Page 32 of Blinded By Love

Doc nods his head and continues checking a few more things. The normal full checkup. Blood pressure, oxygen, temperature, etc. They talk a bit about random things but I continue to watch her as she relaxes into the conversation between them.

It takes about thirty minutes but Doc finally gives her the all clear. Before he can excuse himself, Wren speaks up. “Thank you, Doc. For everything. I really appreciate it.” He smiles down at her and I narrow my eyes. “Of course, dear. If you ever need me, just call, anytime.” She nods and smiles over at him. Maybe I will kill him. That smile is for us and only us.

Doc gathers his things and starts to head for the door and I follow. He stops short and turns to me, digging into his bag for a second. He pulls out a box of pills and I frown at him. He chuckles before explaining. “Birth control pills. I forgot she brought them up when I took out the stitches the other week. She asked if I could bring her some.” I’m already shaking my head.

“Those won’t be necessary, Doc.” It’s his turn to frown. “She doesn’t need those pills.”

“But she asked for them.” he replies.

“You misunderstood me Doc. She won’t be taking birth control pills.” My pleasant smile drops and the look I’ve used to make grown men cower washes over my face. His eyes finally widen in understanding before he turns and walks out the door but not before looking back towards Wren with a sad look on his face. He knows we aren’t good men but the woman will be ours even if we have to force her to stay with us. One way or another.

Chapter thirty-four


“Are you sure you’re going to be okay up here? I can move you down to the living room in case you want something downstairs.” Jax asks for what feels like the hundredth time.

“I’m fine Jax. I promise. I have my book and Marie is here if I need anything that desperately. Now go before you’re late.” He leans down taking a deep breath, inhaling my scent like he might forget it and kisses my head gently.

“Okay. Call Marie if you have any issues and I’ll race home.” I giggle at the giant teddy bear of a man. I listen as his footsteps lead away and I can finally breathe clean air. I swear I have been surrounded by delicious scents for the past five weeks and every time one of them is near I want to jump them. I imagine them sinking their cocks into my needy pussy and reenacting our first night together but I’ve stayed stronger but everyday they chip at my brick walls that much more.

I have to get out of here before then. I can’t give them my heart, but the past few weeks have not been what I expected. Every morning, one of them helps me bathe. Washing my hair and skin with soft, almost loving touches. They pick out my outfits, carry me downstairs and feed me yummy food. Come on, food is the way to any woman’s heart. That and great sex which I won’t allow. Even if my panties are always wet when one of them is near. My body craves their touch but I have to stay strong. They said I could leave once I was healed and Doc gave me the good ahead. I want my freedom again.

They asked me to stay for dinner to talk and I will but I have a feeling it won’t be the talk I want. Deep down I know men like them don’t just let you walk away but I will fight them for it. Even if a small, tiny part of me doesn’t actually want to leave. I feel safe when I’m with them and it’s been a long while since I’ve felt truly safe.

Could I actually have a life with them? Be their woman like I hear them say they want. They call me their girl but what if I’m just their temporary girl? I mean no one actually wants a blind, scared, weak woman. No. They will find someone prettier, better and I’ll be thrown to the side like I never existed.

I’ve made up my mind. Dinner, then I need to leave. Maybe I’ll take a vacation like I told Amber I would.

It’s a few hours later, when I realize I’ve been lost in the world of my newest book. But then again what kind of girl wouldn’t want to live in a fantasy world with dragons and brave men who always save the woman in the end. Because I absolutely do.

It must be late afternoon because my stomach growls in anger at not being fed lunch. I debated for a minute if I should wait it out until dinner or ask Marie for a snack. My stomach growls even louder and decided a snack would be best. I fumble for my phone on the nightstand to call for Marie when I hear the distinct clicking of heels on marble floors.

I frown as the sound seems to get closer and I sit up in bed. Marie doesn’t wear heels and she tends to have lighter footsteps. A stronger overwhelming scent of flora perfume assaults my nose and clogs my throat. I can actually taste the chemicals this new person is doused in. I’m trying not to gag when the high-pitched screech reaches my ears. “Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my room?”

I rush to the edge of the bed to try and stand. “Who are you?” I asked confused. The guys would have told me if someone new was stopping by, right?

“Who am I? Are you serious? I’m the woman of the house. Who the fuck are you?” Tears threaten to fall from my eyes. Of course, the guys already have someone. I knew I was just a toy to them. This was probably what they were going to tell me tonight at dinner. Ugh. Wren, you stupid, stupid girl?

I hear soft footsteps come from the direction of the door, then a gasp rings out. “Oh my. Miss Tiffany, you are not supposed to be here. You need to leave.” Marie rushes out, sounding panicked. I finally stand and reach out my hands to find the wall near the bed. The one that leads to the door, I want out. This is humiliating.

“You’re blind. Is this a joke? I’m gone for a few months doing shows in Paris and I get replaced by this.” She laughs then, the sound cold and humorless. My fingers finally touch the smooth surface of the wall and I exhale. One step closer to being gone.

“Miss Tiffany, you really can’t be here. I’m calling Mr. Ashford.” Marie’s footsteps lead away in a rush and an uneasy feeling sets low in my stomach. Hunger is gone and replaced by shame. For a second, I thought this was different. That they were different. But I was right, I will never be safe,never feel like I can truly call a place home. No, I will never be loved.

I slowly make my way toward the door, hoping and praying that I don’t fall and injure myself any more as Tiffany continues to throw insults and rude remarks my way. The words simply bounce off my skin at this point. I’ve been called worse, been treated worse.

“You were simply the little whore that passed the time while I was gone. You are nothing to them. Not when they have a real woman like me.” I can sense her moving closer and I tense, ready for attack. I’ve learned that women can be just as vicious as men. She giggles. “Pathetic really.”

I make my way down the hall, still wearing just a huge baggy t-shirt. I think it is Jax's, the scent of gunpowder is anything to go by. I have no shoes and have no idea where I am in town. I assume the fancier side of town but I don’t have my purse or any money to get me home. Home? Where the hell is home now? I probably lost my tiny apartment and my phone is still back in the room. I don’t even have Amber’s number or anyone’s for that matter memorized. My phone was a lifeline. Shit. What am I going to do?

It's slow going but I finally make it to the stairs. At least I hope it’s the stairs but from the giggle and “watch your step bitch” from behind me is anything, I’m pretty sure I’m about to have a not so little accident. The venom in this woman’s voice could probably make grown men be cautious. I’m a bit nervous she might actually push me. I mean I’m in her house and slept with her man or men. Oh god. I’m a homewrecker.

“Hurry up already. I don’t have all day. I need to get ready for when my men get home. I also need to make sure Marie gets the stench of you out of my room.” There is clear disgust in her voice and a single tear finally falls.

Damn it. Stay strong Wren. You are finally getting free of these men. You should be happy. You’ve been in worse situations and made it out alive. Barely, but still alive. Just one step at a time.

I take a deep inhale, hold it for a sec and then finally exhale. I take one step at a time. The mantra playing on repeat as I grip the railing tightly and hang on for dear life. I need to be ready for when she decides I’m going to slow.