Page 36 of Leashed


Ark is fuming. I have never seen him so agitated. I’ve only been in his presence for a couple of days, but they have been an intense couple of days. I’m starting to think this rich, privileged family of aliens needs someone like me around. They’re so busy trying to play by the rules of their world they don’t even notice when they’re getting fucked. He notices now that his enemies are at his door, and that being good has gotten him nowhere.

I feel like I have a purpose here, like the universe wants me to be part of overthrowing this fucked up society that pretends to be advanced but is obviously rotten to the core.

“Fuck civilization,” I say.

Kahn groans. “We need to get ourselves together, calm down, and not react to this obvious attempt to make us lose our cool. It is not ideal that Wrathelder is able to import humans en masse, nor is it good that our own licenses have been suspended — if that is truly the case. But becoming lawless, murderous rogues will not help matters.”

“I vote for becoming lawless and murderous,” I pipe up.

“You don’t get a vote, pet. You will get the belt if you don’t go back to your crate this instant,” Kahn says.

“You’re not my master, Kahn. Ark is, and he wants me here.”

Ark takes a deep, stabilizing breath, and sighs. “Kahn’s right. We cannot afford to lose our cool. We must make tactical steps…”

“I am glad you are seeing sense,” Kahn says.

“… to free Zain from prison, and restore our family name.”

“No,” Kahn groans as I laugh. “She’s a pet. She’s a human. She’s not someone to take advice from. You know better than this, Ark.”

“Do I. Do you? Are we sensible? Or are we being pathetic and weak? Our father is dead, and our mother warms our enemy’s bed.”

“That son of a bitch is fucking your mom?” I exclaim, shocked. I knew something was going on in that council room. There was a weird tension that didn’t seem right, even for adversarial aliens. So Phenix is literally a smug motherfucker. Makes sense.

“Our mother felt the Wrathelders were better able to provide for her needs in the wake of my father’s passing,” Kahn says. “It was a choice she was free to make.”

Kahn’s tone is one of barely contained rage when he speaks about his mother’s treachery, and I instantly know that’s the key to getting him on my side. I’ve now forgotten completely about getting back to Earth. Avenging Ark’s family’s honor seems like a much more satisfying time. I’m the sort of girl who does best when she has a mortal enemy.

“So, free Zain, then kill Phenix Wrathelder, stop the mass-transit of humans from Earth. How hard can it be?” I tick the items off, one on each of my fingers.

Kahn growls at me. “We are supposed to be training her, not drawing her into a potential civil war. There are reasons we stayed our hand, Ark. It was father’s final wish for there to be peace on Euphoria.”

Ark replies in a deep, feral growl. “Was it? Do we know what his final wish was as he bled out on the blades of traitors?”

Ark is so fucking hot right now, his orc-like tusks chomping at the air, as his dragonesque, near fae appearance only serves as a foil for the brutality emerging from within. The contrast of his incredible strength and potential wildness with the trappings of his collected civilization is turning me the hell on. He is not done making his plans, either.

“Do not worry, brother.Iwill train her. Jen, if you are going to be a part of this plan, you will have to become obedient. I have to know when I send you into battle, you will do as you are told.”

“Into battle,” I repeat. I like the sound of that.

“She’s a soft, small human. She has no place in battle,” Kahn objects.

“Metaphorically, Kahn. If we do this correctly, there will be no wars waged. We will act swiftly. Jen will be a distraction. Nothing more. No harm will come to her. We can take Wrathelder down while they imagine they have won.”

“What could possibly go wrong,” Kahn deadpans.

With those words, he gives in.



Three days have passed since Phenix came to our home and a plan has been arrived at. It is not one that pleases Kahn, but he has agreed to go along with it. We must move swiftly if we are to stop Wrathelder. Word is that he is launching his ship to Earth this very day. It is going to be a spectacle with much fanfare, being a vast and impressive piece of engineering.

News of his achievements has dominated media. The papers are full of him. As we walk through the streets of Eutopia, I see person after person with their heads buried in the same glossy communications screens with the same lead story scrolling across them.