Page 16 of Master Campania

My mouth gapes, but she doesn’t even give me a chance to say a word. She points a long green fingernail at me. “You started it, all of it, Willow. You need to think about what you said and make this right. Embry has reason not to trust our kind, and us likewise. But I’ve managed to put all of that aside by trying to understand the other side, but still holding on to my own principles. I’ve given nothing of myself up and they have come to accept me. Well, maybe a few are still trying to decide, but for the most part, they now see me as a friend. If you want to be accepted by the vampires, then you need to prove yourself worthy and trustworthy. Go fix this!”

I flop onto the bed, half deflated and just emotionally exhausted. I’m worried about my friends who, unlike me, are probably in a cold dank warehouse with none of the luxuries that surround me. “They took Belinda, Letty, and Glenda to something called the warehouse. They could be torturing my friends right now for all I know. I’ve tried and tried to connect with them, but nothing—no word, no vibes— nothing.”

She laughs. “Your friends are fine. Devora sent me a message and told me that the vampires dropped them off right outside of the academy. They may be enemies, but neither the vampires nor Devora want to start an all-out war with the other. Lately, there seems to be mutual respect that’s never been there before.”

I point to my new friend who’s shorter than me and could pass as a black-haired pixie. “It’s probably because of you. Devora wants the best for her niece, and I can understand that.”

“Maybe, but either way, that didn’t buy me any favoritism with the vampires. I had to earn what little trust and respect they’ve given, and so do you, my friend.”

I exhale a breath. “I thought you of all people would see my side. You know, witches standing together, sister’s solidarity and all that crap they taught us at the academy?”

Raven sits next to me. “That’s the thing. The sides you speak about have to be left in the past if you’re going to move forward. Especially if you ever want a chance of being with Master Campania.”

I look her right in the eyes. “How does everyone know how I feel? I don’t even know for sure what to think about this attraction. It’s seriously unnerving. I barely know him.”

She smirks and slaps me on the shoulder. “You sure as hell got to know him well enough to kiss him in the woods!”

My mouth gapes. “You saw that?”

She nods, giving me a grin. “I had to pee while you were gone. It wasn’t intentional, but I saw you through the clearing in the woods. I remember the first time Romano kissed me.”

I kick off my shoes and cross my legs on the bed. “I’ve known Campania a day, Raven, and he’s a vampire. I’m not even sure how I feel about him yet or this damn attraction that seems to zip with electricity between us.”

She pushes my shoulder. “You can’t lie to me. It didn’t look like you were one bit unsure about your feelings out in the woods, but I do understand what you mean. That’s exactly how I felt about Romano. I fought it and fought it, and it was all for nothing. When you’re intended to be with someone, it’s undeniable.”

I turn to my witch sister. “You believe in destiny, in fated mates, and all the lore?”

She grins. “That magnetism the universe creates is just too strong to deny. Fated mates, call it what you will, but it was that same way between me and Romano from the start. At least you don’t have to worry about being shunned by the other witches. It’s not like you even live at the academy anymore. You’re free to do whatever or be with whoever you want. But first, you need to make amends with Emery. She and I have had our differences too. Tell her you’re sorry. This time, really apologize. You antagonized her, and she’s super easy to rile. She’ll get over it, and you’ll see how nice she can really be.”

I sigh. “Three days stuck in a vampire estate. Now I have to grovel to a smart-ass vamp. What else could go wrong?”



It takestwo long days of combing the terrain and losing the scent of the mangy bastards before Romano, Silver, and I work our way back to Club Descallia to meet up with Overmaster Descallia and the rest of the crew.

Two days of getting an earful about how Willow and Embry are getting on back at the house by Romano. I have to give Raven credit where it’s due. It sounds like she’s done everything in her way possible to mend fences between the two, but it sounds as though it’s going to take a miracle to thaw that bridge. At least, nothing short of me turning that witchy enchantress over my knee until she learns to behave herself.

You’ll do no such thing, vampire!

The connection between us is uncanny and new, only happening a few times in the past couple of days, but still, it’s hard not to control the smile. Much better that she has a little of her previous sass back instead of sulking in her room for the last day, contemplating whether she should or should not make amends, or the tightening of my chest when she hears a sound in the night and fears for her life.

It will take time to get used to this undeniable connection. Perhaps it was wrong to leave her there with the history between the vampires and witches, but at the time there was nowhere else to leave her that would keep her as secure.

Except with me…

The bartender gives me a head nod as we approach. He doesn’t need to know what to pour, just opens up a bottle of the finest Descallia Red that he has in stock. The soothing mixture of the wine and blood settles in my veins, calming the anger of being outfoxed by the shiesty wolves, yet again and again.

Overmaster Descallia reaches us, drink in hand. “It’s been a long couple of days. No luck catching their trail?”

“No, it’s like they vanished into thin air. I swear, one minute we could smell their stench from a mile away, and the next it was like they had never even been in that part of the woods. We combed the area for any trace and couldn’t pick up a scent to save our lives.” I put down my glass, and the barkeep fills it to the top.

Lucas, Clay, and Terrence join us while Descallia continues to scowl into his drink. “That’s the same thing that happened to us. It’s not a coincidence. They can’t just disappear and wipe their scent. Magic, that’s what it is. The witches have to be helping them. Probably the same reason Sheba hasn’t been able to get control of his damn pack for all this time.”

I don’t disagree. We know there are a ton more witches and shifters involved in this mess than we thought. A half-dressed waitress with nipple piercings comes to see if we’re dining in. The others follow her to the table reserved for Descallia and his party while I gesture to Overmaster to hold up. “I didn’t want to ask in front of the others, but have you had any more time to think about what I told you about Bradius and Larthew?”

His eyes grow darker than night. “I’ve thought about little else since you told me two more of our warriors are traitors. It makes me question the entire structure we put into place so many years ago when Isala could so easily divide our camp. How many more of the purebloods want to live out the rest of eternity the way we lived before?”