Page 76 of Dip's Flame

“Don’t know,” he mutters as he tries to sit up, but he can’t stay upright without my help. “Was working on the camera and…”

“Where’s Kennedy?”

“She’s not inside?”

The rest of my brothers pull into the lot, and Snow’s off his bike in an instant, striding toward us. “Duck, go inside and check things out. Make sure Kennedy didn’t get here while we were on our way.” Duck blows past him to do as ordered. “Little Man, brother, are you okay?” Prez asks, kneeling beside him on the pavement.

“Fine. Gotta headache though.”

Little Man touches the back of his head and his fingers come away bloody.

“Magic, call Carnie and have him bring the van. I don’t want Little Man driving. He needs to be checked out though.”

“I’m fine, Prez,” Little Man insists, even as he sways.

“No, you’re not,” Snow snaps.

The back door flies open, and Duck spills out. “Kennedy isn’t inside. But I overheard someone talking about a social media post they saw about a party here tonight. I’m guessing that’s why it’s so busy.”

“Motherfucker!” I roar, shooting to my feet.

If there’d been a party, Kennedy would’ve known about it and told me. I pull out my cell and dial her number again. It rings and rings, and then her voicemail picks up.

“Call her again,” Toga orders.

“She’s not answer—”

“Call. Her. Again!” he shouts. “And be quiet so I can listen.

Kennedy’s phone rings, and Toga takes off toward the back stairs to the apartment.

“I hear it ringing,” he shouts.

I hurry after him, barreling past him halfway up the steps. When I reach the small landing, I heave my shoulder into the door, severing it from its hinges.

From this entrance, you can see Kennedy’s bed, and standing next to it, buck naked and jacking off, is a man. Kennedy is tied down, her clothes hacked off her body and in shreds, and blood trickles from multiple wounds marking her flesh.

Red hot rage boils in my veins. “Get the fuck away from her!”

I tackle the man, both of us rolling to the floor until I’m straddling him. Recognizing him immediately as Minnie’s boyfriend, I deliver punch after punch, crushing blow after crushing blow.

I’m dimly aware of my brothers passing me to tend to Kennedy, aware of her crying and begging for me, but it’s as if I’m under water. Nothing makes sense, nothing else matters but erasing this fuck from existence.

“I’m gonna fucking end you,” I snarl.


I hear my name but tune it out. My knuckles swell, and my chest heaves, but I don’t stop. Rising to my feet, I kick the man in his ribs, his head, his shriveled fucking dick.

Arms wrap around me from behind, and I thrash against them, breaking free to pull the gun out of my waistband and point it at the guy’s broken and bashed in face.

“You fucked with the wrong woman,” I growl as I squeeze the trigger, sending a bullet straight between his eyes.


I take a deep breath before turning to face my president. Snow is standing next to the bed glaring at me, and Duck and Toga are working to untie Kennedy. Magic is tucking a blanket around her in an effort to give her some sense of modesty.

I could’ve lost her.