“Feisty,” Talon smirks. “You couldn’t hurt me if you tried, little human, and you know it. Now calm down. I didn’t show you this so you could throw a fit. I wanted you to know that you could have Luca when you were a good girl.”
“You think I want a fuck robot? Fuck you.”
* * *
I am confused. I thought she would regard Luca as a treat. She clearly enjoys him. She’s been inseparable from him since they met. And now she’s saying she doesn’t want him?
She seems genuinely upset at not having realized he wasn’t fully human, but I find myself wondering how she didn’t notice. He may look human and conduct simple conversations, but he is not nearly as mentally or emotionally complex as a real one. Are humans unable to discern one another’s internal states? Can they only interact with the superficial exterior?
“You are telling me that you did not notice a single thing about him as being less than entirely human?”
She shakes her head furiously. “How could I? He looks like one, he talks like one, he fucks like one...”
Oh, the poor little thing. When Luca is activated, he seems animate to me but I do not, in any way, mistake him for a real creature. She clearly does not have the same filters of perception.
“It wasn’t our intention to mislead you quite so completely,” I explain. “We thought you would notice...”
“I didn’t notice! I told him things! I told him things I never told anyone else! You’re saying that’s all stored in his databanks, ready to be extracted by you?”
“Luca has a live feed to the control room.”
Her jaw drops. “So you already know...”
“That you stole cookies from Mrs. Hislip’s corner store when you were ten? Yes. Fortunately, that’s hardly sensitive data. We’re not going to crack humanity’s defenses with that little nugget of information.”
“Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you!” She starts swearing and cursing and losing her temper in a thoroughly unsupportable way.
Deciding to put a stop to the tantrum, I grab her by the arm, spin her around and land a hard slap to her bottom. She’s starting to act out far too much for my liking. The shock of discovering what Luca is one thing, but these curses will not go unpunished.
When I’m done spanking her bottom, I turn her around and pull her up against my body hard, making her soft flesh press against my hard lines. The armor between us is a travesty right now. I want to fuck her. I want to fuck her properly, so there’s no mistaking what real sex feels like in the future. I am going to make what she had with Luca feel like the pale imitation it was.
“What are you doing?” She breathes fire at me as I step back and begin to strip my armor off. She’s seen me without it before. But she’s never seen my sexual organs. They remain hidden beneath the pubic shield that is native to my physiology.
“I’m not going to fuck you now,” she sneers.
The first time we were naked together, I kept myself contained. This time there will be no such mercy. The pubic shield disengages and my cocks spring free, two hard rods both stiff with rampant arousal.
“Holy...” Her eyes widen. The whining stops. That alone is worth it.
I rip her suit from her body and push her up against my command console, her butt sitting on the lower ledge, her back against the breadth of it. This puts her at the perfect position to take my cocks, her holes aligned nicely. I push her thighs up and back, spreading her open. She is so small, so soft. Her human body is frail by nature and I will have to be very, very careful not to harm her once my lust takes over.
She is just staring at my crotch, her eyes wide with shock as I surge forward. She’s already wet and defiant. Foreplay is unnecessary when the point is to teach her a good long, hard, sexual lesson, and thanks to Luca, she is already wet and open.
One cock slips into her well used pussy. Luca has made her easily compliant here, and even though I am much larger than the human male, I feel her sex stretching easily to take me.
Beneath her pussy, my other cock presses against the much tighter hole of her bottom. This will be a shock, but one she deserves.
“Can you tell the difference now, girl? Can you tell how it feels to be taken by a man who knows how to truly control you rather than merely appealing to your hormones?”
“Fuck you, Talon!”
She is spitting with anger, but her legs spread of their own accord and there is no doubt in my mind she wants this. She is practically forcing herself onto my cock, her wet inner walls gripping my shaft.
Her bottom is a slower fit, but my cock exudes a natural lubricant, and with every rubbing motion against her tight hole, it starts to relax and allow entrance. I cannot go deeper in her pussy until her bottom surrenders, at least, not in my current configuration, and if anyone deserves a good long hard bottom fucking, it is this spoiled little human who threw a fit because her toy was not to her liking.
“Open up, human, give me your holes,” I growl.