I stare at him, calculating when last I took birth control. No, I hadn’t in the longest time. NTypically I take the morning-after pill if something happens because it honestly doesn’t happen that often. I look at him with wide eyes. “It’s way too early to have signs, surely.”

He shakes his head. “I researched it. Around two weeks after conception.”

“It hasn’t been that long,” I gasp.

“We’re heading into week six.”

I’d completely lost track of time. No wonder my family is freaking out. Days just blend into each other when you are bored like that. I stand up. “It can’t be.”

“There’s a chance to find out. Go do the damn test.” He stands as well. “Do you… need help?”

“I can pee on a stick,” I snap, panicking.

“Calm down.” He holds his hands up. “I’m trying to help. If it’s negative, I’ll get a doctor to give you a once over and see what’s up with your stomach.”

I nod, letting out a deep breath. “Exactly. It’s probably nothing.”

I hurry out of the room and to the bathroom in the hallway. I shut and lock the door and rip the packaging open. I read the paper, insert instructions, and nod. “Easy enough.”

It’s possibly the weirdest thing I’ve had to do, but so be it. I cap the stick and set it on the basin.

“Did you do it?” Daniel calls through the door.

“We have to give it a few minutes,” I yell angrily.

“Open the door so we can see the results together. I don’t trust you.” I yank the door open. “Seriously, can I not have some privacy?”

“This concerns us both.”

We both fall silent and stare at the stick, waiting.

I fucking hate waiting.

“If it’s not showing anything, that’s good, right? It has to show a cross, right?” He looks at me curiously.

I am breathing hard. “I don’t fucking know. I’ve never been pregnant before.”

We stare at the stick, and then we both lean forward as the little plus sign forms. I don’t know who’s more horrified. I can sense the dread washing over Daniel, but I need to sit down because my legs will give out from underneath me.

I never wanted children, ever. It was never my thing, and I’ve always been so careful. There’s a level of expectation in my family, bearing children, and I didn’t want to conform to that. But now that it’s in me, his baby is in me, I know I don’t have the heart to rip it out.

I look at him angrily and stand up, pushing him away. “You’re not forcing me to have an abortion.”

“Woah!” Daniel holds his hands up. “Roman Catholic here. We don’t believe in abortions.”

“You don’t believe in murder either, yet here we are.” I point out.

He sighs and frowns, “Look, the bottom line is even if I didn’t want children, I’m not going to force you to have an abortion. I would prefer you didn’t. If you don’t want the kid, I’ll take it.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t want my child.” I glare at him.

It’s a silent standoff as we stare into each other's eyes.

“I’ll call my cousin and tell him about the development. I’ll ask him to call off the bounty hunters.” I cross my arms over my chest. “I don’t like the situation, but I don’t want my baby’s father dead.”

“No, telling Ivan I got you pregnant will probably just encourage him to kill me rather than deter him.” I look around and then run a hand through my hair. “We’re moving locations. I assume you know how to pack lightly for quick travel. Meet me in the kitchen in ten. Tell no one we’re moving. It isn’t safe now that we have a baby on the way. They’ll use that to their advantage.”

He leaves, and I go to my room. I find a bag in the closet and pack some clothes for warm and cool weather, and I pack an extra pair of trainers. I pack toiletries because I don’t know what will be available at our next location. I don’t even know how Daniel will find something so quickly.