Page 21 of Bred

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Luca’s cock is deep inside me. My pussy is gripping him eagerly, welcoming his every thrust. Since I met him, I’ve been lost in lust and I don’t think I ever want to find my way back.

“Lyra, Luca, report to the captain’s ready room.”A voice comes over the locator badges we are wearing. Immediately, Luca drags himself out of me, the stroke of his hot cock pulling my outer lips with it as I whine in complaint.

“Do we really have to go now?”

“Not a good idea to keep the captain waiting.” He winks at me as he helps me put my suit back on.

What does Talon want now? I am not pleased at the interruption, and by the time we get to his private ready room, I am downright sullen. I was enjoying Luca’s attentions, and I want to get back to them.

As we enter the room, I swallow some of that impatience. I don’t get to see the captain very often, and it’s easy to forget what he’s actually like, the sheer size, strength, and utter alien-ness of him.

“Lyra, Luca,” he says. “You seem to be getting on well.”

“Very well, sir,” Luca says with a broad smile.

“Yes, very well,” I echo.

“Good,” he nods. “Lyra, I want you to understand what is happening here. As long as you are well behaved, and as long as you comply, you may enjoy Luca’s company from time to time. But you will be expected to fulfill other duties on the ship. We are down hands, and you have basic expertise which can be put to use...”

I’m not really listening. I’m looking at the bulge in Luca’s loincloth. He has some expertise I’d like to put to use. I didn’t get to come and I am on edge as a result, my pussy clenching with every breath I take as Talon talks about whatever it is Talon is talking about.

“Lyra!” He snaps my name. “Pay attention!”

“I am,” I say, not actually looking at him.

“Luca. Go to the corner and deactivate yourself.”

The command is so fucking strange, I don’t know what is happening. Luca leaves my side, goes to the corner, turns around and faces us, and then just... turns off. In seconds, the light fades out of those handsome eyes. He is just gone.

I let out a scream of shock. I’ve never seen anything like this happen before. Is he hypnotized? Is he dead? Did Talon somehow destroy him with a word?

“What did you do?” I turn to Talon in panic. “Did you just kill him?”

“He’s an advanced robot, Lyra,” Talon says. “There’s nothing wrong with him. He can come back online at any time. But I’m not turning him back on until you and I have a discussion.”

I stare in horror, not believing a word of what I’m hearing.

“He’s not a robot! He’s a person. We’ve had discussions! We talked about what life on Earth is like. He told me about growing up in Australia.”

“Luca was brought online just over a week ago,” Talon says. “He has a database and an advanced algorithm, which enables him to converse on the human level. I understand he seems convincing to you, but he is nothing more than a toy.”

I’m offended he’s implying that he can tell the difference between Luca and a real person, whereas I can’t because I’m human, and therefore weak and pathetic and... oh, god, I am so fucking angry right now.

They tricked me, and not just into being good and compliant. They tricked me into loving a fucking machine. The sense of betrayal I feel is huge. For the last few days, I have felt as though I belong. Now I feel even more empty and alone than ever.

“You made a puppet for me...”

“It’s common for people to keep small animals as pets on Earth, is it not? We witnessed small birds interacting with mirrors, mistaking their image for another bird. Luca was the result of that observation.”

“I’m a woman, not a fucking parakeet.”

“The differences are not as extreme as you might think. You share more than sixty percent of your DNA with a parakeet.”

“You’re going to share a hundred percent of your DNA with the fucking ground when I kill you for this,” I growl.