“Wren. Where are you? I’ll come to meet you and we can take the vacation together. Jake will understand. We are family, sisters, we stick together. You promised that we would always go on vacation together.” More tears fall. That was the plan until she met the love of her life. I knew I wouldn’t hold her back. I made a plan to run on my own if I had too but I never thought I would have to use it. I knew she wouldn’t take this well.
“I’m safe Amber. I promise. Maybe we can meet up in the wildflower fields we love so much soon?” Telling her about the wildflowers means I’ll contact her as soon as I’m safe and able. But I have no idea when that will be with these guys. ‘I need you to be happy and go be with Jake. You were my prince, now let me be yours.” I used to call her my prince charming after what happened. She saved me in more ways than one and now It’s my turn to save her.
“Wren. Please. What am I supposed to do without you?” The answer was simple. “You live your life and do not make my mistakes. Now I have to go.” I wipe my face as tears continue to fall. I can feel a wet spot on Jax’s shirt under me but I can’t seem to care right now. Not when they are making me say goodbye to my life line. “Wren. I love you. See you in the wildflowers.”
“I love you too, see you in the wildflower.” Someone hangs up the phone and I lose it. I grip Jax and let out everything. I know this is the right thing to do. These men are not good but saying goodbye like that was like ripping out my own heart.
“What did all that mean princess?” Jax asks, pulling me tighter into his chest. I let the scent of him consume me as I try my breaking heart.
“Going on vacation means I'm hiding or running. We always planned to run together but I had a plan in place to run without her. She needs to settle down and be happy. She put her life on hold for me and I can’t let her do it again.” I explain. “Meet in the wildflowers means we will see each other again. It was a code phrase for if we weren’t together. It just means that we will be in contact to meet up.” All the emotions coursing through me suddenly collapses and exhaustion racks my entire body. I honestly just want to curl into a ball and cry a river worth of tears while eating my weight in rocky road ice cream and reading one of my favorite books.
“Why do you have these code words and phrases, little bird?” I shrug, not wanting to tell them shit. They don’t deserve to know shit after what I just had to do. “Wren. You will tell us who left these marks on your body. One way or another.” And then I snap.
Spinning around on Jax's lap I face the direction I heard Xander. “Or what? What will you do Xander? Add to my scars, go ahead. I’ve lived through one monster, I can live through three more. You’re all the same. Men want a “good girl”, a “dolly” A woman to sit still and look pretty. So do your worst Xander, I don’t care. Just kill me already.” I’m panting by the time I’m done with my rant and I don’t feel any better. Do I want these guys to just kill me and be done? Of course not. Will I sit still and be a pretty little dolly anymore? Fuck no. If they are going to kill me then fuck it, I’ll go out with my head held high.
I can hear someone else taking deep breaths, probably Xander but I don’t care. “How about we all take a breath and calm down? Angel, we aren’t going to kill you. We just want to know who did this all to you. We see you flinch at loud noises or the smallest of touches. We just want to get your pound of flesh.” I ignore Maverick’s words. I doubt that’s what it is.
“I would like to go to my prison cell now.” I say out loud knowing I have to be carried since I have no idea where it is and my damn ankle is still in pain. Jax lifts me with ease and starts walking, we barely make it a step when Xander’s voice stops Jax.
“We aren’t him, Little bird and this isn’t a prison cell. I know you think we are monsters but you agreed to give us a chance. I know you’re upset about Amber but once you’re better you can see her. I promise. Wherever she is we will take you. Just trust us and give us a chance.” I hear him start to walk away. I feel like I should say something or maybe just have the last word to prove a point but emotion clogs my throat.
How the hell am I supposed to be angry with these guys? He promises I can see Amber in a few weeks but he wants me to trust them after overhearing them kill someone and then kidnapping me. The real question is can I? I know if I want my freedom I will have to.
Chapter thirty-three
It’s been five weeks since Wren has been living with us. I almost can’t remember what it was like not having her here. The sound of her gentle easy going laugh filling the halls or the soft scent of fresh cut flowers and mocha coffee filling the house. I have no doubt if Doc clears her today that she would try to run. She has been the shining sun that we needed for so long and the thought of not having her here guts me. No, she will never leave us. I can’t allow it.
I stand at the door frame watching as she dresses for the day. She slides the simple silk green dress over her head. I stare mesmerized as the fabric clings to her every curve. Jealousy roars through my blood wishing it was me, my skin sliding against hers, clinging to her like my life depended on it. Caressing that perfect body that she tries to hide from us. I know she thinks her scars are hideous but I find them beautiful. She is a warrior, strong and worthy of all our love and more but she is not ready to feel the full impact of what three men’s love for her feels like.
I continue to stare as she begins to brush out her hair in long smooth strokes. It’s become a routine of sorts. Every morning one of us will come in to help her bathe. We know her ankle is healed well enough but this is the only time she allows us to freely worship her. Yes, we still carry her from her room to the dining room and everywhere in between but it’s not the same. She has opened up to us more but not enough. We need more, I need more. I need to know who made her this way. So afraid of men, flinching at my soft touches.
“Are you just going to stand there?” She calls out. She amazes me with how she can tell when we are near and who, but she continues on like the princess Jax calls her. She must know by now we would do just about anything for her. Wren would simply need to snap her fingers and we would do as told. Like lost puppies.
I would kill a hundred men if needed. Jax is worried that it might come to that if anyone found out about our true obsession with her. But we won't let that happen. We won’t hide her away, not when my little bird needs to fly and feel free but she will never be alone again.
I step into the room and head straight for the perfect goddess of a woman. “Let me, Little bird.” I take the brush from her small hand, letting my own glide across her skin, feeling her softest and watch as goosebumps erupt across her arm. I smirk when I see a rosy blush that paints her cheeks. I take the brush and slowly start to fan out her hair. It’s long, soft, and slightly wavy as it air dries after her shower.
“Doc will be here soon to give you the all clear with your ankle.” She hmms in acknowledgment as I run my fingers through her hair the way she likes. “I know we said once we were healed you could go…” She tenses at my words. Setting the brush down I place my hands on her shoulders. “Relax, let me finish.” She takes a deep breath and nods her head silently. “We said you can go once you were healed but we would like to have dinner with you and talk tonight. All three of us need to head to the office today but we shouldn’t be late.” I rub the back of her neck to ease a bit of her tension.
“Just dinner?” She asks fiddling with her fingers tangled in her lap. I hmm in response just loving the feel of her smooth creamy skin. “Then I can leave?” I pause at that. My first instinct is to say no. That she will never leave us but I don’t want to scare my little bird and make her run now. Not when we are so close to having our forever.
Luckily, I’m saved from answering when Mav clears his throat making us both look in his direction. “Doc is here and ready for you Angel,” He says, eyes only on Wren. For a man who wanted nothing to do with her he sure has become an obsessed fool like us. His eyes seem to always be on his angel when he thinks none of us notice. I know he doesn’t want her in our world but I also don’t think he could let her go at this point.
“Okay. I’m ready.” She gives him one of her blinding bright smiles and I can basically see the heart shaped eyes on his face. I chuckle, reaching down to lift her up into my arms.
We reach the living room, deciding that this is more comfortable for Wren and set her down on the couch. I nod to Doc standing in the corner and he nods in return before stepping forward to start his work.
Doc sets his bag on the coffee table, turning to look at Wren. He nods his head in what seems approval, not that we care but I think he was afraid for my little bird. We would never hurt a single blonde hair on her perfect head but we do have a reputation. So, his concern was valid.
“How are you doing Wren? How’s the ankle?” He leans down, about to check the healed injury on the back of her head when he pauses. “I’m going to touch your head. I know the stitches are out but I want to make sure.” She nods in understanding and turns her head slightly to give him better access. I admire the man and no longer feel the need to kill him now. He knew she flinched easier and let her know what he was doing before he did.
“My ankle is feeling all better now. No more pain and no more headaches.” He hmms, the sound low in his throat as he continues to check her over. “That’s good dear. How are these boys treating you?” He asks and the breath in my lungs freezes. I never really thought about her answer but right now it seems important.
There is a long pause, and I feel like I might pass out if she doesn’t say something soon. “They have been perfect gentlemen.” She lets out a little giggle at Doc’s chuckle and the air whooshes from my lungs. I grin like a little schoolboy who just found out their crush likes them back. She likes us. She doesn’t need to say it out right but I can tell.
“Let me take a look at your ankle dear.” Wren lifts her ankle and doc places it in his hand. He begins to turn it side to side and flex it up and down. I watch Wren’s face carefully. I wouldn’t put it past her to lie and say she felt fine to turn and leave us. Not that it would work.