She burst into tears. Keeping her secret all these weeks with no one to talk to had been agonizing. Jason held her as she sobbed. He produced a handkerchief from his pocket so she could wipe her face.

“I don’t know what to do,” she wailed.

“Tell me, Cate. Tell me everything.”

So she did. She started with the day of the wedding and read Jason every verse and chapter of her relationship with Harry. Well, not the sex stuff. She glossed over that. But Jason wasn’t stupid. He could understand what she wasn’t saying. She ended with the day she and Jason first saw each other in the park.

Jason stood and paced. “So Harry freaked out after you told him you had forgiven me?”

She sniffed. “Yes.”

“And he flew to LA.”

“That’s what he said.”

“He’s never been to an architectural conference in his life. The man’s a loner. Good Lord, Cate. I think he’s in love with you.”

“No.” Her heart stopped, jerked and pounded. “No. He said he had a crush on me years ago, but when you and I started dating seriously, he got over it.”

“For a smart woman, you’re not great at recognizing lies.”

“He doesn’t want to get married because of his unbalanced parents.”

“Then change his mind. Or offer to live in sin.” Jason grinned. “I get credit for this one if you make it down the aisle.”

“Oh, shut up. My track record with that particularwalkisn’t great.”

Jason hugged her. “I am so damn glad I didn’t ruin your life. Go to him, Cate. Make the big romantic gesture.”

“I’m scared.” More like petrified. She was shaking all over.

“You can do this.”

“It’s too late. I’ll go tomorrow.”

Jason put his hands on her shoulders. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You deserve happiness, Cate. More than anybody I know. You’ve spent your whole life caring about other people and giving them what they want and need. Meeting their expectations. Do this for you.”

“Are you sure, Jason? What if it’s just a head cold? What if he’s really sick? I’ll die of humiliation.”

His grin was mischievous. “If you didn’t die when I balked at the altar, this will be a piece of cake. I believe in you, Ms. Georgia Peach Blossom. Now go. Go get your man.”


Cate had left her key to Harry’s apartment with the concierge when she moved out. Now—because she knew all the staff—taking the elevator up to Harry’s floor was no biggie.

But what if Harry closed the door in her face?

She stood there for at least three minutes before she worked up the courage to ring the bell.

When the door swung backward, Harry stood framed in the opening. Jason was right. He looked terrible. But the sight of him was like water in a desert. She wanted to throw herself in his arms and never let go.

Since that wasn’t really a choice, she debated her options. She had thought catching him by surprise might make a difference—that she could possibly determine if he was glad to see her.

But his expression was blank. “What doyouwant?” His mood was surly.

“Jason said you were sick.”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “Unless you’ve brought chicken soup, I’m not interested.” He was wearing navy sweatpants and the gray Emory T-shirt she had come to love.