“Dominic,” I answer the phone, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“We have a job for you,” he says seriously. “Come down to the offices.”

I sigh and glance at the girl. “I’ll just need a few moments to shower, but I’ll be here shortly.”

“It’s time-sensitive,” he says before hanging up.

I nod and toss my phone onto the side table. “Of course it is,” I mutter the words under my breath, but the sounds stir the twenty-year-old in my bed.

“Baby, who’s that?’

I cringe. Calling someone ‘baby’ after one night of sex is the worst kind of clingy. I stand up and pull on some boxers. “I have to go to work. Get up and get dressed.”

She looks at me sheepishly, and I head to the bathroom to relieve myself and freshen up. I dress in smart but comfortable pants, a button-down shirt and a jumper over it. It’s cooler these days.

I sit down to put on socks as the girl fixes her hair in the mirror. I glance at her, trying to remember what she said her name was. I stand and run a hand through my hair. “Listen…”

“Rachel…” she quietly prompts me. “My name is Rachel.”

“Yeah, I’m not going to remember that. Honestly, I wasn’t looking for anything long-term. Just a night of fun. I promise it’s not you, it’s me, but I’m not going to call you again. You should probably head out.” I look at her coldly.

She stares up at me, visibly upset, before she grabs her things and storms out. I hear a sob escape her, but I don’t feel bad. I never led her on. I was clear about my intentions. Women are just there to satisfy an itch I need scratched, that’s all.

I go down to the parking garage, get into my car, and drive out. I pass the girl, whatever her name is, I’ve already forgotten. I see her flip me off in the rearview mirror, and resist the urge to wave.

I park in the visitor's bay outside the office, locking my car and climb the stairs to the door, where security sits behind a desk.

“Boss!” they greet cheerfully. “Mr. Sorvino is waiting for you upstairs.”

“Thanks, boys. Take care of the wives.” I nod.

I toss a couple of hundred on the desk as I pass and go to the elevator, taking it to the eighth floor and my cousin's office.

I stroll in and wink at his receptionist. “Hey, Daisy, you’re looking good today.”

“Save it for the young ones,” the older lady says, cocking an eyebrow.

I chuckle. “I’ll always have eyes for you. Is he busy?”

“He’s waiting for you, so I’d scoot on in,” she says, returning to her computer.

She’s a hoot for an older lady, and she looks like someone I would have toyed around with in her younger days.

Dominic is seated behind his desk as I stroll into the office. He’s watching a television mounted to his left, my right. He shuts it off once I’m halfway across the expansive room, and leans back in his chair, looking at me with his fingers in a steeple on his lap.

“We have a problem,” he says as I sit down.

“I gathered since you said it was time sensitive,” I grin at him, but he’s not smiling, so I drop mine.

“Marius worked for us for years as Frankie’s guard. He knows too much intimate knowledge of the family to be roaming free. He disappeared a couple of months ago, and suddenly there’s a grand jury today to indict the family on a lot of charges. They’ve kept him a secret until now.”

I incline my head as he tosses me a manilla folder with photos. I look at them closely and nod. “Today?”

“It could be anytime soon.” Dominic stands up. “We would appreciate it if you could sort this out with as much discretion as possible. We don’t want this in any way tied to us. We have someone covering the front, but the back is a trick shot.”

“My main rifle is a common one, owned by many gun-happy family-friendly American men, and you know I like trick shots.” I tuck one photo into my back pocket and toss the rest on his desk.

I walk out without a backward glance and go straight downstairs to the more secure private underground parking. It’s where I keep my primary work car, loaded with my favorite guns.