I stopped at the end of the driveway. “Get back there and suck him off. Then he can return the favor and you both stay clean.”

“What about you?” Corbin asked.

“Apparently, I’m going to be hard all fucking night.”

Val lifted so he could see me. “I’ll climb into the front when we’re done and blow you while you drive.”

“I’m going to crash the damn car if you do that.”

“Fine.” He rolled his eyes. “I’ll blow you in the bathroom at some point tonight.”


He grinned.

It was a miracle I didn’t wreck, and we got to the venue safely. Even though I didn’t get off and was hard as steel, watching the two of them come almost had me ruining my boxer briefs and pants. The only reason I would be able to get out of the car when we arrived was because my jacket would cover my cock. Also, it would deflate fast once I was surrounded by foundation guests.

Thankfully, it was a gorgeous evening, and we didn’t have to move the event inside. Fairy lights were strung along the entrance when we pulled up. A valet handed me a ticket and opened the doors for Val and Corbin to exit as well. There was a parking deck down a block, so the valet didn’t have to go far.

A light breeze blew through the trees in West Dremest Park, bringing with it the scent of food from the catered dinner within. We started down the path, Val on one side of me, Corbin on the other. Corbin and I held hands while Val looped his arm through mine. As soon as we entered, we showed our invitation to prove we were invited guests, though I’d known Lori for a long time. Her father once sat on the board. After his passing, she was approached about taking his spot. She’d worked for the foundation since its inception and easily slid into the role.

“Xaiden,” she leaned in to kiss my cheek. “It’s great to see you.”

“You as well. You look lovely.” She spun in a circle, her silver dress catching the lights, sparkling as she went. Lori was a year older than me. She had been close with Sasha way back when. “I heard you were dating someone. Introduce me.”

“This lovely woman is Lori Whitaker. She’s known me since we were in elementary school and got as far from Dremest as I did. She serves on the foundation’s board. We’re very fortunate to have her. Lori, this is Dr. Corbin Dove, and this is Val Bowen, my partners.” I smiled. It felt damn good. These were my men, who I was proud to show off.

“It’s very nice to meet you,” Corbin said and shook Lori’s hand.

Val did the same then leaned in. “Do you have any embarrassing stories about Xaiden? If so, find me later and spill. I’d love to hear them.”

Lori laughed. “Oh, you and I are going to get along just fine.” She winked at me. “It’s great to meet you both. Anyone who can make Xaiden smile like that is worth knowing. Now, go bid and have a good evening. Your brother’s chef is catering so the food is amazing.” Dana was the chef at Untouchable. Dexen only served the best at his club. I didn’t think to ask if Dana would be here. He had to miss it last year due to his wife going into labor. Luckily, his staff could readily handle things in his absence.

“Man, I love his food,” Val said. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have dressed faster.”

I put my arm around his waist and pulled him close so I could whisper, “Maybe I’ll use his cooking as an incentive to get you to do other things.”

Val shuddered in my arms. “Bastard.”

Laughing, I waved to Lori and took Corbin’s hand in mine again, while I kept Val near me. We went to each table, looking at the items for auction. I’d told Val and Corbin they didn’t have to bid, but they both insisted they wanted to. Now that they were moving in with me and my house was paid for, they didn’t need to worry about paying rent. They were insistent they helped with the bills, however. I didn’t need that either, but I knew how important it was to them for us to be balanced.

There were a variety of items up for bid. The prizes ranged from a dinner for two in the city to a month-long vacation in Europe. If I thought I could pull them away from work for that long, I’d bid on it. I hadn’t traveled in quite some time. I found I wanted to do things again. Things I hadn’t thought about in decades, like traveling around the world and building a family. These were the plans I had when I was younger, before my world shattered. I was given a second chance at happiness. I wasn’t going to take it for granted.

We eventually parted ways so we could find items that interested us. I ended up at a table beside my dad, who I didn’t realize was there until I was standing beside him. He grinned and hugged me. We were both looking at an array of trips.

“I thought you couldn’t bid?” I asked. Since he was one of the founders, he stayed out of this process.

“I can’t but I was getting ideas for the fall. See anything you like?”

There was a weeklong trip on a private yacht I had my eye on. I grabbed a slip of paper, put my name and amount on it, and placed it in the box.

“Good choice,” my dad said. “Think Corbin can get away?”

“He works four shifts a week so it shouldn’t be too hard. That’s if I win.”

“Son, I saw the number you wrote down. You’re going to win.”

I smiled. “It’s for a good cause.”