Page 15 of Sinful Demands

“So, this is your apartment?” he asked as I glowered from the chair across from him. When I didn’t answer, he shifted his admiring gaze of the room to me. “You’re going to have to talk eventually, Kavari.”

“Ask better questions instead of pointing out the obvious, and I might.”

He smirked, his expression filling with amusement. “You are utterly brazen, little bee.”

“Well, it’s who I am, and if you don’t like it, then go back to hell.” I crossed my arms with a sigh.

“I have already explained that the Abaddon Kingdom is not Hellikan. That’s a different location. Plus, I never expressed disliking it. I find it rather refreshing. Sexy even.”

My brows furrowed in confusion, or annoyance, I wasn’t sure which. “Whatever.” I hopped out of the chair and grabbed a throw from behind him, and dropped it into his lap. “You’re sleeping here.”

Before I had a chance to turn away, his fingers laced around my wrist, halting me. His blue eyes sparkled under his dominating stare. “You were more pleasant when I had you naked.”

Afraid of what I would do if he touched me anymore, I snickered and yanked my wrist free. “And you were more pleasant when you didn’t own my soul.”

“Sleep well,” he called out as I stomped out of the room.

“Fuck off!” With a huff, I slammed my bedroom door shut.

Thenextmorning,Iwoke to the smell of breakfast. In a sleepy haze, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Last night wasn’t a dream. Not only had I had the best sex of my life, but my soul was traded to a demon by my asshole father. It had been a lot to process.

“I hear you are awake,” Zell said seconds before the door slid open. “Come have breakfast with me.”

“Stop reading my thoughts!” I hopped out of bed and headed toward the bathroom, stopping at the door. “I don’t have time to play house with you. I have to wash clothes and get ready for work tonight.”

“Your laundry is done and I changed your work schedule.”

“What? You can’t do that.”

“Actually, I can, and it only took a fraction of magic for your boss to give you the week off with pay.” His satisfied grin made me want to punch him in the face.

“But I needed the tips, too. I have bills.”

“I paid them as well. Now you are free to learn what is most important. Contracting souls.”

I shook my head, an exasperated sigh leaving me. “It’s too early for this conversation. I need coffee.”

Zell held out his hand and my favorite mug appeared in it. Steam rising from the inside, he handed it to me with a smile. “This will alleviate your tiredness.”

I blinked a few times in shock before taking the cup and slamming the bathroom door.

After a long hot shower, I got dressed and headed to see what kind of mess he’d left in my kitchen. When I entered, he was sitting at the small table. I glanced at the sink filled with dishes, then the dirty stove.

“The mess can easily be cleaned,” he said before snapping his fingers.

The sink became empty, the stove shining bright with cleanliness. My eyes widened in shock before I felt a smidgen of jealousy since I couldn’t do that.

“Now have a seat, little honey bee. I made all your favorite breakfast foods.”

My eyes scanned the plates that lined the table before I pulled out the chair. After last night’s sex fest, I needed the fuel, so my hands were quick to start grabbing food.

“It was an exerting hour, but well worth it.”

An angry look filled my face as my eyes darted to his. “Stop reading my thoughts!”

His lips curled up into a sinful smile. “I would, but it’s rather amusing.”

My eyes rolled on their own accord, then I stuck a biscuit in my mouth to keep from cursing him. Neither of us spoke the entire meal, but he watched me attentively. Once I was done, I had questions that needed to be answered.