Page 37 of Leashed


The headline is followed by a picture of Phenix standing next to the massive ship with a very broad grin on his face. They’ve altered the image so you cannot see the black eye Jennifer gave him.

I am grateful to be surrounded by reminders of why we are going to do what we are about to do. In the modern history of Eutopia, nobody of any breeding has ever acted contrary to the will and law of the council. That is about to change today.

The prison that holds our brother is widely regarded to be impenetrable, but nothing in this world or any other is truly impenetrable. It is time we got Zain free.

“What’s the plan, again?” Jen asks the question slightly nervously, as well she might. She will play a role in this, and she will make a sacrifice.

“You know the plan,” I reassure her.

“Sure,” she giggles a little. “The plan is going to hurt.”

I have her on a light chain now that it is clear she is more than capable of breaking lighter restraints.

I look down at her as we stroll around the perimeter of the inner spire, just an Euphorian and his human pet, like many others.

Every now and then, another owner and pet will walk past us. At a distance they begin to bring their pets over in the eagerness to show them off to another owner. The second they see that it is Jen and I, they veer off to another path if they can. The scene at the council has caused a scandal, and the repercussions are rippling out through society.

My brothers and I are becoming social pariahs, just as Wrathelder intends. We are in his territory right now, walking freely, but clearly outside the bounds of good taste and propriety. I enjoy the feeling more than I had imagined.

“Tell me how you escaped prison on your world,” I encourage her as we enter one of the garden areas.

She looks up at me with a little smirk on her pretty face.

“Why are you assuming I escaped?”

“Am I wrong?”

“No,” she admits with a broader grin. “Honestly, it wasn’t a master plan. I seduced a guard. Prisons aren’t what they used to be. There’s no real law anywhere anyway. Being behind bars on Earth now is just what you get for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don’t believe in right and wrong anymore. All I believe in is what I can and can’t do. And I can do most things.”

She’s a cocky little thing, but I am glad for it. I never expected a human to make me feel braver, stronger, and more determined, but Kahn is right. Her wildness is rubbing off on me, and I like it.

“Wrathelders are city dwellers,” I explain to my pet. “They live in the first arrondissement, the circle of spires located around the innermost pillar of the city. They have always wielded much influence in the city. We are striking at the very heart of their territory.”


“It is also where I will strike at you. You will be punished today, Jen. It will hurt. It will be humiliating. It will be something you never forget, carried out in public.”


His words excite me more than I know I should let on. Every time Ark punishes me, I orgasm harder than I ever did before I left Earth. He’s warning me as to what he plans to do to me, but it just feels like foreplay.

We’re walking toward that big, dark building. The one that makes me feel like the pit of my stomach is rising and expanding to swallow me whole. I try not to be nervous. Ark has this under control. More importantly, Ark has me under control.

“So when we get into the prison, or just outside it, you want me to act up, cause a huge scene, make a distraction, and then you’ll make a public example of me in front of everybody?”

“Exactly,” he says. “You will do what you do best, and I will do what I do best.”

I smile a little, before pointing at a big blimp-like ship in the distance. “Is that it?”

Ark’s face falls into a deadly serious expression. “Yes,” he says. “That’s Wrathelder’s ship.”


A very large ship is preparing to depart from a dock in Wrathelder’s private region, just a few miles from our current location. It is so large it casts a great shadow over all of us and makes the day somewhat cooler than it had been before.

Even at a distance, the large W on the side is very visible, and even if it were not, the fanfare the Wrathelders are making would demonstrate its origin. My only regret is that we cannot stop that ship from departing. It is the first of the Wrathelder fleet going to capture hundreds, if not thousands of humanity’s most violent and reckless specimens.