I say apartment so they don’t look for a house. He’s probably going to be so smug when he reads this email. He’ll think he got me to give away details.
I have been doing this for far too long to give away even the most minute detail of my whereabouts. I shut my computer and turn the coffee machine on. I take out my phone and turn on the camera in Nat’s room. She’s lying on her side, hugging her stomach. She’s had a sore stomach for some time, and I am growing worried that it’s something serious. I think I should arrange for her to see a doctor.
I’m about to turn the camera off when I look at her hand placed carefully on her belly. It triggers a thought in my mind that I don’t particularly like.
It wasn’t long ago that we slept together, but it’s not unheard of that women spend their entire pregnancies being ill. If she’s pregnant…
The thought is probably the scariest one I’ve ever had, but at the same time, it triggers a primal urge in my body, my soul, to ensure that she is protected even more now. If she’s carrying my child, then no one will come near her.
I log online under my female alias and order a pregnancy test. I need to know; I have to know. I’m sure she wants to know as well. If it’s not… a tiny seed of disappointment forms in the pit of my stomach.
I never wanted kids. This isn’t the life I’d wish on others, but now that there’s a possibility, I’m worried she isn’t pregnant. My emotions are raging all over the place, and I don’t know what to do with myself.
I make myself some coffee and watch her on the camera. She is sleeping so soundly, so she must have some sense of trust in me.
If Ivan and Evgenii find out she’s pregnant, they might back off about the marriage because I know, as hypocritical as it is, these mafia families are hectic about religion and having kids before you’re married.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I pace up and down, unsure what to do with myself. There’s a notification on my phone, and I disarm the back and go to the secret entryway. There’s a package left there for me. A small package. I take it inside and sit in the kitchen.
I’m not waiting for her to get up because I’m not playing the waiting game. We’re going to confirm this very quickly, and if it is, then I need to make arrangements.
My brothers would find this hilarious. I’m the only one out of them dead set against having children, and now I’m going to be the first one who has one.
I wonder if I should contact them. It’s been a long time.
I’d rather leave it for an emergency.
I glance at the camera and see Natalia waking up and stretching, and my stomach knots.
Chapter 9 - Natalia
Usually, when I nap, I feel better, but my stomach is sore, and I still feel like I want to throw up. The thing that I’ve started to notice, though, is that it’s at the strangest times that I feel sick. Take today, for example, hours after breakfast with nothing that could have triggered it. I need to tell Daniel to arrange a doctor for me. I’m getting worried.
I leave my bedroom and walk to the kitchen. He’s not there though his computer is in. It’s tempting, I won’t lie, but I walk away, calling his name, “Daniel?”
“In the living room.” He sounds strange, almost as though he’s strained.
I walk into the living room. He’s sitting on the sofa with a package in his hands. He’s staring at it.
“What’s that?”
“Why were you looking for me?” he asks quietly. “Before we get into what this is.”
I frown and sit opposite him. “I think I’ve contracted a bug of some sort. I feel nauseous all the time, and my stomach hurts. Now you don’t know me that well, but I’m not someone who gets ill easily. I would appreciate it if you could arrange for a doctor to see me.”
He looks up at me with curious eyes and nods. “I’ve noticed you haven’t been well. I’m observant. That’s why I got you this, just in case.”
I take the package and start to rip it open. The box falls onto my lap, and I pick it up. The words pregnancy test are glaring at me on the box. My blood runs like ice, and I shiver.
“No. No way. There isn’t a possibility.” I look up at him, worried.
“Were you taking birth control?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “Cause you haven’t asked for any while you’ve been with me.”