Casamir’s gaze held there, and his tongue slid across his bottom lip.

“Oh, sweet creature,” he rasped. “This morning is not for temptation, for I have made promises.”

He touched my chin and tipped my head back while his other hand fisted my hair and he ravaged my mouth. He pulled away with a groan and rested his forehead against mine.

“Get dressed,” he said, stepping back to hand me a pile of clothes.

I was surprised when he did not watch and instead crossed the room toward his plants as I changed into a pair of leggings and a long dress with high slits for riding.

“Rested?” a voice asked.

I snapped my head toward the mirror, and my mouth fell open, but I could not respond. I had forgotten about him.


“Ignore him,” said Casamir, his back still to me.

“How do you ignore him?” I asked. “He’sthere.”

He hadseeneverything.Heardeverything.

My cheeks flushed at the thought.

“Trust me, the more he speaks, the easier it is.”

“Do not worry, creature,” the mirror said. “I am used to the prince’s lovemaking.”

“Oh really?” I asked, my embarrassment overtaken by a sudden shock of jealousy.

“Do not say it like that, you foolish thing,” Casamir said.

“How should he say it then?” I asked.

“Yes, how should I say it?” the mirror echoed.

Casamir continued to inspect his plants, oblivious to the anger boiling my blood.

“To say I have made love to anyone but you is a fallacy,” he said. “And I have spent the better part of ten years pleasuring only myself. If the mirror has been watching anyone fuck, it must be one of my brothers.”

“Would he not know the difference?” I countered.

“Well, he is only a mirror,” he said, and then he turned to me, his expression serious, growing far more severe the longer he stared. After a second, he crossed to me and reached for the remaining piece of clothing that lay on the bed—a cloak that he draped around my shoulders and clasped at the front. He let his fingers glide down the edges of each side until his fingers twined with mine.

“Beautiful,” he said.

My gaze fell to his lips, and I leaned closer, just grazing his mouth with my own when the mirror spoke.

“That was well done, Prince,” he said.

We both glared.

“You know you do nothaveto speak,” Casamir said.

“I only wish to offer a compliment,” the mirror said. “You have improved since last time.”

My brows lowered, and before I could speak, Casamir took my hand and dragged me to the door.

“It is time to go.”