Page 54 of Pride

“An inside one to overthrow you.”

I glare at Kane. “You realize this looks a little like an inside plot? My six highest ranking men meeting together.”

Henry steps forward. “We have all the evidence. I can assure you that it’s not us.”

I groan, this isn’t why I’m here. I’m here to ambush Bella Benedetto and make sure she knows there’s nowhere she can go that I won’t follow.

“Send me the evidence. I’ve got to go and see Jack.”

Henry nods as he and his team step back, allowing me to make my way to Jack’s office. Taking the elevator to the second floor, I head down the corridor and stop in front of Jack’s door.

He’ll probably shit his pants seeing me here, since everyone thinks I’m in Washington and I never visit Jack’s office.

Knocking on his door, I tap my heel on the floor, waiting for him to answer.

“Who the fuck is it?” he shouts from the other side.

“Your boss,” I say coolly.

The door to his office flings open in a second, and he stares at me for a moment in shock. “I’m sorry, sir. I wasn’t expecting you.” He steps aside. “Come on in.”

The office is messy and filled with computers and gadgets on every surface. When I don’t say anything, Jack fumbles over his words, “How—What—Can I help you, sir?”

I nod. “Yes, I need you to hack into Bella Benedetto’s aunt’s cell phone.

“Have a seat,” he says, clearing off a load of papers from it.

“I’m good standing, thanks.”

He clears his throat and sits down himself, tapping frantically at his computer. “No problem with hacking the cell phone. Do you have the cell number?” he asks.

I nod and pass him the piece of paper I scribbled the number down on after speaking to Gio on the phone.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I stare at him with an icy glare. “How long will it take?”

He pales when he looks up at me. “An hour tops.”

“Okay, send me the details on my cell phone once you’ve cracked it.”

Jack nods. “No problem. I’ll try to make it quicker.”

I turn and leave Jack’s office, walking back to the elevator and riding it up to the top floor to go and find Henry. If I have an hour to kill, I can find out what the fuck is going on with this inside plot.

Henry and the five men are in the boardroom. Files are all over the table. I walk in and their eyes widen.

“So, what’s this all about? Who is plotting against me?”

Henry grabs one of the files and passes it to me. I flip it open to see photos of some of my soldiers meeting with the Belyaev Bratva, our main enemy in the city.

“Motherfuckers,” I murmur, flipping through the images. “There’s quite a lot of them.”

Henry nods. “Yeah, but we’re handling it.”

“How?” I ask.

Kane clears his throat. “We have called an organization meeting for tomorrow morning. The culprits will be tortured and killed without fail.”

I clap my hands. “You’ve all done well catching this. Send me the details for the meeting and I’ll be there.”