Page 29 of Blinded By Love

“I’ve seen it all, little bird. This doesn’t bother me. Now hurry up, breakfast is just about ready.” His words seem so innocent. Like what he just said was a completely normal thing to say to the woman you kidnapped and telling them to give you a chance.

I close my eyes tight and pretend he’s not here, which finally works after a second. I go to pull up my panties but then remember I’m not even wearing my own clothes. A thought crosses my mind. When was the last time I took my birth control shot? I’m pretty sure none of us were thinking about condoms last night. I haven’t had sex in years due to reasons but the birth control shot was a safe bet in case of anything plus they helped my god-awful periods. I’m pretty sure I’m still good but the next time I see the Doc maybe I should ask him.

“Should I be worried about catching anything from you three?” I blurt out and cringe. I really need a filter control.

Xander laughs out but he finally answers. “No little bird. I’ve fucked a few mouths thinking of you. Jax hasn’t touched another woman since meeting you and Mav’s the same as me. But he tried to not think of you. See how that worked out from him.”

I’m about to ask what he means when I hear someone knock on the bathroom door. “Jax says breakfast is ready. Good morning, Angel. How’d you sleep?”

‘Umm, good I think.” I reply. Who is this man and what did he do with the Maverick I first met? The asshole Maverick. Out of nowhere my stomach lets out a loud over dramatic growl and I flush.

“Let’s get you some food Angel. We can talk more downstairs.” I simply nod as Xander once again picks me up, carrying me around as I relax into his heady scent of whiskey and expensive cigars.

Chapter thirty-one


I stared mindlessly into the fridge, wishing I was still laying next to Wren up stairs. I was with her most of the night after we bathed and dressed her. I wanted her in one of my shirts since Mav got to bathe with her again but his are a bit smaller than mine and would fit her small frame better. I left a few of my shirts in her clothes anyway just in case.

Xander had switched places with me about an hour ago. The asshole basically kicked me out of the bed to get all cuddled up with our girl. Our girl, I’ve waited to say that for a while now. After I was dismissed, I headed to my room to shower and get dressed for the day before heading downstairs to get breakfast ready for my princess. I think I’ll make a few of her favorites. At least I think they are her favorites. I watched her eat a lot of take out over the last month. A horrible habit I plan to break immediately, but when she would have breakfast with her friend, I noticed she likes chocolate chip banana pancakes, bacon, and fresh fruit. I gather the ingredients I’ll need and get to work.

I’m just starting the pancakes when Maverick comes walking in looking like something out of a horror movie. “Mav, dude, did you get any sleep?” I know he didn’t, the moment Wren was tucked in and cuddled up against my chest the guys headed to the office to find more information. When we all saw the scars that line Wren’s back and stomach, I was shocked. Then furious, rage burned deep inside my soul, wanting to tear down this world to destroy whoever left marks on her. Then I was angry at myself for never noticing. One of us has been in her home every night and I know Xander and Mav watched the camera often but none of us saw them. She hid them and because she is blind she never turned on the lights.

I know Mav has another guy looking into Wren as well but it’s like she never existed. Someone erased her but I also think that’s a good thing. The scars of her stomach are clearly bullet wounds. We all would know, we all have at least one if not more. Which means someone must have tried to kill her, but why? My princess wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Maverick goes straight to the coffee pot, grabbing a mug and pouring himself a cup. “Anything?” I ask when he doesn’t reply. He shakes his head taking a big gulp before setting the cup back down.

“Nothing. It’s like she doesn’t exist. I haven’t heard from my guy in a while either, which is unusual. He is usually pretty fast with information.” He stares off into space, lost in thought as I flip the bacon, grease popping and flying out of the pan. “Jax.” He calls and I glance over. “Who could do that to her?” He asks, sounding heartbroken and angry at the same time. “I mean we aren’t no saints. We’ve gotten creative when needed to be, but a woman. The scars were layered. Years man, they happened over years.” This time his words sound broken. For a man who doesn’t show emotion he sure cares about Wren.

“I don’t know man but when we find out, they are going to beg for death.” I gave him a wicked smile, my mind wandering to the basement and how we haven’t used it in quite some time. Maybe I should get it ready for an extended guest.

