Page 15 of Master Campania

Embry’s purple eyes watch me intensely, their heat pulling me from my reverie spoken aloud. “You speak of Devora as though you’re not one of them.”

Lucianna gives her a glare, and Raven’s eyes swirl. I stare Embry down, unwilling to lose eye contact first with the outspoken little snip dressed in a short skirt and shirt that doesn’t even cover the piercing of her navel. “You forget that Campania found me because Devora let him, used him even, to get to me and my friends. We left the academy for a reason. I have told Campania everything that I know about the witches recruited by Isala. I’m not one of them, or I would be with them and not standing in the vampire estate with the likes of you!”

Lucianna suppresses a smile as Embry’s eyes widen in surprise. Embry walks toward me. “Look here, witchy girl. How do we know you being here isn’t just one of your many tricks to get the best of us?”

I’ve had enough of tonight’s crap, and I’m not taking any more from her. “Master Campania wouldn’t leave me with you if I were a threat. He told me that I would be safe here with you. He probably gave you the benefit of being a little more mature than you really are.”

Embry’s eyes blaze purple, and the tips of her fangs descend but then retract a moment later as she watches me.” She points to Raven and then back to me. “Her I trust; you I don’t know and don’t trust for a minute. If Campania wants us to keep you safe, fine, but don’t expect me to be all lovey dovey and shit just because you make his dick hard.”

My mouth gapes. “What is wrong with you?”

She smirks and takes a sip of her water, clearly enjoying my embarrassment and momentary loss for words. “Nothing’s wrong with me, honey. I just call a spade a spade. I saw the way Master Campania was looking at you, and don’t think I didn’t catch you moony eyed over the almighty vampire master.”

My blood boils with embarrassment. “Are you done?”

Embry purses her lips, ignoring the heat of Lucianna’s glare. “Far prettier have tried to get him into their bed with visions of becoming his mate. They like the prestige, the power, and glamour that being by his side would hold for them if they could ensnare him for good. He may have a little fun with you, but he wasn’t fooled by any one of them, and he won’t be fooled by you.”

Angry electricity races through my blood and fingertips. The sparks flying from my fingernails as I will my wand to my hand. In one smooth move, I use it to effectively tape the little vixen’s mouth completely shut. “There, maybe that will quiet your tongue for a short while! If you say another word, I’ll turn you into a wart-covered toad, you little bitch.”

Lucianna looks from Embry to me. “Ladies! This is so beneath both of you. Remove the tape, Willow, so Embry can apologize.” Embry’s eyes go wide as if to say go to hell. Lucianna looks to me.Be the bigger person. Rise above this, Willow.

Fine. But she deserved much worse!

Lucianna smiles in response.For me, please?

The soon-to-be queen of the vampires has been nothing but hospitable and friendly since meeting her. Raven hasn’t said a word until now. “You’re safe with us, Willow. Embry owes you an apology, but you also owe her one.”

I give the wand a shake, and the tape wound around her mouth keeping her effectively silenced disappears. I’m not really sorry, but I say the words anyone in an effort to keep the peace. “Sorry.”

Embry’s purple eyes roll. “You sound sorry.”

Lucianna clears her throat, and her eyes flash. “Embry.”

Embry glares at Lucianna but turns on me. “You can’t expect to be our enemy one day and then the next day be our friend. Centuries worth of dealing with the witches trickery has taught us to beware. How do I know you’re not a plant, waiting for the right moment to put a spell on us all?”

Lucianna’s cell rings, and she picks it up, listening for a moment. Her eyes glow bright green, and gold flecks sparkle the longer the conversation continues. She looks to me and then to Embry. “Three days. Okay.” She pauses for a moment. “Come home to me safe, Salvatore. I love you.”

She disconnects and turns to us. “That was Overmaster Descallia. They’re still tracking the shifters. Master Campania and Romano learned new information. He, Master Romano, and Silver are going to join Overmaster Descallia, Lucas, Clay, and Terrence to search for the shifters. “Overmaster Descallia has asked all of us to stay put for the next three days. He’s sending more security, so we’ll all be safe. They won’t be able to breach the perimeter this time with all the ghouls and vampires they’re putting in place.”

Embry slides her hand over the jewel tipped dagger that hangs by her side. “Then I should go join them. I’m one of the team, and if he’s sending others here, you will all be safe.”

Lucianna shakes her head. “Embry, he wants us all to stay here.”

Embry’s eyes blaze with temper. She turns to me. “This is all your fault!”

Lucianna looks skyward. “Three days…”

I should be worried about spending three days in a vampire estate, especially with Embry who can barely stand me. All I can think about is Campania, though, trudging through the woods on his hunt for the shifters who are known for tearing their prey into bits, clawing their eyes out, and feasting on their enemies’ hearts.

Raven jumps into action trying to smooth the animosity. “It’s been a long day for everyone. Daylight will be here soon.” She looks to me. “Some of the vampire lore you’ve been taught is true. They do sleep during the day and come out at night to play.”

Lucianna smiles. “We could all use a good rest. Raven, perhaps you could show Willow to one of our guest rooms? Top of the stairs to the right. There are four rooms, enough for all of you to have your own room.”

The soon-to-be queen of the vampires is very kind and gentle spoken. I can see why everyone who has met her, including Devora, have said nice things about her. “Thank you. It’s been a long night for me too. I could sleep day or night.”

I don’t even look at Embry but can still feel the heat of her gaze on my skin. Instead, I follow Raven up the curved staircase and into the first room we come to. I put my purse on the deep mahogany queen-sized four poster bed drapes with purple velvet curtains.

The door clicks behind me, causing me to jump and turn with speed. Raven walks toward me, her eyes flashing gold flecks. “You can’t come into the vampire’s home and be disrespectful to Embry. How dare you!”