Page 55 of Pride

Sam, who is in control of merchandise, nods. “Jackson has been the ringleader on this.”

I arch a brow. “I didn’t think he had it in him, but he’s always been too arrogant for his own good.”

“Since I’m here, are there any other issues I need to handle?”

Ahmed, my finance manager, nods. “Yeah, there’s some money missing, too. We suspect it’s the same culprits, but Jack hasn’t managed to track the money back to anyone in our organization.”

I must admit that the Belyaev’s persistence to keep attacking never made much sense, but now it adds up. They had inside ties that they felt would bring them success. We’ll see if we can finally be done with them once and for all after every man who worked with them is dead and buried six feet under.

“Keep working on it and report back to me. I may not be in the city for the next month or two, but this is an important matter and I need to be kept informed.” I give Henry a pointed look as I think he took my irritation last time at being called back to London a little too seriously, as this is a much more difficult matter to address than the Belyaev’s overstepping their territory.

All six of them reply in unison, “Yes, sir.”

I nod and turn around. “I’ll be back in Washington on Monday. If anything urgent crops up, call me.” Walking out of the room, I can’t help but feel on edge.

Is it possible that my quest to get revenge on the Benedetto family is putting my position as king of London in jeopardy?

There was always going to have to be a time where I wasn’t in London if I wanted to carry out my plan against the Benedetto family, but I wonder if it’s blinding me to what’s going on right under my nose.

Clenching my fists, I march out of my headquarters and onto the street. Rage simmering in my veins. Tomorrow morning I intend to make an example out of the men that crossed me, ensure that everyone knows that even when I’m not in the city, I have eyes and ear everywhere.

My cell buzzes and I answer the call. “What’ve you got for me, Jack?”

“So, it was really easy to hack her phone. They’re staying at the Ritz.”

“Of course they are.”

“And I intercepted some text messages between her and Bella’s mom. They’re going to some art exhibition tonight at the Tate.”

“Perfect, thanks Jack.” I end the call. Some of my rage eased at the prospect of being able to see the look on Bella’s face when I turn up at the gallery tonight. It’s crazy how the prospect of seeing my fiancée, even though she’s a Benedetto, can soothe the rage that wants to break free and demolish everything in its path.



My heart pounds like drums in a war march as our eyes meet, and a surge of anger overwhelms me.

“Why the hell is he here?”

Olivia looks as dumfounded as I feel. “I have no idea how he found us here, Bella,” she murmurs.

“This is a damn setup,” I hiss.

She shakes her head. “I can only imagine your dad told him we were here in London.” Her eyes narrow. “How he found out we were attending an art exhibition tonight, I’ll never know.”

“Fuck’s sake.”

Isiah strides toward me in slow motion, every step as precise and calculated as a predator stalking its prey. In the crowd of faces, his is the only one I see. “Surprised to see me, love?”

I swallow hard as Olivia shuffles awkwardly. “How did you find me?” I ask.

The smirk he gives me makes me want to slap it off of his face. “There’s nowhere you can go in London that I won’t find you. This is my city, Bella.”

He turns to Aunt Olivia, his voice dripping with false politeness. “Do you mind giving us a moment alone?”

Bella grabs her aunt’s arm. “Yes, she does. We’re here together and anything you have to say to me can be said to her, too.”

Isiah raises a single brow. “Really? Are you sure about that, love?