I was pleased to find out via social media that he had a daughter around my age—her name is Juanita Catalan, and she’s quite the party animal. I ‘accidentally’ bumped into her at a club and made friends with her and her friends. It wasn’t hard. I’m a friendly socialite. She didn’t know who I was, and that played to my advantage. We’ve been having lunches periodically over the last year, and I’ve been working to get closer to her to get within reach of Mateo. I’m going to take him out.
Then my father will know my full potential and the Catalans will know my full wrath. I’ve considered killing Juanita in front of him first so he’ll have a few moments of the pain of loss that I’ve had most of my life.
When I walk into the restaurant, only Juanita is there, even though three of her friends are supposed to be meeting us. I smile confidently as she raises a hand to get my attention. I wouldn’t need her to. We’ve eaten here often and always at the same table.
I grin as she stands, and we air-kiss. “Juanita, my love, how are you? You look absolutely radiant today,” I gush as we sit down, with me to her left.
“You know, same old, Russia.” It’s the nickname she’s given me, even though her friends refer to me as Ana.
A waiter brings over menus and sets them down, and I turn to him, “Three more, please. Our friends will be arriving any minute.”
Juanita takes my hand and grins. “I’m so glad you could come. I’ve got some exciting news!”
I plaster a bright smile on my face and squeeze her hand. “Then spill! Don’t keep me waiting.”
A whistle reaches our ears, and we turn to see her friends laughing loudly as they walk over. They’re much louder than even my regular friends, but I grin, get up like Juanita, and air-kiss to greet them. We all sit, and the waiter brings more menus.
We all order some drinks and salads, and Juanita turns to me as soon as the waiter leaves. “Russia, what are you doing tonight?”
“Tonight?” I want to groan. I know we have that stupid family dinner with the Italians. “I have a family dinner I can’t miss in the evening. Why?”
“Oh, what a shame,” she pouts and then grins. “Because my dad, Mateo, is throwing a huge underground rave party and giving us all passes. Free drinks. VIP section. The works.”
“Oh, that’s so nice of your Dad, but won’t it be weird with him hanging around?” I ask, trying to sound casual. “I mean, assuming he’ll be there?”
“Oh, he will be,” she says with a grin. “But he’ll be busy making sure the party stays on course. He won’t bother us. Besides, he’s quite liberal with me.”
“I am so coming,” I say, grinning. “I can meet you after the family dinner. It’ll end around ten.”
“That’s perfect. The party starts around then. I can text you the address, and you can meet us there. Your name will be on the list. Just announce yourself to the bouncer at the door, and he’ll bring you to us.” The waiter brings our drinks, and we all clink glasses. “To a great night.”
“Cheers,” we all say, clinking glasses again and laughing.
For the rest of the meal, we talk about the boys we like. I don’t contribute much in terms of who I like because I haven’t really paid attention to that part of my life. I mean, I’m still a virgin. It’s something I take pride in. I’m not easily won over by Playboy pickup lines or flashy cars. The person who beds me is going to be extremely special.
“What about the guys in your family?” I ask, and they look at me. “I mean, is there someone I would like?” I pretend to be shy, and they all laugh.
“Well, the only guys here our age are extended family members. A few years ago, we had a death in the family, and it’s been hard. There’s been a lot drama back home.”
I put a hand over Juanita’s. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”
“It’s okay,” she smiles. “The problem isn’t mine. It’s my father's. My only problem is how many shots to have before you get there tonight. I don’t want to be drunk because I know you’ll be fun to dance with.”
“Don’t have too many then,” I tease as I finish my drink.
We finish our meals, and I set us up to take a cute selfie. I post it to my social media and tag them in it. We air-kiss our goodbyes, and Juanita promises to text me the details once again.
I can’t believe my damn luck. Mateo Catalan, my mother's killer, in a crowded party. I can kill him and get out unseen during the ensuing panic.
I take a while to get home because of traffic, and my father pokes his head out of his bedroom. “Come on, Ana, you’re going to make us late. Do you still need to shower?”
“I’ll be quick,” I say hurriedly.
I jump into the hot shower and scrub my body before I dry my hair and apply makeup. I get into a cute dress and heels, a pair I won’t mind kicking off and losing if I have to run. I pull the gun and silencer out of their secret spot. I’d bought the gun without my father knowing. I also got a holster, and I quickly attach it to my leg under my dress. I secure the weapon in the holster and fix my dress as my father knocks on my door. “Ana, come.”
“Coming,” I call. I fix my hair and walk out. “See, I’m ready.”