“It’s been over thirty years,” Xaiden whispered. “I need to live again. Seeing this… Everyone together and happy… It’s time.”

“I’m here for anything you need.” Their conversation sounded personal. I shouldn’t be listening to it. Getting up and leaving would seem rude. Staying where I was felt intrusive. It was a no win.

“I know. Let me figure it out. And maybe don’t tell Mom and Dad. I don’t want them looking at me with hope and possibility.”

“So, I shouldn’t call her over here and tell her you and Corbin are going out later?” Dexen smirked.

“In case you haven’t forgotten, I’m straight, and Corbin is my friend. You make it sound like we’re sneaking off to fuck.” How could two sentences make me pout, due to the confirmation Xaiden was straight, while also making my dick twitch at the thought of us having sex? What a whirlwind of emotions. At least I knew he wouldn’t be interested in me that way. Hell, he might not have been, even if he did like men. It wasn’t like I was a catch or anything. Divorced, renting a condo. The only thing I had going for me was my job.

Dexen raised his hands. “I’m just busting on you. You know if—”

“Dex, enough.” Xaiden didn’t growl the words or give them a sharp bite, though the meaning was clear. Dexen needed to back off.

Commotion behind Dexen drew our attention. JJ had Val in a headlock and was dragging him across the yard in our direction. Val slapped at JJ without much force, trying to wiggle out of his grip to no avail.

The swing jerked when Xaiden abruptly stood, causing me to grip the armrest. “You have to know how to break the hold, Val,” he said. He stopped them, Val peering up at Xaiden. JJ didn’t release Val, simply grinned and waited to see what Xaiden was going to do. I was curious as well.

JJ stood behind Val, his arm across his throat. He clasped his hands to put Val in a firmer hold. My guess was JJ wanted Val to learn as much as Xaiden did.

The size difference between Xaiden and Val was obvious when they were standing face-to-face. Val had to tip his head back.

“Bring your hands up, Val. Put them both on his arm, one at his wrist, the other toward his elbow. Good, now step to the side, bracing your legs so he’s not directly at your back. This gives you better access to parts you can hurt on him.”

The others had quieted down to watch Xaiden teach Val. It was interesting. I wasn’t a fighter, never had to be. I was learning too, even if I wasn’t the one doing the move.

Val did what Xaiden asked, positioning himself accordingly.

“Now, release the hand you have on his wrist and swing it back. Don’t actually hit him in the balls since I don’t want my brother and Greer on my ass, but that would be the next step. His arm will still be around your throat. By stepping to the side, you give yourself room to strike. If you did nail him there, he’d pitch forward in pain. You’d then take your arm you just struck him with and bring your elbow up to strike him in the face.”

“Jay, let me punch you in the balls so I can elbow you in the face,” Val said, his voice completely serious, though there was mirth in his eyes.

“In your dreams,” JJ scoffed.

“There are other moves where you can flip the person over your head, but this one will do for now,” Xaiden added. “You should come down to my gym. I’ll teach you how to defend yourself.”

Val broke away from JJ and stepped up to Xaiden, his jaw stubbornly set. “I can take care of myself.”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t, but it’s always good to know alternative ways to fight off an attacker. The invitation is there if you want it.”

“You should do it, Val,” JJ said. “Then we can get in the ring and spar.”

“If I train Val,” Xaiden began, “he could take you down faster than you think. You know how to fight, but not in a disciplined way. You swing to connect. You have to be smarter.” Xaiden tapped his temple.

“If I didn’t know you, X, I’d tell you we could go right now, but I have zero desire to be put on my back by anyone besides Greer or Dex.”

Dexen stalked to JJ with heat in his eyes, getting in his personal space. “If you want to be on your back, Jordan, it will be in our bed.”

“Jesus,” I heard Greer say and caught him adjusting his dick.

“Okay then!” Val yelled. “You two go back over there by Greer.” He shoved JJ and Dexen toward the patio. “I’m staying over here where the air isn’t thick with sex.”



“How much do you want to bet they’ve fucked on every surface in the house?” I asked while watching JJ and Dexen kiss. Greer was behind JJ, his hands on JJ’s hips, whispering something in his ear I couldn’t and didn’t want to hear.

“I’d rather not think about my brother fucking his partners,” Xaiden stated.