“Right. Well, if you go in, I’ll go to work, too, I guess.” He didn’t sound happy about it, and she couldn’t blame him.

“It’s not safe to retrieve your car from your house. I heard you say on the phone yesterday that they’d taken it there. I’ll drive you in and pick you up.”

“That’s fine. I won’t work late. Just call me when you’re on the way.” She hated that he was unhappy, and she hated the idea of him going into work just because she was. But her ASAC had assumed that she’d be working the next day.

When they got back to the house, Vic flopped onto the couch. “I wish it was safe to use the Internet here.”

“I know, but I still don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Yeah, I’d just like to get a jump start on my report. It’s due in less than two days, and I have to add all that’s happened since I was taken.”

“Yeah, I have to update mine as well. We can do that tomorrow when we go in, I guess.” He sat down beside her and slipped his arm around her shoulders.

She leaned against him and began to relax. “Let’s enjoy our downtime while we can, huh?”

“Agreed. I thought I’d broil those steaks I bought for dinner,” he said.

“That sounds great.” Cal had done the lion’s share of the cooking since they’d arrived.

“How’s your face feeling?”

“Better. My lip’s hardly swollen anymore.” She felt her forehead. “And this is much better. I still look atrocious. These black eyes are the pits, as you’d say.”

He laughed. “The swelling’s gone down on your eyes, though. But, yeah, they’re something else. All in all, though, I’d say that you’re looking pretty good, considering what you went through.”

“I sure feel better, I know that.” She sighed, enjoying the feeling of being close to him. What would she have done without Cal? She caressed his thigh. “You’re such a sweet guy. I appreciate you so much. I always feel pampered when I’m around you. Nobody’s ever made me feel that way.”

He kissed the top of her head. “That’s the way it’s supposed to be, honey.”

“Well, I can’t wait to heal completely so I can pamper you more.” She had several things in mind.

“How’s your stomach feeling?”

“Still tender, but not nearly as sore as it was.” She felt it with her hand, putting pressure on it with her fingers. Yeah, it was definitely better.

“That’s great.” He patted her shoulder. “You’re getting there.”

And she was. Now if she could just get her nerve back. She was still somewhat shaky in that department, and nothing surprised her more. She’d always been one of the toughest members of her team.

She rose up and brushed a kiss across Cal’s lips. Then she met his gaze and kissed him again.

He smiled. “Are you up for this?”

Forcing back a smile, she said, “Hell, yeah.”

He helped her to her feet and led her back to his room. At the bed, he kissed her softly and lifted her shirt over her head. Raising her arms still hurt, but it was okay. He stepped behind her and unhooked her bra, slipping it off. Then he nibbled where her neck met her shoulders, and she sighed. God, he felt good.

She turned and lifted the hem of his T-shirt, and he quickly pulled it off. She stepped out of her jeans while he slid off his.

He smiled at her. “You’re gorgeous, honey. Don’t you worry about those damn bruises.”

She loved how he always made her feel so good about herself. She had pretty good self-esteem, but he always made her feel beautiful. “Thanks, Cal. You’re not so bad yourself.”

He chuckled and pulled her close. “Not so bad, huh?”

She kissed his chest, running her hands up his back. It was as muscled as his chest. The guy must work out, but she’d never seen any hint of that. “Yep, damned straight.”

He sat on the bed and pulled her onto his lap, where he kissed her long and slow and as gently as butterfly wings. It sent tingles racing through her body. She cupped his face in her hand and looked into his eyes. “Cal, I love that we’re spending this time together. It means so much to me.”