Page 17 of Blinded By Love

“Packing?” he questions, sounding just as confused as I was. “Why was she packing?” he asks, like I would somehow know.

“I don’t know. She mumbled to herself a bit about needing to leave and then said fuck it. She was about to leave. I freaked and stood to follow, but the chair made a noise. I think it scared her, but then she went to run. In a moment of panic, I snatched the bag to keep her from leaving. It slipped from her hand, making her lose balance and she fell, hitting her head.” I explain, but guilt and shame at causing my princess pain swirls inside of me. I’ve never felt this before. Guilt at causing someone else pain.

“So you scared her?” He asks, his cold, pissed voice in place, and I know he is coming up with a way to kill me himself.

“She was injured before as well. She was also bleeding from her lip and the side of her head, but I didn’t notice till after she fell.” I add.

“Mav, make sure the guards open the gate. Jax should be here any minute.” He calls out as I turn the corner to our road, seeing the gates just opening. I speed through, not waiting for them to fully open but knowing I’ll make it. I don’t see the Doc’s car and rage builds under my skin. I've refrained from hurting anyone for quite some time, but now I have an overwhelming desire to spill some blood. I throw the Jeep into park when I see headlights pull up behind me. Doc has his med bag in hand as he throws himself out of his driver's side and stumbles over to my Jeep. I get out, opening the back door to once again gently grab Wren, trying my hardest not to rustle her so much.

Doc’s eyes widen as he darts them to the blood covering me and then to the small limp form in my arms. Her blood dripping to the gravel and painting the ground red. “In the house, quickly.” I turn towards the house, seeing Xander and Maverick standing at the wide-open doors.

“The room is ready. You better make sure she is alright, Doc. I would hate to have to replace you.” Xander says as Doc rushes ahead of me and towards our usual med room. Me following a step behind, Xander and Mav right behind me. I enter the room, placing her down on the hospital bed as Doc rushes around the room to prepare.

As I take a step back, I slump against the wall, my eyes fixed on Wren, who is lying helplessly on the bed. The guilt and shame that Wren was hurt in my presence makes my chest hurt. I knew it was too good to be true. Everyone fears the beast that I am and so does she. I just hoped that she would get to know me before she feared me.

Chapter eighteen


I follow Xander out the large front doors when we hear Jax’s Jeep racing up the gravel driveway. He slams to a stop, then quickly darts his eyes around, his face transforming into a sneer. His head snaps back when a second car speeds up the drive and slams on its brakes. Doc rushes out looking a mess and stumbling over his feet as he rushes to Jax’s Jeep.

Jax opens the back door, reaching in to grab who I assume to be a crying and in pain Wren, but my stomach drops at the limp rag doll he holds in his large hands. Blood drops to the ground, soaking the gravel and covers Wren’s beautiful face. I wouldn’t be able to tell who she was if I didn’t already know.

I go to take a step towards her like the magnet she is, pulling me in, but I tighten my fist and don’t move. I shouldn’t care what happens to this woman. Yes, I hate seeing women hurt. We all do, but this one in particular has already gotten under my skin from afar. I can only imagine what she could do to me, to us, if she was active in our daily lives.

I know the guys think she is the one. We often share our women much like everything else. We always talked about sharing a woman long term, so there were no double-crossing bitches just trying to split us up or become too needy with one of us. It has happened before. A woman comes along, thinking she can tame one of us, but there is always something she can’t put up with.

I’m an asshole, always. I can’t help it. I say what’s on my mind and don’t care how it sounds. I’ve pissed a lot of women off with the words that come from my mouth. They always say they like the asshole bad boy type until they spend a little time with me.

Xander is the control freak. At first the woman thinks it’s cute. He tells them what to wear by buying them what he wants. He does everything in a certain way and if that gets interrupted, he can become more of an asshole than me. He is the boss, so what he says goes and if a woman can’t follow his rules, then he has no use for her.

