Page 94 of Losing the Rhythm

The first thing I saw when I woke up was Seth hovering over us with a crazy wide grin. He looked way too happy for a guy seeing the girl he liked cuddling up to another man.

“Good morning,” he said softly. “If I knew we were having a sleepover party, I would have joined.”

With my face flaming hot, I snuck out of Justin’s grasp and climbed to my feet. For a moment, the world tipped, and I almost went with it. Seth grabbed my arm and steadied me.

“Whoa there,” he said, making sure I wasn’t going to fall over as I climbed out of the nest we had made and onto the hard carpet. “Are you okay?”

“Just waking up,” I said.

Seth held my hand as we went into the kitchen. “So I know I’m supposed to pretend that you guys are going to school and not skipping today, but I know better.”

“You sound like a dad,” I teased.

“Some days, I feel like it.” He frowned at a thought but then shook his head. “Anyway. Have fun and take care of him. He needs today.”

“What’s going on?”

“You know better. Not mine to tell. I’m sure he’ll talk about it today when he’s ready. Just take care of him.”


Seth grinned. “Good. Also, I know you enough to know that me finding you guys like that is making you feel awkward.” Seth pulled me into his chest and hugged me. “But I liked seeing you like that, it was nice. You guys were taking care of each other. That’s good.”

“You aren’t angry.”

“I have nothing to be angry about. Jealous, yes. But not angry.”

I bit my lip, the nerves trying to get the best of me. But I needed to know. It was more than wanting to be reassured. I also wanted to make sure I wasn’t about to destroy friendships. “I kissed him last night.”

“Did you?” The smile on Seth’s face didn’t falter at all. He didn’t look upset or angry or broken-hearted or anything. It almost felt like he couldn’t care less, that he didn’t care about me enough to react. I had to fight to push those thoughts away. That wasn’t who Seth was. “I’m jealous I wasn’t the one kissing you, but I’m happy you’re happy.”

“What?” I blinked in confusion.

Seth’s smile widened. “I want to introduce you to someone important to me soon. I don’t think now is the time, but I want you to know that I was telling you the truth when I said that we are whatever you want it to be. I’d feel honored if you’d find a spot for me in your heart, even if there are other spots.”

I frowned hard and tried to wrap my head around what he was saying. Multiple spots? Like him and Justin, multiple spots? Those spots were definitely there, but shouldn’t guilt be attached to kissing multiple people? I didn’t understand what was going on.

“I need to leave early. I’ll be back later. Enjoy your time out today.” He finished packing a lunch box and then came around the corner. I was still standing there like an idiot, so he gave me a quick kiss at my temple and then left me standing there. Like an idiot. A speechless one at that.

What was he alluding to when he said that? Who did he want me to meet?

As I got ready, I kept going over the conversation, trying to piece together in different ways to hopefully understand what was going on, but it was like I was missing one piece of key information and without that, nothing was going to fit together as it should.

“Are you ready?” Justin asked as I came down the stairs.



We went to my car and I handed the keys over to him since he knew better where we were going. “So what’s the game plan?” I asked.

“How much do you know about fighting?” he asked.

“Like punching and kicking?”

“Well that is definitely more effective than tickling someone.”

I smiled at his little joke. “Not much. I guess I could probably throw a punch if I tried, but no training. Why?” I asked suspiciously. “I’m not down to do anything bloody.”