Page 33 of Blinded By Love

It takes me a few minutes but my bare feet finally hit the cold marble floor underneath me, making me sigh in relief. The hard part is over. I didn’t realize there were so many stairs but that’s expected since my feet haven’t actually touched the ground in a few weeks. A pang of hurt goes through my chest. They played me good. I thought for half a second that I might actually mean something to at least one of them.

I realize I was just standing there, mind lost in a sea of thoughts when I hard shove comes from behind me. I wasn’t expecting it, stumbling forward I try to catch myself on a wall or something but all I catch is air. The ground comes up fast and I hit hard. Luckily my hands were out in front of me because they managed to absorb most of my impact but it still hurts.

I lay there wondering how far she expects me to make it half naked, no shoes, no purse and blind as a bat. Not far but she could probably care less. “You’re just wasting time. Get up already you useless bitch.” She sneers. I understand where her anger is coming from, I do but what does she really expect? It’s not like I can see pictures of them set up around the house to know they were already taken.

“Please, can I just have my clothes, my shoes, and my phone? I didn’t know they were in a relationship. I swear. They never said anything.” She scoffs at that but I continue on. “Please. I’ll leave no issue but I need my phone and purse. Please.” I go to stand when I hear a door slam from somewhere behind me.

I hear heavy footsteps and wonder if she is going to have security escort me out or something. I’m focusing on the sounds from behind me fast approaching when I should have paid more attention to the viper in the room with me. Rookie mistake. She takes that second to lean down close to me. Her heavy flora perfume threatens to suffocate me. “You are trash. I can’t wait to watch them throw you out to the curb where you belong whore.” She coos in a singsong voice before the tip of whatever expensive high heel shoe she is wearing connects with my stomach. The air whooshes from my lungs but I bite my lip to trap the noise from escape in. I will not give her that satisfaction.

I try to take in a stuttering breath when I hear them. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Xander’s voice echoes around whatever area we are in and I can’t help my sudden flinch. He is angry and angry men take out their frustration on women. Another tear falls as I prepare my mind for the world of pain I’m about to go through. They should have just killed me that first day.

Chapter thirty-five


“Mr. West is running a bit late, Mr. Adler. Should I reschedule or bump back your meeting after?” Jennifer, my secretary, says in a sweet, silken voice from the door. The guys and I are in my office preparing for this damn meeting and deciding if working with Adrian West is worth it. The man has huge shoes to fill. His dad wasn’t half bad but Adrian is an overgrown child trying to play the mob boss. It’s laughable really but his father did have connections that would benefit us.

Her long auburn hair is tied back in some type of fancy bun thing while shit brown eyes are heavily lidded with lust as she gives me and the guys a once over. Eyes lingering on my belt a second too long. Her sheer baby pink shirt is unbuttoned at the top leaving the tops of her oversized fake tits about to pop out. While her tight black skirt clings to her like a second skin making me wonder how she even got the thing on.

I give her a blank stare. “Yes, Jennifer. Bump back my next few meetings. The meeting with Mr. West shouldn’t be that long but just in case.” She nods but doesn’t move. After a second I quirk a brow at her. “Was there anything else?” I ask but I already know what’s about to come out of those thin red painted lips. An image of Wren’s plump natural pink lips comes to mind. The things she can do with her tongue, I almost groan as my pants get tighter. Shit.

Jennifer’s annoying voice pops my fantasy bubble. She sounds like she just ate a jar of nails rather than the husky sexy voice my angel has. “Well, no, but is there anything else I can do for you?” she shifts her eyes from Xander to me, never eyeing Jax. The bastard scares just about everyone and looks meaner then fuck in the dark gray suit he is wearing now. I wonder what Wren would think of us if she could actually see us.

It's been a few hours since we left Wren and I’m itching to get back to her. I’m sure Jax and Xander feel the same way. We’ve never all left her at once since she came to stay with us. At least one of us has stayed with her or we’ve worked from our home office but today we needed to show the power we three hold. I’ve heard a few rumors that me and the guys have gone soft, that a woman might be involved. Granted these rumors are partly true, a woman is involved but we haven’t gone soft, not in the least. I reach down, adjusting my cock as more thoughts of the woman in question comes to mind.

Wren was a goddess laid up on the bed, my brothers and I worshiping her. She tasted like the sweetest nectar. The feel of her skin against mine as I slide my hand across her ample chest. A handful for sure but naturally soft and perfect. Her creamy skin turning pink with each nip of my teeth and soft touches as I-.

