Something in me snaps. Maybe it’s the boost of confidence finally having a job gives me, or maybe it’s the fact that when I buried Michael, I said goodbye to being walked all over. Whatever it is, I find I like it.
Whirling around, I glare at the surly biker. “Excuse me?” I place my hands on my hips. “You all came here, without any heads up, interrupted our work, and then get angry because we don’t drop what we’re doing and cater to your intrusion?” I shake my head. “I don’t think so. Jenny has been more than accommodating and invited you in, so I suggest you show a little more patience.”
“Yeah, you’ll do just fine,” Jenny comments with a smirk before looking at the three men. “Now that my assistant manager has put you in your place, what can we do for you?”
Snow throws his head back and roars with laughter. Feeling embarrassed, I tuck a strand of hair that escaped my ponytail behind my ear and duck my head.
“Don’t do that.” Dip’s command is laced with heat, and I lift my head to stare at him. “Don’t feel bad for putting Duck in his place. And never feel bad for speaking your mind.”
“Oh, oh,” Snow says, sobering. “He’s right, Kennedy. Duck can be an ass, and hopefully, it’ll do him some good to be reminded of that fact.”
“Um, okay.”
“Told ya,” Jenny quips.
“Told me what?” I ask.
“That you had to dirty up a bit. Remember? If a guy does something you don’t like, ‘fuck off’ is better than ‘no thank you’.” She winks and returns her attention to Snow. “I see your patch so, Mr. President, what can we do for you?”
“As you know, Dip handled a situation outside your bar last weekend,” Snow begins.
A memory surfaces of Dip punching a man on the sidewalk and the man slumping to the ground. I’d stood there and watched the entire thing, torn between being appalled at his behavior and feeling an unfamiliar heat curl through me.
When Dip caught me looking, I ran like a coward.
“And I’m grateful for it,” Jenny says. “I don’t have too many problems here, but even when I do, the cops are no help. I’m glad he was here that night.”
“Well, we’d like to make a proposition,” Duck says, his attitude seemingly checked.
Jenny glances at me, and I shrug. I have no clue what that could mean. I’m new!
“We’re listening,” she says.
“Attacks like that aren’t going to stop,” Dip begins. “And they need to.”
“I agree.” Jenny pulls her cell out of her pocket and taps on the screen before turning it so they can look. “Not sure if you saw this or not, but there were two more attacks last night. One girl is in the hospital, and the other is dead. If there’s something you can do to stop this shit, I’m on board.”
“Wait a second,” I say, trying to wrap my head around everything. “There were more attacks outside Barlow’s?”
Maybe I don’t want to work here.
Jenny shakes her head. “No. It was two blocks over, but that’s still too close.”
“Yes, it is,” I agree.
“We’ll never be able to stop all the freaks out there, but we’re hoping to make a dent,” Snow says. “We run this city, and it doesn’t sit well that women are being hurt right under our noses.”
I snort. “You run this city?”
Where the heck is this sass coming from?
“Kennedy, they’re Satan’s Legacy MC,” Jenny explains. “If they say they run it, they run it.”
“While that’s true,” Duck says. “We don’t want you to be afraid of us. We might not work within the law, but we’re not bad men. And we absolutely despise any threat to women and children.”
“What does that mean?” I ask. “You don’t work within the law, I mean.”
“Have you ever seen Sons of Anarchy?” Jenny asks before any of them can answer. When I shake my head, she continues. “We’ll rectify that soon. For now, don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.”