She could claim again that he should’ve told her that Hattie was alive, but it was top secret for a reason. The fact that she’d been trusted to be in this room was a huge leap of faith as she was the newcomer, and look how it had turned out.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

Derek stared at her, his blue eyes full of sadness. He didn’t say a word.

Ellery turned and hurried from the room, rushing down the hall, up the stairs, and into her suite. Tears stung her eyes, but she blinked and blinked and tried to keep them in. She’d messed everything up.

Dropping to her knees in the fancy dress, she prayed that Steffan and Hattie would be safe. They had Sutton Smith with them, so that was pretty incredible. She prayed that Macey and Ray would still have a good wedding day. Somehow. She prayed that all of them wouldn’t hate her. Especially Derek. And the king. And Kiera.

The tears raced down her face then.

Springing to her feet, she changed out of her dress, hanging it in the closet. She slipped into her comfortable exercise clothes and looked around at all the beautiful clothes. She’d have to leave them.

Leaving Derek and his family would be worse.

Yet how could she stay? She’d failed and made a huge mess of everything.

A rap came at her door. A guard she didn’t recognize stood there.

“Miss Monson? I’m to escort you to a vehicle that will take you to the airport.”

“Oh …” So they were sending her away. That made sense. Why did it hurt so deeply? Her dad had walked away. Derek had said he’d never walk away from her. Apparently he could send her away, though.

“Do you want me to carry your bags?”

“Just a moment.” She grabbed her workout clothes and toiletries and shoved them in her small bag, leaving anything she hadn’t brought with her. She grabbed her phone from the drawer and shoved it in, too.

Walking to the door, she nodded. “I’m ready.”

The man escorted her out the door, down the hall, down the stairs, and through the foyer. She swore she could hear voices coming from the ballroom. Were they enjoying the family dinner? How could they be enjoying anything? They were all worried about Steffan and Hattie. Ellery had ruined more than just this wedding day. Now the king and prime minister were at serious odds and maybe Naomi and her husband would succeed in their schemes.

She and the guard walked out the front doors and into the beautiful summer day. The sun stung her eyes, or maybe it was more tears at having to leave this palace, this family, Derek.

She stumbled on the step. The man righted her with his hand on her elbow.

He opened the rear door to a black Audi sedan. She climbed inside, clutching her bag.

They drove slowly out of the castle gates. She strained to look back and kept praying for Hattie and Steffan to be safe. She couldn’t pray for them not to hate her, because of course they would. She prayed for Derek not to hate her, but she doubted he could love her now. Well, maybe he’d still love her, but it would be too awkward and hard with his family angry at her for them to ever be together. It was probably better this way. She’d be with her mom and aunt, and he’d be with his family and in Augustine where he’d wanted to be.

They stopped just past the guards at the bottom of the castle hill and the guard opened her door.

He gestured to another black sedan. Ellery clung to her bag and walked on stiff, tired legs to the backseat. “Take care, Miss Monson,” the guard said kindly, holding the door for her.

“Thank you. You too.” She slid into the leather seat, clicked her seat belt, and leaned her head back against the rest.

The driver was a nice-looking blond man maybe a few years older than her. He pulled away and slowly drove through the village.

“Are you taking me to the commuter airport or the commercial airport?” she asked, not sure why it mattered. Had Derek chartered a plane for her or simply gotten her a ticket home?

“Don’t worry, ma’am.” The man’s grayish-blue eyes gleamed at her. “I’ll takeverygood care of you.”

Ellery’s spine prickled. That was an odd response, and the look in his eyes was … creepy.

Was she overanalyzing because of what a stressed-out mess she was? Derek or Raymond or the king had called this guy to come take her away. No matter how upset they were, they wouldn’t send her with someone who would hurt her.

Her phone rang in her bag. She pulled it out and thanked heaven for small miracles. How did her mom know to call at this moment?

Sliding it on, she closed her eyes. “Mom.”