He shot back:

Dammit, Vic. This isn’t the time for us to be separated.

She texted:

Good night, Cal.

Then she put her phone on silent and tossed it on the bed.

After a quick shower, she lay down and turned on the TV. She felt her phone vibrate. Cal had texted her again.

Vic, please be safe. Stay inside and don’t go anywhere.

She sent:

Don’t you think I know how to handle myself? I’m a special agent, not some dummy. Listen, I’ll tell you this. I can’t be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect me and what I do, and that seems to be you, Cal.

He texted:

I do respect you. I’m just worried sick about you.

She sent:

No, you don’t respect me or have any confidence in my skills, or you wouldn’t worry so much. Now quit texting me!

She set her phone screen-down beside her, angry all over again.

Her phone vibrated again about fifteen minutes later, and she groaned aloud. She must not have turned it off properly.

But when she looked at it, the text was from Alex, a man she’d dated a few years ago and who had become a good friend.

She texted:

Hey, what’s up, Alex?

He sent:

Just thought I’d check in. We haven’t spoken in a while. How are you?

She texted:

I’m in a mess. Would love to talk. What are you doing?

He texted:

I’m at home. Are you?

Thank goodness. She sent:

No. Can you come here?

She sent him the address.

“I’ll be there in a few. No problem.

She felt better already. She really needed to talk, and Alex had a good head on his shoulders. She could talk to him about anything.

She texted: