Page 19 of Dip's Flame

“I’ve been to several interviews but…”

Jenny levels her stare on me. “Kennedy, you told me that you’ve never had an orgasm and that you’re worried about going to Hell, but when it comes to work, you clam up.” She tilts her head. “Why?”

I slide off the stool and start to pace. She’s right… I’ve opened up about so much. And she’s the first person in years I’d truly consider a friend so I should stop holding back.

Before I can respond, there’s a knock on the door. “I’ll get that,” I say quickly, rushing toward the entrance.

It doesn’t even occur to me that Jenny wouldn’t want me to answer the door to her business. After the last few hours, I feel like I belong here, like I’m a part of the Barlow’s Bar team.

The knock turns into a pounding, and I roll my eyes. “Hold your horses!”

Behind me, Jenny snickers. “You tell ‘em, girl.”

When I yank open the door, my mouth drops open, and the inner hussy I didn’t even know existed shivers.

Three men stare at me, but the only one I care about is in the middle, and he seems as shocked as I am that we’re facing one another.

“Are you Jenny?” the man on the right asks.

“I, um… Jenny is…” I swallow and shake my head. “I’m not—”

“I’m Jenny,” she says, stepping up next to me. “And this is Kennedy.”

“Kennedy,” the man in the middle says huskily.

“Aw, fuck,” the third guy mutters as he nudges his friend with his elbow. “This is her, isn’t it?”

“What?” the one who thought I was Jenny barks and darts his eyes from me to the middle man and back again. “Well, hot damn. This worked out better than I thought.”

“Dip, what’s going on?” Jenny asks. “You know we don’t open for another hour. Figured I wouldn’t see you until later.”

Without taking his eyes off me, Dip says, “Uh, right. Well, this is Snow.” He points to the man on the right. “And this is Duck,” he says, pointing to the other guy. “We, uh…” He clears his throat. “We came to se—”

“Can we come in?” Snow asks. “I’d prefer to discuss this in private.”

Jenny steps back, tugging me to the side with her, and allows them to enter. After relocking the door, she leads us all toward the bar.

“Not sure what an MC would possibly have to discuss with me, but have a seat,” she says, gesturing at the stools before moving to stand behind the bar. When I go to sit on a stool, she adds, “Kennedy, you’re back here with me.”

“I am?” I ask, finally finding my voice.

She nods with a grin. “You are. It’s not often I’ve got three Satan’s Legacy brothers here, and as my new assistant manager, you’re gonna want to be involved.”

“You didn’t tell me she was your assistant manager.”

“Assistant manager?”

Dip and I speak simultaneously, and the other two men exchange a look that I can’t decipher.

Jenny smiles. “Yes, Kennedy, my assistant manager. You’ve more than earned it today.” She slides her eyes to Dip. “And I didn’t tell you because it just happened.”

“But I don’t have…” I shake my head, not wanting to get into this in front of Dip, Snow, and Duck. I force a smile at my new boss. “Thank you. I won’t let you down.”

A job… I have a job!

“I know.”

“Great. Now that you’ve settled your staffing issues, can we get down to it?” Duck snaps.