Page 10 of Searching for Hope

And I am about to become her again.

I push the button and bring Jericho’s phone to my ear, practicing my smile in the mirror as the ringtone sounds.

“Speak to me,” a voice croaks after the fifth ring.

“Michael?” My voice needs to be a little higher, a little more frivolous. “Michael, is that you?”

“Sure is.” Confusion mixes with curiosity in his tone.

“It’s me, Everly.”

There’s a pause. I can hear some rustling in the background as though he’s sitting up in his bed. “Everly fucking Atterton?”

“Last time I checked it was Everly Jane Atterton.” I laugh.

“No fucking way!” At least he sounds happy to hear from me. “I didn’t think I’d hear from you after yesterday. It’s been too long. I haven’t seen you since—”

“Since my father’s place was raided and he ended up in prison?”

He laughs. He doesn’t offer apologies or excuses. He just laughs. “Yeah, since then. Are you still in my city?”

“Your city? I think other people live here too.”

He laughs again. “My father owns a lot of it, does that count?”

“I just thought I’d see if you wanted to meet up for a coffee or something. Seeing you yesterday made me think it’s been far too long.”

“Fuck yeah, of course I do. Where are you? I’ll come grab you and we’ll make a day of it. I’ll take you on a tour. We could even take the boat out for a bit, if you’re keen.”

I glance toward the door, knowing Jericho is sleeping soundly on the other side. “I’m here with my boss, actually. Not sure if I’ll be able to take the whole day, but I should be able to swing an hour or two. How about we start with coffee and see where it takes us?”

“Your boss, huh? So, what sort of career did the ever vivacious Everly end up with? You were considering law, weren’t you?”

I laugh. Law was something I only told people I was considering. The true answer was I didn’t have a clue. And then, of course, everything changed, and my life went in an unexpected direction. Family I wasn’t aware existed were suddenly thrust into my life, changing everything.

“That plan didn’t go so well.”

Michael clears his throat. “Have you heard anything from him?”

I know who he’s talking about, but I decide to answer as noncommittally as possible. There’s a plan forming in my head, one that would allow both Jericho and I to attend the sort of events Michael’s father hosts. But I haven’t got all the details sorted yet.

“It’s not something I usually discuss over the phone.” Hearing movement on the other side of the door, I wrap up the conversation. “So how quickly can you be here to pick me up?”

Jericho knocks on the door. “Berkley? Are you in there?”

“Give me an hour,” Michael says. “I’ve got to have a shower first. Can’t turn up smelling like last night’s party now, can I?”

“Pleased to hear nothing’s changed in the world of Michael Gorman.”

Another knock on the door. “Berkley who are you talking to?”

“Flick me your address, yeah?” Michael says. And then he hangs up.

Another knock. Harder this time. Like I’m testing his patience. Again.

“I’ll be out soon,” I yell.

Facing myself in the mirror, I practice my smile and bravado. Jericho is not going to be happy with what I’ve done but the decision wasn’t his to make. It was mine.