“Sweetheart. How’s everything going? I don’t want to bug you and I know you’re busy with your handsome ninja prince, but Aunt Elise and I are dying for details. Is now a good time to chat?”

“Oh, Mom.” She sighed, and tears came yet again. “Derek and I fell in love and we kissed and it was beautiful.”

Her mom gasped and screamed. “They’re in love! Are you staying there?”

“I can’t.” She hadn’t even gotten into how she’d messed it all up. “I’ve got to be with you.”

“Sweetie, I love you, but you’ve got to live your own life. Aunt Elise and I can make it work.”

Ellery was stunned by her mom’s stubborn pride. They’d never make it work without Ellery’s income. She shouldn’t have, but she admitted, “Derek said you could move here and live in the castle.” She opened her eyes and looked around at the gorgeous countryside. So beautiful.

She hated to leave, but staying was no longer an option. Why was she telling her mom that Derek had invited them to move here? That was another lifetime. None of his family would want them here now.

“What?” her mom exploded. “Live in a castle with a bunch of handsome princes and that adorable little Princess Kiera? Yes, please!”

“Mom.” She laughed despite the angst rolling through her. “You can’t just move to Augustine.”

“Why not? Let’s have an adventure, sweetie. Heaven knows neither of us have had one before. You can be with the Derek, the charming and wonderful love of your life, and Aunt Elise and I can live in a mystical castle and have tea and crumpets or whatever they have in Augustine.” She giggled happily.

“Oh, Mom.” Her mom, sounding happy and excited and thinking something good was finally happening in their lives. “I … I messed it all up.”

For some reason, she glanced up into the rearview mirror. The driver gave her a leering stare. She looked away. They were going really fast, and she was pretty sure they were close to the spot where she’d wrecked.

“Can you slow down?” she asked the driver. “I wrecked here two days ago.”

The blond man laughed at that, but he slowed down. A little bit.

Her phone beeped. She glanced at it. Derek? It was Derek. Her heartbeat quickened, and warmth filled her. He was reaching out? Could he forgive her? She wanted so badly to answer his phone call and beg him to love and trust her.

“How did you mess it up?” her mom asked.

“I believed the wrong person and almost got Derek’s sister-in-law arrested and ruined a wedding …” She trailed off. The phone was beeping at her. “Mom. Derek is calling. Can I call you back?”

“Sure, sweetheart. Love you.”

“Love you.” She hung up.

“Don’tanswer that call.” The voice from the front seat was cold, and the grayish-blue eyes in the mirror were even colder. Like a glacier.

“Excuse me?” Her eyes widened as the man steered with one hand and pointed a gun at her with the other.

“You messed things up big time, Ellery Monson. My mum has a few questions for you, before you go through with a perfectly planned scheme to murder the king. Everyone will believe it with how you’ve bumbled and upset the royal family. Real tragedy, all of this, but we’ve lost Hattie Ballard as our scapegoat, and I blame you.”

Ellery could only stare at the man’s gun and cling to her phone, still buzzing in her hand.

Murder the king? She’d never hurt King Nolan, no matter what they threatened her with.

Did she dare answer Derek? How could she fight her way free without being shot? This had to be Treven Rindlesbacher, and she realized now what a huge mistake she’d made all the way around. She’d trusted Naomi and now she’d naively climbed into a car with her murderous son.

This man had no qualms about killing and framing other people for it.

Please help me know what to do, she prayed desperately.

She didn’t want to be killed herself, but she would not let this man hurt any of Derek’s family, and she would not let King Nolan be murdered next.

If she died in this car, at least the family she loved would stay safe. It was the least she could do after the nightmare she’d created for everyone.