My father opens his mouth to say something, but Tori walks past and taps his arm. “Don’t make us more late by lecturing her. There’s time for that in the car.”
He huffs, and I smile at Tori before I follow them outside. Roman is toddling along next to Tori, his chubby hand clutching her fingers tightly.
Ivan walks behind us and helps us into the car. Tori looks lovely in a long black dress and sits with Roman, who is dressed in a little suit, on her lap. My father climbs into the car and sits opposite Tori while I climb in beside him.
I swallow hard, hoping Tori doesn’t notice the gun. I face her because I’m more sure my father would notice. It’s the last thing I want.
Tori glances at me as we drive, and I worry, but she simply asks, “What are your plans for afterward?"
“Oh, I’m going to catch a cab to a dance club. Some friends are meeting me there for a night out,” I say, smiling at my father. ‘That’s okay, right?”
“Of course,” he sighs. “It’s not unusual for you to spend a night out with friends.”
I smile and look out the window.
“You will take the regular precautions, right?” my father asks, almost too casually.
I look at him with a quirked eyebrow. “Papa, I always take the regular precautions. I am more capable than you know. No one is going to touch me. I am a Volkov.”
“I’m scared they’ll touch you because you are a Volkov,” he mutters.
I touch his arm. “I’ve been fine so far, so don’t worry.”
He nods and looks at Tori, who’s kicked him. I try not to giggle as Tori gives him dagger eyes. She often takes my side.
I think she understands what being a female in a patriarchal family is like. It’s hard for us to make a name for ourselves. The women in the Italian families seem to have more options, though. My Grandmother wasn’t involved with the business, and as far as I know, my mother wasn’t. Now I’m being denied my birthright.
I know it’s not like he will hand everything to Roman, stepping over me, and I love my baby brother. But I have wanted this with every fiber of my being for as long as I can remember, and I wish my father would take me seriously.
I watch as the sun slowly starts to set on the horizon.
“Why are we going to the Italians for dinner anyway?” I ask, and my father nudges me. He hates that I call them ‘The Italians’, but Tori doesn’t seem to mind.
“Alessandro has a family announcement, which means we must present.” Tori smiles at me.
“Did you have something to do with this?” I ask my father, and he frowns. “Of course I did. We’re united. I know it’s weird to think about, but it is our new normal.”
“Ana,” my brother shouts suddenly, making all three of us jump. He bursts into giggles, and I shake my head. “You rascal.”
I reach over and tickle my brother until he squeals loudly that I must stop.
The car pulls up to the Sorvino estate, and I glance out. I’ve been here so many times, and it’s lovely, but it’s not where I want to be tonight.
Chapter 4 - Luigi
I park the car back where I found it, leaving my guns in it and the keys at security. I take the elevator up to the correct floor.
There is a platter of sandwiches and steaming cups of espresso on the table when I walk into Dominic’s office. I grab a paper plate and pile on the sandwiches, choosing a variety, and take an espresso before sitting at the corner of the boardroom table near the door.
Dominic is sitting opposite me and already has sandwiches and espresso in front of him. He watches the news reports regarding the death of the gang-related witness who may be connected to a street gang that wanted his head.
“I don’t know how you get the media to put these kinds of spins on the stories,” I comment as I settle down to eat.
He mutes the television and turns to me, biting into a sandwich. Once he chews and swallows, he nods. “It’s about having the right person in the media. A spin doctor that can make us look good every time.”
I shrug, chewing on my tuna mayo sandwich that I’m sure Nonna has made because it tastes too good to be store-bought. Dominic looks at me as I devour the sandwiches and shakes his head. “You eat too much, too fast, and you’re going to get fat.”
I chuckle. “Speak for yourself.”