Page 30 of Blinded By Love

“She is supposed to be leaving town in a few days anyways. I’ll talk to her; we have a code. She just needs to know I’m safe and she will understand.” She pauses for a second, thinking. “Wait, who will take care of the shop?” she asks, looking a bit sad at the thought of losing her friend or maybe not being able to be at her shop for a while.

“We can go over the details later, Little bird. It’s time you eat.” Xander stands, runs a hand down the back of her head and returns back to his seat.

We continue to sit there all silent and waiting for Wren to make the first move while I’m sure she is waiting for us. Deciding to take the first step, I clear my throat making Wren flinch. I eye my brothers as they notice the move as well. “Wren, Princess. Would you like me to cut up your food?” She blushes a light shade of pink and I smirk. Pink is a good color on her. “Yes, please.” She mumbles head down while she fiddles with her fingers on her lap.

“Jax.” I hmm in question as I start cutting up her food in smaller pieces, probably grinning like an idiot at being able to be around Wren finally. “Thank you. As I said earlier no one has ever remembered my favorite breakfast and it smells amazing.” She sends a small, sweet smile in my direction and if I wasn’t already obsessed with this woman I sure as hell am now.

Chapter thirty-two


Breakfast went by in semi silence with a question being tossed out here and there. I felt weird sitting at a table, eating an actual meal and not Pop tarts out of a box with three complete strangers that I happened to fall into bed with the night before. Do I need my head examined? probably. Unfortunately I couldn’t even do the walk of shame because I couldn’t put pressure on my damn ankle without a sharp pain shooting up my leg.

I take the last bite of my fluffy chocolate chip banana pancake and sigh. Jax really is a good cook and the fact that he made my favorite pancakes is sweet. Almost sweet enough to overlook the fact that I believe them now when they say they have been watching me. It’s creepy in a sort of twisted romantic way.

I finish chewing before I finally wipe the corner of my mouth, because I’m a lady and then clear my throat. “May I call Amber now? The sooner I speak with her the better. I really don’t want her freaking out.” I hear silverware clank against a dish, not in a harsh way but I know someone else must be done. “I can take you into the sitting room to make the call.” Xander says as I hear a chair being pushed back.

“Me and Jax will clear the table and join you in a few.” Maverick calls out as I feel Xander pull out my chair. I tense as he places his arms under my legs and behind my back and lifts. He leans down and whispers into my ear. “Calm down little bird. We will not hurt you.” I force my muscles to relax but my mind continues to tell me to be alert, that you never know when they can turn on you.

They always turn on you. Sweet and gentle until one day they strike like a snake. Poisoning you, to leave you weak and helpless but never a killing strike.

He begins to carry me out of the room and into the next. His footsteps sounding different as he passes the threshold. Softer as if walking on a carpet or maybe a rug. Gently he places me on what feels like a couch. Its fabric soft under my fingers as I push myself back onto the cushion to get more comfortable.

“You can use my cell phone to call your friend but it has to stay on the speaker. Do not tell her what really happened. Do you understand Little bird?” I nod. “Words.” He pushes and I almost roll my eyes in annoyance. What’s with these guys and me saying everything out loud.

“Yes Xander. I understand.” I say adding a bit of my annoyance in my tone. He must catch it because he growls but before he can respond or snap at me Mav and Jax enter the room talking in low tones as a phone rings. I crinkle my brow confused at some of the words I catch.

“He has been calling nonstop. He is that desperate to work with us. Pathic fucker.” Mav hisses.

“Just set up a meeting with him before the charity ball, then he will stop calling so much.” Jax replies.

“I wish. The ball is best then we can just string him along. I doubt he has anything of worth for us.” Mav chuckles. Before any more words can be said Xander clears his throat and the guys stop talking.

“What did we miss?” Jax asks coming and taking a seat next to me. The couch cushion sinks in towards him and my body automatically starts to lean into him as well. If he minds, he doesn’t say anything as I try to adjust myself but give up when I realize Jax isn’t moving or helping.

“Oh nothing. Just Wren asking for a spanking.” My head snaps towards Xander’s voice in alarm. Not in fear but lust as my body heats and I clench my legs together. Ugh. What is wrong with me? I don’t know these guys. I know they are dangerous but my body basically melts at the sound of their low, deep and smooth voices.

“I-I- I” Words are stuck in my throat and suddenly the room abruptly bursts into laughter and I slump back into the cushion, my face probably flaming red.

“Don’t worry angel, spanking is only for naughty girls but you’re a good girl aren’t you.” The earlier lust skyrockets. Damn it. These men are dangerous in more ways than one as my center tightens around nothing and I curse these men in my head for making my body respond to them in this way. Did I want a good fuck before I die? yes. Do I feel like these men are going to kill me? Jax just made my favorite breakfast, Xander keeps carrying me around like a damn teacup dog and Mav, that fuck knows what he is doing with calling me a good girl and talking about spanking.

“Can I call Amber now?” I ask again, to change the subject and to cool down my libido that’s screaming for another dirty round in the sheets.

“What’s her number?” Xander asks but I’m not stupid. I know they probably already have her number since my phone has gone missing since my forced arrival.

“Call the Cozy Nook. She should be on shift since I’m M.I.A. She won’t leave without knowing I’m safe.” I explain knowing I have the most loyal and protective best friend ever. We have been thick as thieves since we met during our senior year of high school. I was the new girl and she just walked up to me and said we were going to be best friends then wa-la. She was the one who found me after everything happened. She even put her life on hold for me but I can’t allow it anymore. What kind of best friend would I be if she once again put her life on hold because I got myself into another horrible situation. No this is my doing and I need to get her as far away from me as possible.

The phone is placed next to me, ringing reaching my ears as Xander reminds me to be a good girl. The bastard. After the third ring Amber’s bright and happy voice greets me. “Cozy Nook Bookshop, this is Amber. How can I help you?” I smile at hearing how happy and bubbly she is. I’m going to miss that.

“’Amber.” I say softly and the line goes quiet. I hear her mumbling and the rustling of things moving, but a second later Amber is back, her happy personality gone and what I call her mom voice comes through the phone.

“Wren, you bitch. Where the fuck are you? You left me working my last day all by myself and you didn’t even call this morning. How dare you? I’ve been worried sick, no wonder I have gray hair at my age.” I hear a snort come from across the room but ignore it. I love Amber. She is more than my best friend, she is the sister I never had and saying goodbye to her will be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the code phrase I have to say. “Amber, I’m taking a last-minute vacation.” The line goes quiet before I hear a quiet sob and my heart breaks. She knows that phrase means I’m hiding or running and that I might not be safe. I can feel tears start to form but push them away. I need to be the strong one this time. She needs to move on to bigger and better.

“No. You can’t. What about the store? Wren no. Please. We can go on vacation together, please.” The tears I tried to hold back break free at her plea. “Wren, It’s me and you against the world.” She reminds me and this time the flood gates open. I feel myself being lifted and placed into someone’s lap. The smell of gunpowder and leather fills my nose and I grab onto his shirt like a life raft needing to stay afloat. Jax.

“Amber. Listen to me. I’m going on a vacation but I don’t think it will be a long one.” I take a second to consider my words. “I think this one will be better than the last.” I can hear her cries in the background but they pause at my words. “Amber. I need you to not worry about me. You need to be with Jake. Close up the shop like normal tonight. Tell Caleb and Camille that they are on an extended vacation with pay. I promise it will work out.” I know I shouldn’t make this promise but she needs to hear it.