A phone going off brings me out of my darker thoughts and I focus back in on Maverick as he reaches into his pocket and grabs his phone. He looks down at his screen checking the caller ID and groans. “It’s Adrian West. The man is relentless, he has been calling for weeks now trying to get a meeting with us. Ever since his dad died a year ago, he has been trying to expand. He wants to make a business deal with Xander.” He explains and I smirk. Adrian West. The guy’s a douche. I’ve heard a few rumors about how he treats women, does dirty or shady deals and burned through his dad’s inheritance within a few months of him being dead.

Maverick sends him to voicemail. “We will have to meet with him at some point. Let's hear him out and see if we can benefit from anything. I heard through the grapevine that his dad had connections down south. Maybe his son inherited those connections.” Mav just nods and takes another drink of his black coffee while I place the bacon on a plate to start the pancakes.

“Yeah, maybe we can meet with him at the charity auction Xander wants us to go to. That way we can excuse ourselves if needed.” He smirks knowing we usually stay long enough to get a few pictures and then we're gone. I roll my eyes.

“Maybe Princess will want to go. It’s for a good cause after all and I bet Xander already has a dress bought for her.” The crazy bastard had her sizes and clothes already planned for, purchased days ago. His obsession goes deep but I suppose it does with all of us. Just in different ways. Xander wants to buy her things, spoil her in a way any girl would dream of. Maverick wants to protect her. We all do but he wants to protect her so much he will be obsessed about her safety everywhere she goes. Me, I want to love her. Be there for her like a best friend and support her emotionally but I have no qualms about protecting her in any other way.

“Anyway, we can talk about that later, it sounds like Wren is up. Go grab them, breakfast is ready.” Mav downs his coffee before placing his cup in the sink, slapping me on the shoulder before saying, “I wonder when she’ll realize she has all three of us at her beck and call.” He laughs as he heads for the stairs and I realize he’s right. She could ask anything from us and she would have it. Well, anything except us leaving her alone.

I just finish setting the table when Maverick walks in, Xander carrying Wren right behind him as they head towards the table. He sets her down in between his chair and mine and I grin. I lean down, kissing the top of Wren's head and taking a deep inhale of her scent. I can smell the lavender and coconut from her baths last night mixed with a bit of each of our scents. It’s the perfect combination for her. Almost a claiming if another male were to catch her smell but that wouldn’t happen.

“Good morning, Princess. Hungry?” She sits there, not saying a thing but then slowly nods. I load up a plate and set it in front of her. “I made your favorite. Chocolate chip banana pancakes, bacon, and a side of fresh fruit. We only had bananas, strawberries, and cantaloupe but it’s all fresh.” I explain as I take my seat next to her. I’m about to ask if she wants me to cut up her food or something when my heart drops. A small wet tear slides down her cheek and all we can do is stare. What did I do wrong?

Xander snaps out of it first rushing to her slide, kneeling. We have it bad. Xander would have never knelt for a woman. Wren is special. “Little bird, what is wrong? Tell us and we can fix it.” He says, glancing over to glare at me like this is all my fault, when I have no idea what is happening.

She reaches up and wipes away her tear. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry. It just caught me so off guard. It-it just no one has ever remembered my favorite food like this. I mean Amber does, but she is like a sister to me. Oh shit.” Her face pales and my heart rate rockets again. “She is going to be worried. What if she goes to my place or doesn’t hear from me. She is going to freak out. She knows that if-'' She snaps her mouth shut and tilts her head down towards the table.

“She knows what Angel?” Mav asks, voice calm and even while his eyes tell a different story. Did she tell Amber about that night?

“She doesn’t know about you if that’s what you think but she knows if I go radio silent or she can’t find me something bad has probably happened. Look I can’t have her freaking out or looking for me in the wrong places. Please, I need to talk to her.” She pleads and we all look at each other. She’s not telling us something but she has a point. We can’t have her friend thinking we did something to her. Not that calling the police on us will do anything, but we don’t need that speed bump right now.

“After breakfast you can call her but one of us will be with you. She can’t know about how you came to stay with us, Little bird.”

“You won’t hurt her.” She snaps and I grin. My princess has a fierce side to her. “You hurt her and you can forget about me giving you guys a chance.” She raises her head, straightens her back and looks every bit the queen we plan to make her.

“Your friend is safe, Wren. We promise.” She nods.