Ivan shakes his head and lets out another ring of smoke, “You will both have pieces of the family business when the time comes. Don’t wish me dead just yet, my girl. As for running the business, I have ensured you’ll have the best people running everything, so you don’t have to worry about getting your hands dirty.”
“I want to get my hands dirty,” I insist, stepping toward him.
“Lack of sleep makes you grumpy and hard to deal with. It always has.” He puts out his cigar and gestures for me to walk ahead of him. “I’ll take you back to your room.”
I walk ahead as he’s instructed. There’s only so far I can push him. But I won’t give up. I’ll continue to work on him until he gives in. We stop outside my room, and he puts a hand on my shoulder. I turn to him, half hoping he’ll say more, but all he does is plant a soft kiss on my forehead. “Get rest, my little angel.”
I walk into my room and quietly shut the door. I want to slam it shut and wake Roman, undoubtedly, Tori is up with him, which is why my father is up, but I’m notthatpetty.
I climb back into bed, angry and frustrated, and I’m confused why he won’t let me be part of our family legacy. I am intelligent and capable, and I can be ruthless when needed.
I want to sleep, but I toss and turn for the rest of the night to the echoes of imaginary gunshots.
I get up, shower and dress, and put on some light makeup so I don’t look too haggard before heading to the dining area to join everyone for breakfast. Tori is feeding Roman with a spoon, and he lights up with he sees me, clapping his hands and shouting, “Ana!”
I smile and kiss his head. “Hello, my little Ro. Morning, Tori.”
I kiss my father on the head. “Morning, Papa.”
He glances at me, and his eyes linger on mine. I know he sees how tired I am, but thankfully he doesn’t say anything about it. Instead, he returns to the legal-looking documents in his hand as he sips his coffee.
“Ana! Ana!” My little brother shouts and claps his hands while my stepmother tries to direct his attention back to his food.
I smile at him, then glance at my father as I pick up my knife and fork to tuck into my breakfast. “Papa, what are those papers about? Is it something I can help with?”
My father doesn’t even look at me as he sighs and shakes his head. “Not really, it’s not something that concerns you.”
He finishes his coffee and stands before I can ask more questions. He smiles at me before kissing Tori’s head and stroking Roman’s head. “Have a good day, everyone.”
“Love you,” Tori says with a grin. “Say bye-bye, Papa.”
“Ana!” My little brother Roman shouts and claps his hands. I wonder if they’re both a little wounded that his first word was my name. It’s easier to say, and quite frankly, I think he loves me the most. Who wouldn’t?
I eat my breakfast mostly in silence. Tori takes bites of hers between feeding Roman. When I’m finished, I smile at them both. “Have a good day. I’m meeting some friends.”
“Have fun and be safe,” Tori says as she wipes Roman’s face.
“Ana!” He waves to me, and I wave back before I leave.
I grab my handbag and car keys and stop at my father's office. He sees my car keys and smiles. “Do svidaniya, my love.”
“Do svidaniya, Papa.” I smile and then turn to walk out of the house. I’m used to the guards that patrol or stand around protecting us.
This is the life that I grew up with, and while my father blames himself for my mother's death, I blame the man behind it. A gangster playing the mafia game, he will soon find himself on the wrong side of a gun I’m holding.
I will avenge my mother's death, and then my father cannot deny my place to lead the family. To reach the culprit, I’ve had to make friends in some rather unsavory places. But as I’ve told my father numerous times, I don’t mind getting my hands dirty.
It’s these unsavory friends that I’m meeting for lunch today. I’ve been slowly working my way closer and closer into their circle so that they will trust me and eventually enable me to be in a position to take out the man behind my mother's shooting.
I know he was aiming for my father, but it doesn’t matter who he shot because I would have avenged him just as well. I get into my car and start the engine, the drive to downtown isn’t far, and I’m a fast driver.
Chapter 2 - Luigi
I blink my eyes a couple of times as a bright stream of sunlight sneaks through my black curtains and hits me straight in the eyes. I groan audibly, and my body cracks like a glowstick as I turn over to look at the alarm clock next to my bed. The only issue is I don’t glow, just crack.
It is a bit of a relief that the gas trapped between my joints is released. It’s Midday, and I glance around slowly. I can hear my phone buzzing next to my bed, but it’s too far to reach.
I shift my hips, and that’s when I realize petite hands are holding onto me in a sleeping state. I sigh and extract myself from the girl, sitting on the edge of the bed. I pick up my phone and see my cousin's name flashing across the screen.