My thoughts are interrupted once again by the woman who thinks she can fuck her way to the top but we are changed men. “Anything, sir. Anything at all.” She tries to purr. I’m sure to someone she is a catch. She’s good looking and if I didn’t have my angel, I would probably take her up on her anything offer but Wren is in my life and the thought of any woman but her makes my cock deflate faster than a popped balloon.

Unfortunately, or maybe lucky for her, before I can fire her or maybe threaten her Xander’s phone rings. The sound breaking up my annoyance with Jennifer and her thinking she might have a chance with one of us.

“Marie?” he says letting us know who was calling as he sits up straighter on the couch, as does Jax. I do the same, worry starting in the back of my mind. Did she fall? Was Doc wrong and she wasn’t healed fully? Or the worst thought of all, did she try to run from us?

“Leave.” I growl as Xander hits the answer call button, turning it on the speaker. Maybe Wren is calling from Marie’s phone and misses us. I almost laugh at that. She has loosened up around us but I can still see the walls in place. She doesn’t fully trust us and probably still thinks she will be leaving. Jokes on her, she won’t be leaving us ever.

“Sir, you need to come home quickly.” Marie rushes out sounding panicked. That immediately gets my attention. Marie is usually the picture of calm, cool and collected. Nothing fazes her. Once Jax came home with a gunshot wound, bleeding all over and Marie simply rolled her eyes and told him to stop bleeding all over her just mopped floors. Marie is like a mother to us and nothing we do has ever made her sound so concerned but she has taken a liking to Wren.

She treats all of our staff with respect. My angel was the first woman we brought home that treated Marie like a person and not just another maid. They drink tea together, Wren asking about her family and the things she enjoys. Wren truly is an angel with her big heart made of gold, always more worried about others over herself.

“What happened?” Xander growls, obviously coming to the same understanding as me. It’s about his little bird.

“Sir, Miss Tiffany showed up. She had a key, so I didn't know she was here until I was bringing Miss Wren lunch. Please sir, you need to come home.” She pleads. She likes Wren a lot and we all know Tiffany is a bitch on a good day but her jealousy will turn her into a fucking psycho. I’m already up and heading for the door, keys in hand when Jax and Xander join me.

“Jennifer, cancel all meetings for the rest of the day. Tell Mr. West we will meet him at the Gala this weekend and that we can discuss business there.” I go to pass her desk but the fear and anger with the situation swells in my chest. I turn to her, snapping out my arm. I grip her throat, leaning in with my lips pressed to her ear as I feel her body shudder at my touch. She must think this is a sexual initiation because she tries to press her body closer to mine. I snarl at her. “If you want to continue to have a job with us you will mind your tongue and thoughts or I will take it from that ugly little mouth of yours. You are but an ant beneath my shiny dress shoes. I will smash you if you don’t learn your place quickly. Do you understand?” She nods her head like a good little bobble head. I toss her back. She stumbles over her feet before she lands on her ass, tears ruining her makeup as she crowds away from me.

Turning on my heels, we leave the office in a rush. Wren needs us and if that bitch Tiffany lays a single hand on my angel’s head, I will destroy her. I’ve never enjoyed hurting women but I will make an exception for her.

Chapter thirty-six


We race through the city. I’m on my bike flying between cars while the others are in Xander’s sleek black Mercedes-Benz. He runs red lights and swerves around cars like the hounds of hell are on his ass. But really, it’s our woman who needs us. Go figure the day all three of us are out of the house that the snake of a woman waltzes back into our lives like she belongs there. She doesn’t, I’ve hated that bitch since day one but pussy is pussy in the dark. But now that I’ve had Wren, it’s a new story.

We work roughly twenty minutes from the house but we make it back in record time. The gate is already open waiting for us as we speed down the grovel drive and I slide to a stop, rocks flying everywhere but now is not the time to care.

A second later I’m throwing my leg over my bike and ripping off my helmet as Mav and Xander pull in next to me. Rocks fly out and hit my bike leaving scratches and dents but I couldn’t care less right now. My princess needs me.

The guys waste no time in throwing open their doors, as we all turn and head straight for the door. I roll my shoulder, cracking my neck in the process. I don’t care if Tiffany is our ex-fuck buddy, Wren is our future and I will kill anymore who threatens her or does her any harm.