“It is too dangerous tonight.”

“Let me go!” I snapped, clawing at his hands, but he would not let me go.

“Not in the dark,” he said, his mouth against my ear. “Please, sweet creature.”

“But she isalive!” My voice broke. I was no longer alone.

“And she is likely still in the tree, where she will be tomorrow.”

His words stole my fight, and I sagged against him. His arms were tight around me, and his head still rested in the crook of my neck.

“I will take you tomorrow. I will take you as soon as day breaks. I promise. I swear it.”

After a moment, I turned to face him.

“Why promise?” I asked. “Why swear?”

He seemed confused. “Because…it is what you want.”

My chest felt warm and open, and I felt as if my heart were beating in my whole body. I gripped his face and pulled him to me. As our lips collided, we staggered and Casamir’s hands fell to my ass, gripping me tight, his arousal hard between us.

“Down,” I commanded, and we knelt to the floor. I guided him to his back and straddled him, grinding over his cock. I bent to kiss him again, letting my tongue collide with his. Casamir’s fingers pressed into me as I chased friction we both sought, and when that wasn’t enough, I guided him inside me, hips grinding into hips, hands planted against his chest. When I grew too tired, he sat up and gripped me, helping me move, our foreheads resting together, our bodies warm and wet. As the pressure built between us, Casamir kissed me, lavishing my mouth with his tongue, and I came, collapsing against him. He held me as he settled onto his back, and we lay there until our breaths evened.


I winced at the letter, and Casamir stiffened, expecting me to tear away from him. But instead, I remained where I was, body heavy against his.

“I did not mean it,” I said.

“You did,” he said. “At least when you first spoke the words, but I did not offer it because of the bargain. Think of it as a gift, another letter closer to freedom.”

“Is that what you want?” I asked, feeling the slightest twinge of pain at the thought that he would want me gone.

“Isn’t that what you want?” he countered.

I thought about it, uncertain now, and after a moment, I spoke.

“I want a choice. To stay or go.”

Wasn’t that freedom? A choice.

“Which would you choose?”

“I cannot say,” I said, my words slow and sleepy. “I am not free.”

Casamir stared, and I wondered what he was thinking, what was moving behind his dark eyes, but he rose to sit. With my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck, he stood and carried me to bed. As I lay beside him, my mind reeled with thoughts of what it would be like to do this for the rest of my life, and I did not hate it.

Chapter Eighteen

The Old Willow

“Wake, sweet creature,” said a voice, quiet and warm.

Groggily, I opened my eyes to find Casamir standing over me, fully dressed. A golden-orange light burned behind him. The sun was rising.

“It is daybreak,” he said. “And I have promised to take you to your sister.”

Those words woke me immediately, and I rose and swung my legs over the bed. I was naked and suddenly beneath Casamir’s appraising gaze. His eyes roved and my skin warmed, the bottom of my stomach igniting with a desire so keen, I shifted closer to the edge and parted my legs.