Welcome back to the world Everly Atterton.
chapter five
When I swing open the door, Jericho is standing in my way, arms crossed and scowl firmly in place.
“Who were you talking to?”
“I didn’t know I had to tell you every aspect of my life.” I push past him, ignoring the way my skin ignites as it brushes against his.
“Who were you talking to?” He repeats the question again but this time slower, as though I hadn’t understood him the first time.
I whirl around to face him. “Here’s the thing. You either let me help or you let me go.”
“You know you’re free to go whenever you wish. And as for letting you help, you’re here, aren’t you? I’m letting you help.”
“No, you’re not. If you were, you’d be taking me seriously instead of doing whatever it is you’re doing. I know these people. I know the sort of circles they move in. I know them because I used to attend the same parties. I used to sit and have fucking morning tea with them.”
“And you just expect me to let you waltz back into that world?”
“I don’t expect you toletme do anything. I told you I want to help, and you said I could. If you didn’t want me to, you should have left that lock on the door.”
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Look, I know I haven’t handled this the best way. I thought I could…” He sighs again and moves to sit on the edge of the bed, running his hands through his hair. “Trying to find Hope has cost me everything.” He looks up, his dark eyes shining. “Everything,” he repeats. “It’s consumed my life. For the past few years, it’s all I’ve thought about, all I’ve dedicated myself to. It’s changed me. Made me question everything I thought about myself, about the world.” He gets up and begins to pace the floor. “Lately, I’ve begun to sense how close she is. It’s like I’m stretching, reaching for something that’s just beyond my grasp. But I’m close. So close. I had it all planned out. Everything I was going to do, everything I was going to use you for, but…” He stops in front of me. “But I couldn’t. It’s just not who I am, even if part of me wants it to be.” Reaching out, he brushes my hair behind my ear, then lets his finger trail down my jawline. I close my eyes, relishing the touch, almost scared by the reaction it ignites inside me. “I feel a responsibility for you, Berkley. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
I take a step back. And then another. My eyes burn.
“A responsibility for me? I am not your responsibility, Mr Priest.” Bending down, I start to shove my belongings into my bag. “I do not want to be a burden to you. I’ll just leave now. You can get another tutor for Ette, or maybe you won’t need to since she never wanted to learn dance in the first place.”
Hoisting my bag over my shoulder, I give him one last glare before storming toward the door. I can do this on my own. I don’t need Jericho in order to find his sister and relieve some of this guilt lodged inside me. I don’t need him at all.
His fingers wrap around my arm. “Berkley, wait.”
I stop, internally scolding myself as I freeze under his touch. “I’ve been alone in this since the beginning. I’m not used to…”
“Used to what?”
“I’m not used to having company. I’m not used to accepting help. Least of all from—”
“From me? From the daughter of a monster?”
“From someone who distracts me.”
“Oh, I’m a distraction, am I?” I go to move away but he tightens his grip.
“Yes,” he growls. “You’re a distraction. I can’t seem to get you out of my mind. You take up space inside my head and no matter how much distance I create between us, no matter what I do to try and forget you, you just—you…” His voice fades as his gaze moves to my lips. “You’re so young, Berkley. You’re so…” Again, he pauses but this time he can’t find the right words. “You’re a hindrance.”
“A hindrance?” My voice lifts about an octave as I repeat his words.
Jericho releases me and runs his hands through his hair, letting out a groan. “I didn’t mean it like—”
I push past him and head for the door. “Well let me remove the hindrance then.”
“Berkley!” Jericho yells as I open the door. The way he says my name sends a shudder through me. But then he lowers his voice, trying to placate me. “Berkley, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant—” The door swings shut. Then he rips it open and he’s striding down the hallway. “Where are you going?” he demands.
“What do you care?”
“Berkley, you’re still employed by me. I’ve got a contract that states—” As I whirl around to face him, he stutters and loses his train of thought.