“Neither. It’s perfect.” He sighed and closed his eyes. It’d been forever since he’d had his back scratched. It was a sensual feeling, and a loving one too. He felt himself begin to relax.

“I’m going to scratch until you fall asleep, Cal. So, close your eyes and think of something good to dream about.”

Oh, he knew just what he wanted to dream about. Her. He smiled and let his thoughts wander. Memories of their lovemaking filled his mind. He breathed deeply and let it out. This was heaven. His thoughts gradually slowed. He was aware only of her fingertips moving slowly across his back. Then he was aware of nothing.


Vic leaned back onthe couch and gave a disgruntled sigh as she disconnected the call. “My ASAC said basically the same as your captain. The agents involved were all cleared. Their phone histories and emails were fine. Interrogations went well also. He doesn’t feel that the leak’s in our office.” He’d also asked for the location of the safe house in case something went wrong. He was her boss, so she stopped right then and quickly emailed it to him.

Cal grimaced. “Well, it’s somewhere. There’s got to be a leak. They have to get to the bottom of this, Vic.”

“Right. I just don’t know what else to do.” She ran her hand through her long hair, which she hadn’t bothered to pull back today. “I’m supposed to go into the office.”

“Really? When we don’t know where the leak is?”


“Well, that sucks.”

“Totally. My ASAC told me to report in. Good news is I can pick up my gun. They retrieved it from the safe house. I’ll be glad to have it back. They also have my laptop there.”

“Well, I guess I’ll check in at my office too. But we should stay here for a while longer. Surely they’ll keep looking for this leak? I’m going to talk to my captain about that this morning.”

An hour later, she noticed that Cal kept a sharp lookout as he drove them to the DEA offices. He dropped her off at the entrance, telling her that he wanted to run an errand, and she went straight up to see her ASAC.

She was shown right in, and he reached out to shake her hand. “Good to have you back safe and sound, Vic.” He gestured to her face. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that.”

“Thank you. Good to be back, sir.”

He asked her a few questions and then had her tell him what had happened from start to finish. Then he unlocked a drawer in his desk and brought out her laptop. “Go down to tech services, and they’ll issue you another phone. When can I have that report?”

“Sir, I’d like to update it with this last bit. I can have it to you in two days, tops.”

“No later, Vic. I’ve talked to the Rangers, and we’re going to get rolling on this intel.”

She nodded. “I’ll get it to you sooner if I can, sir.”

She went straight down to get her new phone, then took Cal’s card from her pocket and called him. “I’m finished. You done with your errands yet?”

“I’m out front. Come on out.”

Relieved to hear his voice, she headed for the exit. She felt exposed away from the safe house; only with Cal did she feel truly at ease. And that was ridiculous. She was a trained DEA agent, and now she was even armed. But somehow, Cal always made her feel like she was wrapped in a blanket and snuggled in front of a fire, safe and warm and happy.

He was pulled up by the doors when she went out. She stopped herself from smiling. Damn, she hated that she couldn’t show her appreciation for him that way. Instead, she climbed into his truck and said, “Thanks. You’re amazing.”

“Aw, shucks,” he said with a grin. Then he said, “I won’t be long at my office. I’ll talk to the captain and get out of there. I just want to speak to him face to face about this leak issue. We can’t just let it go.”

“I agree.”

An hour and a half later, they were on their way back to the safe house.

Vic said, “My ASAC says that I’m cleared to go back to work when I’m ready.”

“You’ve got to be shitting me!” Cal threw his hand in the air. “With the cartel still a threat?”

“He feels like we’ve covered that already, I guess. I’m not so sure. I’ve got to finish my report, though. I could do it at the house, but I guess I should probably go in, since we’re still not using the Internet there, right?”

She could feel her anxiety ramping up just saying the words. She was actually afraid of leaving the security of the safe house for a day at work. Maybe that was why she was considering going in. She preferred to tackle her fears head-on.