It felt like an eternity as I laid there in the growing dimness, trying to keep my body relaxed and breathing deeply. Behind me, Canavar barely moved, only the occasional shift or sign giving me any indication he was even there. My eyes grew heavy, and I resigned myself to waking up next to moldy cheese and hard bread when I finally heard it; a gentle sniff, then the unmistakable sound of eating.
I grinned at the dark wall in front of me, ridiculously pleased with myself. One battle down, only a thousand more to go.
Iwoke up slowly for once, stretching as I reveled in the soft furs around me. I was boiling hot though, and covered in a light sheen of sweat. I tried to kick a few of the blankets off, only to realize I was pinned down in place by the large and heavily muscled arm thrown across my chest.
He slept next to me, but must have reached out sometime in the middle of the night. I tried to sneak out from under his grip, but at my movement Canavar grumbled in his sleep and turned toward me on his side, his arm slipping under me and pulling me against his broad chest. I was stuck, snuggled tight against him.
Mmm, it felt kind of nice though. It’d feel nicer if I wasn’t so damn hot. None of the other men I’d ever been with had held me like this; not even Jagger. With him it was usually a quick fuck and the pants went back on, each of us going our separate ways.
This was different.
My muscles went limp against Canavar. The position felt protective; as though whatever was waiting in the world would be handled. I shifted slightly, trying to get a more comfortable position, pushing my backside up into his hips as I wiggled. His grip tightened around me, and his nose buried itself in my neck as he inhaled my scent deeply.
I froze.
That definitely wasn’t a wedge of cheese hiding between his thighs.
Just go back to sleep. That was probably the best option, right? The safe option. My fingers dug deep into the furs. I’d tried to live safely my entire life or as safely as a young girl could when running with pirates. And what had it got me? Spankings, beatings, and despite my hard work and successes, I still didn’t have Father’s respect.
Would I ever?
Maybe it was time to start living like I already had it. Or better yet . . . like I didn’tneedit.
I should have closed my eyes and relaxed back into sleep. Then when morning came, I’d talk to Canavar about what happened and maybe learn a bit of magick.
The thought was exciting, but it didn’t feel nearly as dangerous or intriguing as the hardness poking up against my bum.
I should close my eyes.
I should go back to sleep.
I should.
My father should have respected me for my skills and for the glory and loot I’d brought to the island in his name. Canavar should have had the right to live the life he chose, and not the one my father had forced on him. I should have been brought up as a proper witch and not constantly abused and used because of my parentage and magicks my father didn’t know about or understand.
It was a stupid, useless, nonsense word. I hated it. I rejected it.
That was the reason I pushed my hips back into Canavar’s, letting out a small groan as he thrust back almost immediately. The hand around my waist glided over my stomach, moving upwards and finding my breasts, which he kneaded as something sharp scratched against the side of my neck.
I froze. It felt like the edge of the knife. I’d had that unpleasant experience too many times before, so I knew it intimately.
I wanted to fool around, not have my jugular opened.
“Canavar.” I whispered harshly, trying to keep my voice down, but hopefully with enough of an edge to wake him.
He didn’t budge. I certainly didn’t want to hit or smack him, knowing how he’d been treated most of his life. Who knows if he’d react by chomping down and ripping out my throat? I took a deep breath, telling myself he wouldn’t hurt me. He hadn’t yet, after all.
I pushed my bottom back into his pelvis again, this time with purpose and direction. His fangs danced across the skin on my neck sensuously, trailing deliciously along my skin. Suddenly I wasn’t so against the idea of him biting me. Claws scraped lightly against the flesh on my hip, and I wondered what it would feel like if he were to dig them into my skin as he sank his teeth into the flesh of my neck.