Page 77 of Dip's Flame

All because of the kind of evil the club will never be able to wipe out. I almost lost the love of my life because there are sick people in the world, and sick people very rarely step out into the light.

You could’ve lost her, but you didn’t.

“Dip,” Snow prods.

“I…” I shake my head. “What if he’d killed her?”

“Dip,” Snow snaps. “She’s right fucking here! Alive.”

I level my gaze on Kennedy, hating the fear in her eyes. And it’s all my fault. I should’ve been with her, not in the shed wasting my energy on two murderers.

“Dip,” Kennedy mewls.

As if snapped back from the jagged edge of oblivion, my feet move, carrying me toward her.



Shivering, I watch as Dip strides across the small apartment toward me. He was lost for a few minutes, but when he heard my voice, it was like a rubber band snapped him back to reality.

“Can you guys give us a few minutes?” he asks as he kneels on the mattress next to me.

“C’mon,” Snow says. “You heard the man.”

Toga, Magic, Duck, and Snow leave the apartment just as Jenny and Little Man barrel through the entrance from the kitchen.

“Oh my God,” Jenny cries as she rushes toward me. “I didn’t… Fuck, I… You…”

Little Man wraps his arms around Jenny and tries to console her. “It’s okay, babe. You didn’t know.”

“He’s right,” I say. “There’s no way you would’ve known what was going on up here because of the crowd and music, Jenny. It’s not your fault.” I look at Little Man. “I take it you got the camera fixed.”

He shakes his head. “Nope. Was knocked out and tossed in the dumpster,” he says with a scowl. “I’m sorry, Kennedy.”

“But the cameraisworking,” Dip informs them. “That’s how we knew something was wrong. We watched on the monitors back at the compound when you crawled outta the damn trash,” he tells the prospect. “I don’t know how it started working again or wh—”

“There was a loose wire,” Little Man states. “I messed with it and was just about to call Spark to see if it was working again when…” His gaze slides to the dead man. “... he struck.”

Dip growls, and I reach for his hand. “It must’ve taken a while to come back online.”

“Probably. Might want to see if we can do anything to make that faster somehow.”

“I’ll bring it up in church, believe me.”

Little Man nods before turning Jenny in his arms so he can look her in the eyes. “Jenny, why don’t we go back downstairs and give them some privacy?”

“Um… who’s watching the bar?” I ask.

“I shut it down,” Little Man says. “You’re closed.”

I blow out a breath and nod. “Okay.”

“Kennedy, are you sure you’re gonna be okay?” Jenny asks, looking forlorn.

“I’ll be fine, Jenny,” I assure her. “I promise.”

She nods, and Little Man leads her out of the apartment.