Jaxon has it the hardest. Women cringe away from him. He pretends to like it that way. Having everyone fear him, but I see the pain he hides. The big fucker is actually a giant teddy bear at heart, but no one knows that but me and Xander. He tries to be less scary around the women we attempt an unconventional relationship with, but they always prefer to be with me or Xander. But that doesn’t work for us. All or nothing.

I know he is hopeful with Wren, but all women are the same. They want money, fame and to not work a day in their lives. I doubt Wren is any different, really. She puts on this good girl act, but don’t they all at first until they show their true venomous snake colors. That’s what women are, snakes. They hypnotize you into thinking they are safe, beautiful to look at, so you get closer and then they strike. Killing you with one bite.

I am brought out of my head when I feel someone rush pass me and I look up to see Doc. “The room is ready. You better make sure she is alright, Doc. I would hate to have to replace you.” Xander growls out, but Doc just nods and hurries himself along.

Doc has been our in-house doctor for a few years now. He does good work and we pay him good money to mind his own business and not ask questions when called upon. He is a good man, outside of working with us, of course. Doc is older, mid-fifties, short dark hair, peppered with gray adores his head. He has laugh lines around his light blue eyes and thin mouth. He is a shorter gentleman, at least compared to the three of us.

He rushes into the med room and starts opening drawers, tossing things on the counter and side table I had set up already. The look on his face when he saw Jax hold the tiny limp form of Wren’s, all bloody and unmoving, made his doctor’s brain kick in.

Jax trails him, only a half a step away from Doc, entering the room, placing Wren on the hospital bed. He steps back and plasters himself against the wall. I can see the guilt swimming in his eyes, seeming to try and drown him in it. I’m sure it just looks a lot worse than he thinks.

I turn back to the bed, seeing the doc pull on gloves before glancing at the three of us just staring at him in the doorway. He takes a deep breath, seeming to try and calm himself, and asks, “What happened?”

Jax’s eyes snap back up to meet Doc’s analyzing ones. “I startled her and she fell. But I think she already had an injury on her lip and the side of her face. She fell backwards and wouldn’t have hit those spots. I didn’t see her hit anything but the floor, but it was also dark, there was so much blood so fast.” Jax looks away, shame crossing his face before looking down at himself, seeing just how much blood there was. It does seem like a lot of blood for just hitting her head.

I turn back to Doc when Xander speaks again. “Don’t just stand there, Doc, fix her. Your life might depend on it.” I roll my eyes at his dramatics. She is a dime a dozen. Once he fucks her, he will get her out of his system and move on to someone who will actually work for all of us.

I watch as Doc starts his assessment, glancing in our direction every few minutes. He hooks her up to different machines while taking in her injuries. I can tell one is reading her blood pressure, while another is her heart rate and oxygen levels. I have no clue what any of the numbers actually mean, but the doctor isn’t panicking, so they must mean she is okay.

I watch her chest rise and fall in a slow and steady manner, and if I didn’t know any better, aside from the blood everywhere, I would think she may have been sleeping. The woman is gorgeous, without a doubt, but she is too innocent for our world and a part of me doesn’t want to ruin that about her. If she were a part of this, of our dirty and harsh world, that bright light that you can see on her face day to day would dim.

So, I will do whatever I can to protect her from not only myself but my brothers, who both seem ready to burn the world down for her.

The doc feels around her head. Placing his hands on either side of it, he turns it gently. “I need one of you to help me.” Before I can even make a solid decision, I step forward. It was like I couldn’t help myself. I want to protect this angel from the darkness we monsters live in, but my black heart aches seeing her like this. Doc looks up and then nods to the box of gloves next to him. “Wash your hands quickly and glove up. Hurry.” I do as he says, washing my hands with soap and then gloving up. I step up next to him, waiting for instructions.

“We are going to roll her to her side so I can see why this is bleeding so much. Be gentle since we don’t know what other injuries she may have, but we need to get this bleeding under control first.” I nod in understanding and move to the right side of her. “On a count of three. One. Two. Three.” We roll her to her side and I hold her steady as he begins to move her hair out of the way to see the extent of the damage hiding behind all her long blood red, once honey blonde hair.