She decided to take a page from Jason’s playbook. Instead of waiting for an invitation, she pushed her way in. Immediately, she was swamped with a million memories. Her eyes dampened, and her throat constricted.
But this was no time for a sentimental walk down memory lane.
“Why are you hibernating?” she said. “It’s not winter yet.”
“Jason told you. I’m sick.”
She put her hand to his forehead. “No fever. You’re not coughing. And your voice is fine. I think you lied to him.”
“Then if I lied to him, feel free to leave.” He practically snarled the words.
The place was a wreck. Prescott Harrington, the neat freak, was living in squalor, relatively speaking.
“Why hasn’t your cleaning lady been here?”
“She’s sick.”
Cate sighed. “Lot of that going around.”
Harry rubbed a hand across his face. Suddenly, he looked exhausted. “What do you want, Cate?”
“When was the last time you went into the office?”
“I work at home—remember?”
She touched his face, testing the stubble on his chin. “And when was the last time you shaved?” She sniffed his shirt. “I think you stink.”
Harry’s eyes narrowed. “If this is some kind of cosmic tit for tat because you think I was mean to you back in June, I get it. We’re even now.”
“Not by a long shot. Is there any food in your kitchen? Let me fix you a meal.”
“I’m not hungry.” He paced, running his hands through his hair, making his dishevelment worse. “Please go. Shouldn’t you be neck-deep in running your new store?”
Cate took a seat on the sofa, folded her arms and stared at him. “We weren’t able to make the Labor Day opening date. My contractor flaked out on me. I had to find a new one.”
Dull color flooded his face. “Things got busy at work.”
“Right.” She didn’t believe that for a minute. “How’s the design going for the atrium building?”
“I finished the drawings. The client was pleased.” He sat down, too, as though his legs wouldn’t hold him up. If he wasn’t eating, it was no wonder. He had chosen the love seat, which was as far away from the sofa as possible.
Cate didn’t know her next move. Or if she even had a next move.
While she waited for inspiration, Harry leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Please go, Cate. I don’t know why you’re here.”
“Because Jason was worried.”
“So why send you? I’ve seen him half a dozen times in the last month. He never mentioned your name.”
“Makes sense. The last timeIwas with him was that day in the park after he got home from Peru. The only reason he came by my place tonight was to let me know you were having a crisis.”
Harry scowled. “That’s absurd. I’m not having a crisis.” Then he stopped. “You haven’t been with Jason?” His jaw was granite, his gaze opaque.
“No,” she said softly. “Jason and I are not a couple anymore. I told you that a long time ago...back in Blossom Branch. He and I are not getting back together.”
After a long silence, he shook his head slowly. “Well, it has nothing to do with me.”
“I think it does,” she said softly. “I think you threw me out of your apartment because you were upset I had forgiven him. You freaked because you thought Jason and I were picking up where we left off.”