I look away and hope to sue that particular media house once this happens. Before then, I hope that Janice changes the channel to one that does not have my face plastered all over it.

Janice takes glances at me frequently. I am sure she is trying to find out if I am the same man shown on the news. I try to look away when my eyes meet hers, and now, I wish I had come in disguise.

It is a few minutes past six. I must have drifted off to sleep when I feel a tap on my shoulder, “Troy?” Camile’s voice resounds in my ear. I wipe my eyes to clear my blurry sight. “You are still here?”

"Camile, I need to speak with you." I hold her hand before she can move it away. "I came to tell you that I am sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you with those words."

“Janice told me you have been here for three hours?” Camile says, pretending not to hear my apology.

I nod at her. "I slept a bit while waiting for you to arrive."

"You can go now," she suggests. "I don't have anything to say to you or your mother." She starts to walk away, but I grab her by her arm and beg her to listen.

"I believe you," I say. "I believe you because I love you, and I know you love me." Camile's eyes widen as she hears me profess my love for the first time.

"I am in deep love with you, Camile," I continue. "I didn't want to, but you leave me helpless, and I have fallen in love with you."

Camile looks perplexed. "I don't know, Troy, we are two unmatchable lives. Plus, you are my boss at work, and I can't -"

I shut her up with a kiss. She gasps, surprised that I have made such a move in public, but she immediately kisses me back.

Camile finally agrees to leave with me. “Do you want to find your father?” I ask. “I can make this right with your family, and make you a shareholder in his stead–”

“No!” Camile cuts me off.

She tells me she doesn’t want to find her father, and she doesn’t want to talk about her family, either. I tip Janice two hundred dollars, and her smile tells me I now confirm her suspicion that I am indeed Troy Robinson. I wink at her as I turn to leave.


Camile and I managed to evade the press yesterday. Today, Monday morning, they are everywhere, waiting to see Camile and I leave the house together.

I give Camile the day off today because I don't want her to be overwhelmed with the attention. It is easier for me alone to evade the press at the front of the house and the hospital parking lot.

Henry and the family lawyer are waiting for me at the hospital; I know Mother has put him up to this. She thinks the lawyer will convince me to hold a damage control press conference, where I deny ever marrying Camile.

"That is the best option for now," Grayson says. "Everyone is waiting to hear from you, Troy - the media, the investors, and your staff. Everyone is waiting to know if the news is true or a mere rumor, and since there is no tangible evidence to prove it, we have leverage if you tell them the pictures were taken at the house party because Camile is Amelia's best friend, and she is also a doctor in your hospital."

I sigh, my eyes darting at Henry. "Do this for the family, bro."

I shake my head; I can't wrap my head around what they are trying to make me do. Henry tries even harder to convince me. "It was never a real marriage, right?" He asks, "Why does it seem difficult to debunk the news?"

I swallow, unable to answer the question or be truthful to myself. I am reluctant to face the crowd to debunk the news because I am so in love with Camile.

It is worse because I know she is in love with me too, and going in front of the camera to tell them the marriage is false is like telling her in front of the whole world that I am not in love.

I stare at Henry and Greyson. "I will do it," I say. "I will do the press conference."

I watch Henry's lips curve into a smile as he stands up to leave. He will prepare the camera for the video release, where I have to deny ever being involved with Camile. I never thought there would be a time when telling the whole world I am not involved with Camile would be so difficult.

Chapter eighteen

My Father


I watch Troy on the television as he addresses the rumor about our “marriage”. He has only one choice: to debunk the rumor and tell the public it is untrue.

I watch him tell the whole world he has no relationship with me except for work, and, of course, I am Amelia's best friend. His eyes are bloodshot and cold.