Page 18 of Blinded By Love

Doc furrows his brows in confusion. “What is it?” I snap, but he shakes his head. “Nothing. This will need stitches, so will the one on the side of her head and possibly a stitch on her lip. Can one of you hand me the razor?” He asks the room.

“Why?” Xander questions, but I’m sure he can already assume. “I need it to shave away some of her hair so I can stitch it.” I lift a brow at Xander already knowing what his next reply will be.

“No.” The doctor’s eyes snap up, wide in alarm at Xander's dark tone. “But I need to stitch this cut to stop the bleeding.” He looks back down at Wren before frowning again. What is he thinking?

“Then stitch it. But you will not be cutting her hair. So, you better figure it out, and fast.” He says, continuing to stand in the entryway, watching the doc like a hawk. I bet if Doc made one wrong move, Xander wouldn’t hesitate to kill him right now.

“Yes, sir.” Is the doc’s only reply, knowing it’s useless to argue with the boss. He nods at me to continue to hold her still. He rushes across the room again, pulling out supplies and adding them to a small bucket before coming back over, setting it beside the bed.

Doc threads a small needle with some black thread before turning towards Wren and taking a deep breath. He brushes her hair to both sides to see the gash, then slowly starts at one end. He pierces the skin and threads the needle through to the other side, poking it through again before tying it off in some type of medical knot. He continues to repeat this process before taking a wet washcloth and wiping away some blood to see if he got it all.

“Roll her back, please, so I can stitch the rest.” I slowly roll Wren onto her back as the doc swipes his arm across his forehead to wipe away sweat. He preps the needle once more and stitches the side of her head next. This one takes less time than the last. “She will need help washing for about a week. The stitches will need to stay in for a few weeks. I assume she will be staying with you?” He looks around the room as Xander just nods. “I will return tomorrow to check in on her. She more than likely has a concussion and a possible twisted ankle if the swelling is anything to go by. So don’t allow her to walk on it until I can take a better look at it and ask her questions about pain. Keep an eye on her for now, but let her rest. If any of these numbers drop, call me. She can have ibuprofen when she wakes and have her drink lots of water. She will probably be confused and feel weak when she comes to. It’s normal with how much blood she lost, but it wasn’t enough to need more. She needs lots of rest.” He eyes us all before we each nod in return and he packs his little bag before heading to the door.

He pauses at the door before looking back at the sleeping angel before shaking his head, turning for the front door. Once we hear the front door close, Xander speaks. “I’ll take the first watch with her. Jax, go get cleaned up. You look like a serial killer right now with all that blood. Mav, go get a guest room ready for our new long-term guest.”

“She can’t stay here, Xander.” I protest, glancing down at Wren, realizing that she can’t leave in this state, either. “What about our lovely ex, Xander? You know she is coming back to town in a few weeks. She will try to wrap us up around her little finger again, like she always does. Then what, Xander. Are we taking her back again while Wren is in the house? She is what you wanted right, beautiful and a ruthless bitch. Wren is none of that. She can’t stay here. I know what you and Jaxon are thinking, but she is not a pet. Let her go, man. It’s what is best.” I tell him, hoping he understands and hears the truth in my voice. “Wren is not built for men like us. We would chew her up and spit her out. She doesn’t deserve that.” I look back down at the woman, knowing my words hit a brick wall as Xander grinds his teeth. He knows I’m right. They both do, but when Xander wants something, he gets it.

“Wren will be staying with us, and that’s final. Aren’t you curious about the little bird? You haven’t found any actual information about her and you honestly can’t think she is weak. You saw her today. That woman is more than you think. She has a fire in her and I want to watch her burn. I think we should test her.” I cock a brow. Test? What is this high school? “What do you say, brother?” he asks as a small smirk lights up his face as he looks over at me.

I sneer in return. “Whatever. Do what you want. But when this all goes to hell, don’t come complaining to me about it.” I turn and storm off, but when I reach the door, I have the sudden urge to look back at my little angel. I force myself to continue on out the door, refusing to peer over at the broken woman again and head up to my room.

They honestly think this woman can be the one, but I’ll make sure she’s not. Sometimes an angel needs a demon to make sure she stays in the light and avoids the dark.

Chapter nineteen


I slowly come to and flinch at the war drums pounding in my head. My whole entire body hurts as if I’ve been hit by a freight train. I try to remember why I feel so broken but the harder I think the louder the drums get. I go to get up but am stopped by something across my chest.

My heart speeds up when I continue to try to move but can’t. I’m trapped, tied up. No. Not again. Memories flash through my mind of the times before, the pain, the humiliation, the unwanted touches. Oh god he found me, he knows. I’m drowning in the sheer panic of what he is going to do to me now, when muffled voices can be heard through the high-pitched ringing in my ears. I can also hear the fast-paced beeping of a machine. Could I be in a hospital? But why would they tie me up?

