Turning, I grinned. He sat back on the swing, closer to Corbin than before. Since I wanted to be part of whatever this was, I squeezed my skinny ass on the other side of Xaiden, causing him to shift over a bit so we weren’t sandwiched together, though I wouldn’t have been opposed to that.

“What are you two doing over here anyway?” I asked. I’d like to say I wasn’t jealous, but I was.

Corbin wasn’t on my radar before this. Sure, I knew him since he came into the shop, but I didn’t think twice about him. He was buttoned-up, somewhat formal in a doctor-type way, if that was a thing. Seeing him beside Xaiden and the two of them talking, obviously forming a friendship, I studied Corbin. He was attractive dressed down, much hotter than the last time I saw him. Xaiden didn’t even have to try to be sexy. He just was. He had an easy grace about him, a sureness. Corbin seemed out of place most of the time he’d been here. Only sitting on the swing with Xaiden did he loosen up a bit. I’d lost count of how many times I saw him blush. It was cute as hell.

“Making friends,” Corbin said quietly.

“I could use more of them.”

The corner of Xaiden’s lips kicked up. “Count yourself ours then, Val.” Oh, if only that were true.

“What’s with you?” I asked Xaiden. “Not that I know you well, but you’re usually more serious.”

“I’m trying to live again, that’s all.”


“A story for another time. Hey, what are you doing after this? Do you have plans?”

I didn’t think telling them I planned on jerking off when I got home was the right thing to say so instead, I went with, “No, why?”

“Come with us to my house. We can relax outside. I’ll build a fire.”

I blinked at him then blinked some more, waiting for my brain to come back online. “Sure,” is what I ended up saying. I was surprised he’d invited me over. No way was I turning him down.


We sat there a while longer, watching as people started to leave. I was living in some sort of parallel universe. I was seriously going to Xaiden’s house. I wasn’t even sure JJ had been there before, and he’d known Xaiden for years. It was like I was being let into a super-secret club.

When it was time for us to leave, the sun was still up. It was closing in on dinnertime. Dexen gave us a look; one I couldn’t decipher. The easy smile I’d noticed on Xaiden was gone. He clapped his brother on the shoulder but didn’t say anything. JJ gave me one of his rough and rowdy brotherly hugs to which Xaiden lifted JJ’s arm from me and glared at him, tugging me to his side. Of course, I went because it was Xaiden. I’d literally drop at his feet and offer to suck his dick if he let me. Desperate and horny should go on my business card under my name. Well, if I had one, which I didn’t, because what the hell would I even do with it?

Xaiden exchanged numbers with Corbin and me, in case we got separated while following him home. I wasn’t about to point out how we had his address and could map it on our phones. Having Xaiden’s number was a check in the win column.

We each got into our vehicles and followed the Jag at the front. I was behind him in my beat-up Mazda and Corbin behind me in his older GMC Sierra pickup.

It wasn’t a long drive. We went deeper into the countryside, the city a distant memory as everything fell away but the land and the far-spaced houses on either side of the road. There was a whole lot of nothing out this way. I’d heard in teasing tonight how Xaiden lived like a hermit. I guess they were right. There was nothing wrong with it though. If this was what he wanted, who were they to criticize?

The long driveway we turned down reminded me of the one at the fortress, the home Peyton shared with Perry and Dominic. The fortress had tall gates at the front. There also weren’t trees on either side of the driveway like there was here. I’d been there a few times since Greer still owned the home with his brother. They had gatherings which I’d been invited to.

The land was vast here, making me wonder how much of it was Xaiden’s property. A house finally came into sight. It was a bigger ranch. The driveway went past a detached three-car garage before ending at the house. One of the garage doors lifted and Xaiden drove his car inside, while Corbin and I parked in the driveway. I’d love to know what else was in that garage. A man with the kind of wealth Xaiden had didn’t just own one car. My money was on a fully restored classic of some type in there. That was the car enthusiast in me.

I looked around, taking in the home. Deep brown siding blended in naturally with the forest backdrop. The windows were framed in a slightly darker brown. Tall square columns held the extended roof out in front of the door leading to the home. Lights glowed amber on either side, inviting me in. It felt like a home. Not cold or sterile. Or way too big where I wouldn’t find a place to sit comfortably without fear I’d break something.

A slate stone path led from the driveway to the door and also through the front garden, which was coming back to life from the winter’s harsh cold and snow. Flower buds formed on the bushes; leaves having already sprouted. The path led around back, drawing me to it. I wanted to follow it and see where it led, see what else I’d discover.

Trees were close to the home, making it secluded, but it wasn’t overwhelming to the point it shrouded out the sun. There was a break in them around the back. I guessed that was where Xaiden had a firepit.

Xaiden stopped beside Corbin and me where we were looking at his house. “It’s not big like the fortress and it doesn’t have a lot of history like Dex’s place, but I love it.”

“It’s very nice, Xaiden,” Corbin said. I felt a little less special that he was allowed to call him by his full name, but I let it slide. Corbin had a calming personality. I liked it, found myself leaning closer to him so it could rub off on me.

“Thank you. Come inside. I’ll give you a quick tour.”

And quick it was. Within five minutes we’d been ushered through three bedrooms, an office, two and a half bathrooms, a big living room, and a kitchen that was open to the dining area. The longer we spent in there, the more uneasy Xaiden grew until Corbin put his hand on Xaiden’s arm and the big man finally slowed down and took a breath.

“I’m sorry,” Xaiden muttered. “I’m not used to having anyone here besides my family. It seemed like a good idea to invite you both over, but now…” He glanced around, his eyes bigger than before. “This is my sanctuary. It’s hard to let someone else in. I want you here, but inside it feels like the place got smaller.”

Corbin’s hand soothed up and down Xaiden’s arm. I wondered if he realized he was doing it. “You can let us in as much or as little as you want. How about we go out back and you can build the fire you mentioned before? I know it’s dinnertime but I’m still full from lunch.”