we’re from the crew. I nearly drowned,” I responded, hating how weak and tremulous my voice sounded, but I was tired, afraid, and wary of these new women. I’d never been around so many in my entire life.

“She doesn’t look much like one of us.” a witch muttered from the back.

Alkdama shot her a look and the witch shut up, then gently clasped my hand in hers. “You’ve had an ordeal. Rest, and then we will answer all your questions and start training immediately. You may use my own hut, where you woke.”

Canavar huffed, reminding us of his presence.

Alkdama ignored him. “It is the high priestess’s hut, so it is bigger and your draken friend will be more comfortable. Come. Eat and sleep. We are not going anywhere.”

Before I could protest, Alkdama was leading me away from the crowd and back to the same hut I’d been in before. Canavar stubbornly dogged my steps and inwardly I was glad. I needed to talk to him in private, to figure out how he’d come to yank me out of the water.

“Help yourself to the food on the table; it is fresh,” Alkdama assured me, moving to fluff the furs and air them out. “Someone will be by with a few extras for …” She glanced up at Canavar, one eyebrow expectantly in the air.

Instead of offering his name or answering, he grunted at her. I opened my mouth to give her his name and hesitated, realizing it wasn’t my place. I offered Alkdama an apologetic grin and plopped down in the furs. I didn’t bother hiding my moan as my skin hit the soft blankets, and I let out a long yawn and stretched.

Canavar put himself in Akladama’s face, pushing her toward the door. If he was trying to intimidate her, he failed miserably, as she only laughed.

“Yes, draken, I understand. I will leave you be.” She sauntered toward the door, amused. “Ensure she eats,” she shot back seriously.

Canavar sniffed and then she was gone.

I relaxed into the furs, breathing in the spices and oils embedded into the skins that kept them fresh and free of bugs. It was a thoughtful touch—something you’d never see in the grimy, filthy old ships that made up the pirate’s cove.

My mind was whirling with all of the new revelations, but I was so tired. I closed my eyes, only to jerk as something was shoved at my face.

My eyes snapped open as the edge of a large wedge of cheese tickled the tip of my nose. I leaned up a bit and bit into it, digging my teeth in deep to hold onto the entire piece as I snagged it from Canavar. I sat up, but his back was already turned as he sniffed through the rest of the food. In quick order he set before me the entire loaf of bread, some lightly grilled fish with lemon, and an entire flask of wine.

I took them all, blushing with a nod of thanks. Canavar sat down next to me in the furs, cross-legged. As usual he was naked, and it took all of my concentration not to stare at his dick; a hard ask since it wasright there. It was larger than Jagger’s or any of the other boys I’d been with on the island.

It’s just scientific interest,I told myself.Purely intellectual and nothing more.

Stop staring.

Canavar leaned forward, nudging me with one massive hand. My grip on the food tightened, and I took another bite of cheese.

“Want some?” I asked, breaking it half and holding it out to him.

Canavar glowered at me until I drew back.

“I know you must be hungry if I am,” I argued, dropping the cheese in favor of the fish. “Here’s the deal; I eat half, you eat half.”

He didn’t make any sound or gesture that he agreed or disagreed with me, so I dove into the food with gusto. The lingering questions of how Canavar found me or even what exactly had happened on the ship still whirled in my head, but I was determined to put it all off until I was fully rested. That sounded reasonable enough.

I finished my half quickly, drank a few good gulps of the sweet red wine, then set the rest of the food and wine skin in front of Canavar. Before he could growl or otherwise continue to be a grump, I turned over in the furs, laid down, and pretended to sleep.

I practically held my breath as he huffed once, then shifted on his massive thighs.

Take the food,I chanted internally.Take it.