Hands are suddenly gripping my upper arms to stop my movement and I’m sucked into a memory.

I wake up to my hands and legs spread out and tied to the bed. My head aches and the last thing I remember was him giving me a glass of wine. Oh god he drugged me. I start to struggle, pulling and twisting my wrist and ankles to try and break free. This can’t end well for me. My movements still feel sluggish as I tug harder at the restraints but it’s no use. He made sure I couldn’t get free this time.

I start to go over what I’ve done recently to earn this kind of punishment but nothing comes to mind. I’ve been his good girl. Wore what he told me to, did what he said to do, I haven’t done anything wrong, which means he must have gotten bad news at work and he once again blames me.

I give up trying to free myself and just lay there, building up my emotional walls that I know he will try to demolish tonight. It feels like I lay there for hours. Naked, bare skin touching the deep royal blue stain sheets. A mercy that the material is soft against my already bruised skin. I finally calm enough to take in my surroundings. I’m not in our personal bedroom or my personal prison as I call it, but a spare bedroom in the other wing of the house. My worry spikes, why wouldn’t he keep me in our room? What else does he have planned for tonight?

I tense my muscles when I hear footsteps coming from the hall outside the doorway. I figured he would make me wait awhile to build up my anxiety but that doesn’t work as much anymore. I’m used to his power plays and know he will never change. I’m stuck with him until he finally decides to release me or better yet put me out of my misery and just kills me.

When I hear the footsteps stop right outside the door I take a deep breath, locking away my emotions. Murmurs coming from behind the closed doors give me pause. I can hear more than one voice but can’t understand what they are saying.

The door begins to open slowly and dread hits like a lead ball in the pit of my stomach. He stands in the doorway looking smug and like the god he thinks he is. He wears a dark coal gray suit with a light gray shirt underneath. He reaches up and adjusts his cufflinks and steps into the room with a smirk on his face. “Hello Dolly.” He tries to purr but his voice now only grates on my ears but I don’t dare move and give him a reason to strike. I keep my eyes downcast and submissive while my mind screams at me to attack him like a feral cat. He comes towards me and reaches for my face and I don’t flinch. Expect there to always be pain and you learn not to flinch anymore. He caresses my cheek before griping my face and jerking it up to look at him.

I stare into his dull blue eyes full of disgusting lust. I once thought this man hung the moon. He was handsome with a pretty boy look with short blonde hair and always had a clean-shaven face. He was also smart and successful within his father’s business. I was a lucky woman to catch this man’s attention but the moment something didn’t go his way he became quick to attack, to anger, to rage and I more often than not I became his target.

“Dolly, my friend here is interested in, let’s say a business deal, and in order for this deal to be successful he has asked for a small little taste of my perfect little dolly.” My eyes snap to the side where a man stands just behind this monster. He licks his lips as if already drooling over the thought of me and I shiver in disgust.

“You will be a good girl Dolly and make sure this deal goes through.” He leans in and whispers. “Be a good girl or whatever he does to you will be a pleasure compared to what I will do to you if he doesn’t enjoy himself. Do you understand?” He nips my ear and I can’t hold back my small shriek from the bite of pain he left. He goes to stand and I open my mouth to protest but the look he gives me shuts me up. I see the monster just under his skin peek up and dare me to speak out and give him a reason to hurt me more.

He straightens his suit and turns to the man who is already removing his own suit jacket and placing it over the chair next to the door. They grin at each other. “You have her and we have a deal?” My tormentor asks. The other man begins to unbutton his shirt, staring at me like I’m his last meal on death row. He nods, “Yes. Three hours alone with her and we have a deal.” He reaches out his hand and both men shake before the monster walks out the door without even a glance back.

“Have fun and try not to break her. She is my favorite doll.” He says before he is fully out of sight and I’m left with a new monster for my nightmares.

“You are going to be a good girl for me or I will make sure he knows we have no deal.” Tears have begun to fall down my cheeks but I bite my tongue to make sure I can’t say anything or make a noise. A woman should be seen not heard, that is what has been beaten into me.

He finishes undressing not once taking his dirt brown eyes off of my body. As he steps up to the bed my muscles once again tense up and my brain screams at me to fight but I can’t. My mind warps at fighting off this new monster about to touch us or the one we already know. He places his hands on my upper arms and pushes me into the bed. “I like it when my toys fight. I will make sure you feel me for days. Now be a good girl and take me like the slut I know you are.” He leans down and then bites the crease between my neck and I scream as I feel the blood start to run down my chest and then I lose it.