Xaiden’s dad, a man I’d come to know as easygoing and relaxed, moved around my uncle to stand beside Xaiden, forming a wall in front of me. I didn’t feel weak or like they didn’t think I could take care of myself. They were doing this so I’d feel protected and loved.

“You come near Val again and I will see to your arrest personally,” Xaiden’s dad said.

“You have no proof. He’s lying. I wouldn’t let a child be beaten on my watch. Besides, he hit me. Unprovoked. I should call it in and report him.”

“Motherfucker,” I grated out and tried to push between Xaiden and his dad. Only Corbin’s hands held me back. “You saw my bruises! You saw my busted lip! I fucking told you he hit me, and you did nothing but laugh. Fuck you!”

“Get out of my sight,” Xaiden’s dad said. “You can consider my endorsement of your run for mayor and my donations, gone. I will make sure everyone knows what a piece of shit you are. The Dremests will not support hatred of any kind, much less when it’s directed at our family. We fight for equality and compassion. Love and understanding. If you try and press charges against him, we will hire the best lawyer and dig into every crevice of your past until nothing is left unexposed. Now get the fuck off my property before I let my son remove you. In case you’ve forgotten, he’s a prizefighter and won’t hesitate to protect who’s his.”

My uncle leaned close, his face a horrible shade of red. Xaiden’s dad saying what he did, in front of so many with their phones out now recording this, wasn’t good for him in the slightest. “Hit me,” he goaded. “I’ll be the one having you arrested.”

Xaiden leaned forward like he was going to do that but this time I held him back with my hands on his waist. As much as I wanted to see my uncle beaten and bruised like I was as a kid, I didn’t want Xaiden to get in trouble.

“He’s not worth it,” I said. “Never was. Never will be.”

My uncle looked around and straightened his shirt, like we really ruffled him up. My hand hurt but, fuck, that punch felt good. I was waiting for the threat to come from him. It didn’t. My uncle was smart enough not to do that in front of the people here.

He got into his car and tore down the street. It wasn’t until I no longer heard his engine that I could breathe a sigh of relief. It was also when the fight left me. I was more drained than immediately after my workout.



This past week had been up and down. Val was still fuming over the encounter with his uncle, rightfully so. I was simmering. My parents withdrawing their help and money, as well as spreading the word Val’s uncle was homophobic and had neglected his duties as an officer, pretty much sealed his fate in the mayoral race. He was running in his town, which was a suburb of Dremest. I figured Val was from someplace close to end up here, but I hadn’t asked. Every time he talked about his past; it was obviously painful for him. I didn’t want to cause more hurt by bringing it up.

Corbin had been who we needed to keep us grounded and calm. Val more so than me. We’d get in bed at night and make Val forget everything but us. We’d drive him to the brink of ecstasy only to back off and do it again until he was an incoherent mess, begging to come.

“How many events do your parents host a year?” Corbin asked when he joined me in front of the full-length mirror, which hung on the back of the closet door.

He was stunning. The tux fit him perfectly. Corbin had his hands in his pockets, drawing my gaze to the way the pants hugged his hips. His shoes were polished; his white shirt tucked in, and his jacket buttoned. His hair was styled back, giving him a more sophisticated appearance while also highlighting the gray he had near his temples. Goddamn, I wanted to bend him over and have my way with him.

“Not enough,” I replied. “If this is how I get you every time they have one, I’m going to start requesting more.” I finished fixing my tie and turned to kiss him.

Val came out of the bathroom, his hair freshly cut this morning. He said he didn’t want to worry about taming his cowlick. It was on the shorter side now. I didn’t care how he wore his hair. He was always sexy to me. His tux was slim fitting like the suits he dressed in for work. I preferred this on him and the way it accentuated his legs. A traditional tux wouldn’t look as good.

I stood there, taking them both in. “Fuck, I’m a lucky son of a bitch. Are you two ready? There’s going to be a photographer there. My parents have one who donates their time. The foundation has a social media manager who posts pictures on the accounts, which the media sometimes picks up.”

Val leaned in to kiss me. “You and Corbin are the only men I’d wear this shit for.”

“You’re so eloquent,” I said.

“I’m proud to go with you both.”

“I love you,” I told them.

We stepped together and shared a kiss before gathering what we needed so we could leave. I locked the house behind us after setting the alarm. I already had the garage open, my other Jaguar detailed, ready for tonight.

Val had thought I was hiding a restored vehicle in my garage like my dad had. I figured he’d be disappointed when he discovered my F-Pace SUV. It wasn’t black like my other Jag. This one was a deep gray. The windows were tinted since I knew I could get away with it. The interior was a dark red leather. This was what I drove when it snowed, though both vehicles had all-wheel drive. This one was flashier as far as I was concerned. It was the one I took out when I wanted to impress. Since tonight was auction night and I had my men with me, I definitely wanted to impress.

Val slid into the back, giving Corbin the front so he’d have more legroom. He knew how much Val loved cars so more times than not, Corbin offered to sit in the back. Scrunched with a tux on wouldn’t be comfortable so Corbin kept the front this time.

I started up the driveway while Val laid down. “I never liked newer cars until you were in them, Xaiden. Now I want you and Corbin spread open for me on the leather. Or over the hood. I’m not picky. I have an appreciation for Jaguars now and the smell of them. Jesus, I’m hard.” Val was lighter than he’d been. Tonight, there was no asshole uncle, no reminder of his past. It was Corbin, me, and the promise of a future with Val.

“Don’t start humping the seat,” I told him. “I just had this detailed.”

“I need to get off. Keep your eyes on the road. Corbin, are there napkins or something in the glove compartment?”

“Fuck,” he muttered.