He took the food out of the bag and set it out on the table. “Ready to eat?”

“I’m starved. I only snacked for lunch. I was too focused on my report to do anything else.”

After they’d taken a few bites, he said, “Have you ever thought of doing anything different with the DEA?”

Her eyebrows rose. “Different? Like what?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Administration. A desk job.”

“Pft.You’ve got to be kidding me. I’d hate that. Why?”

“Vic, after what’s happened to you, and with what happened today, I’ve realized how much I care for you.”

She reached for his hand. “I really care for you too, Cal.”

He smiled and squeezed her hand. “I realized something else today while I was in the ER getting stitched up. Honey, I just don’t know if I can have a serious relationship with a woman who might get killed in the line of duty on any given day. Worrying about you is killing me.”

She stood up so fast her chair tilted backwards. “What? You think I don’t worry the same way about you? I worry now every time you’re out of my sight. But do you hear me asking you to get a desk job? Hell no! But just because I’m a woman you think it’s okay to ask me!”

She strode from the table and began to pace the room. “I don’t believe I’m hearing this. You can’t have a relationship with me? Well that’s just fine, Cal! You won’t have to worry about that anymore.” She grabbed her bag and strode for the door.

“Vic, don’t go!” He started after her, but she slammed the door behind her.

Hell. That couldn’t have gone any worse if he’d tried. Couldn’t she understand how much he worried about her? Son of a bitch! She didn’t have any business being out there on her own.

He called her phone, but she didn’t answer. Then he texted:

Please don’t do this. It isn’t safe. Come back. I’m sorry that I insulted you. I didn’t mean to. I’m just so worried about you, honey.

But she ignored that too. God, he was worried sick now. She’d have to call an Uber or a taxi. He could go down there and try to stop her, but with her in this mood, it’d do no good. He’d have to let her calm down first. At least she’d been able to get a new debit card issued to her at the bank when they’d gotten into town. She could get cash at an ATM and pay for a hotel.

Knowing that he’d be starving later if he didn’t eat, he sat back down, but the food didn’t appeal to him. He looked across at Vic’s plate. She’d hardly eaten anything.

He closed his eyes. This was a disaster. He shouldn’t have opened his mouth. Not until all of this was over, anyway. He’d just wanted her to be safe. He’d had such a sense of urgency about it.

When he couldn’t stand to take another bite, he threw the rest away and settled onto the bed. After turning on the TV, he let his mind roam. Where was she? Would she find a hotel quickly and get off the street?God, please let that happen. Please keep her safe.

He tuned into a movie that he’d already seen and tried to focus on it. Anything to keep his mind from worrying. There was nothing he could do now but wait. He closed his eyes.God, I’m counting on you now. Do this for me. Keep my sweetheart safe from harm.


Vic found an ATM andanother hotel within fifteen minutes and quickly checked in. She was still furious. He couldn’t have a relationship with her unless she gave up her career path? She’d been shocked and then devastated. She really cared for Cal—and for this to happen? God, why had she let herself get into this predicament? She should have known better. Dammit! She was such a fool.

She’d heard her text tone go off but hadn’t looked at her phone. When she entered the room, she threw her bag on the bed and then opened the text. It was from Cal. She read it and despite her anger, her mood softened. Was she overreacting?

She sighed.I don’t know. This has never happened to me before. I’m always the one with reservations. Damn him. Why did he have to ask this of me? I can’t—no, I won’t—change jobs. I love being an agent. It’s what I’ve always dreamed of.

She paced the room. Too bad the place didn’t have a minibar. She could sure use a drink about now. She picked up her phone and texted Cal:

I’m staying at the Marriott near downtown, not far from you. I don’t want you worrying about me.

He sent back:

Thanks for telling me, Vic. I’m worried about you out on your own like this.

She sent:

No need. I’m a big girl.