“I don’t know. Your father never stated.”
She sat up but stayed on her knees. “It was a rhetorical question, you fuckface! Stop reading my thoughts!”
“I can, if you’d like.” Confusion settled in me when I offered to appease her without even thinking. I hadn’t cared about pacifying humans prior to meeting Kavari.
She shook her head before scrubbing the tears off her cheeks. “So, am I going to Hell now or when I die?”
“The Abaddon Kingdom differs from the Hellikan Kingdom. As long as you do what the contract requires, you won’t go there until you die, and you’ll never go to Hellikan, unless you do something utterly volatile. Well, or not complete the contract.”
I reached my hand out to hers and helped her off the floor.
“And what does it require?”
“You have to collect souls for me, little bee. Get more contracts signed.”
She let out an exasperated sigh before asking, “Why do you keep calling me that?”
“Because you’re like a gentle bee, but once threatened, your sweetness fades and your stinger comes out. You do it as a defense mechanism to ward off evil assholes like me. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help you since I find it enticing and extremely sexy.” The hormonal scent of lust filled my lungs as I stepped in close. Releasing a talon, she sucked in a gasp, her eyes locking on it. “I demand you to put your stinger away,” I whispered, running my claw down her cheek. “We have plenty of time to play later. For now, you need to learn how to acquire souls.” I dropped my hand, leaving her with parted lips, struggling for air. “Collecting souls isn’t hard. You still get to stay here on Earth living your miserable life and all you have to do is get people to sign a contract.”
Her eyebrows furrowed when confusing thoughts flew through her mind at rapid speed. Eventually, she managed to put them into spoken form.
“I don’t know anything about demons, souls, or contracts.”
“It’s practically effortless. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. Let’s go home to sleep and we’ll reconvene tomorrow.”
“You’re not coming home with me! Stay at a hotel or sleep in your car.”
“I’m only earthbound for three days. I have limited time to teach you so I must persevere.”
After rolling her eyes, she strolled toward the door. “Whatever, but you’re sleeping on the couch.”
I don’t want to be tempted to fuck you again.
“I’ll pretend like I didn’t hear that thought if you let me drive.”
She unlocked the front door and held it open while I exited. “What about your car?” she asked before shutting and relocking it.
“I don’t have one. I invoked magic to make a set of keys appear so you would open the door and feel sorry for me.”
“Stop using magic and stop listening to my thoughts. It’s rude as fuck and annoying.”
She shook her head before she led me to a vehicle which was at least five years old. She hopped in and started the engine, and when I pulled the handle but it remained locked.
After a few thoughts of wondering if she could run off to Vegas and go into hiding, she decided not to attempt it. She unlocked the car, finally allowing me to enter.
“I could teleport to Vegas or anywhere in the world, to be honest,” I said, slamming the door. “So your plan to flee wouldn’t have worked.”
She didn’t respond, instead pulling away from the curb.
Chapter 6
Whatthefuck.Whatthe fuck. What the fuck!
How did I wake up with plans to go to work and do laundry, but end up owned by a demon? At least my soul is the only thing he possesses, not my body, but judging by the way I was eagerly giving him that, he might as well.I immediately told myself that we wouldnotbe fucking again—no matter how amazing it had been.
The smirk on Zell’s face told me he heard everything I had thought and I was mortified.