Page 55 of Severance

Nik scrunches his nose at her in disgust. “We’re on a first name basis, babe. We’re basically family now, so save the ‘doc’ shit for your family doctor.”

“She isn’t your ‘babe’,” I growl, cutting my eyes at him. “Save that shit for someone who actually is.”

Shaking his head, Nikolai laughs lightly. “Chill, bro. It’s a term of endearment, not an invitation for her to sit on my cock.”

“I swear to fucking Christ if you don’t shut your goddamn mouth, I’m going to do it for you,” I bark, ignoring the pain in my chest as I lean forward.

Dahlia grabs my arm and pulls me back. “Kai, he’s harmless… well to us, at least.” She shrugs.

“Dude, you need to chill the fuck out.” Nik rolls his eyes at me. “Just because I’ve grown fond of your girl doesn’t mean I’m here to steal her from you.”

Maybe he’s right and I do need to just relax. He saved my life, he helped Dahlia, and he is clearly on our side.

I don’t trust him, I don’t have to and I probably never will, but that doesn’t mean that I have to be an asshole to him.

“Fine,” I resign with a huff. “I may have overreacted, but don’t expect an apology from me.”

Nikolai chuckles. “Trust me, that’s the last thing that I would expect from you.” His eyes bounce back and forth between the two of us. “Now get the fuck out of my car.”

Dahlia gets out first and holds the door open for me as she helps me out. As soon as we hit the front porch, Nik’s already backing out of the driveway. Without a second glance in our direction, he whips his car onto the street and speeds away.

“I don’t know how I feel about him,” I admit as Dahlia unlocks the front door.

The lock clicks and she slowly pushes open the door. “It doesn’t matter how you feel about him,” she counters as she helps me inside. “If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t be here and that’s all that matters to me.”

She’s right… so fucking right.

“Plus, he’s really not that bad,” she adds. “He’s fucking arrogant and cocky, but you don’t need to worry about him.”

“We’ll see about that,” I grumble as I walk into the living room and collapse onto the couch.

Dahlia gently sits down next to me. “It’s me and you, Kai,” she murmurs as she runs her fingers through my unruly hair. “Fuck the rest of the world, right?”

The corners of my lips curl upward as my eyes meet her bright green ones.

“Fuck them all.”


Ever since the night that Kai was shot, I’ve lost any sense of time. When I glance at the clock and see that it’s almost two o’clock in the morning, it doesn’t change a thing. The sun rising and the sun setting doesn’t make a difference in life anymore.

Our world was completely turned upside down and the unanswered questions in our lives left us completely shook up. Together we’ll uncover the unknown, but until then just being together is more than enough.


“So, what did you find out?” Kai asks, peering down at me. “What did your mother tell you?”

Freezing in his arms, I bite down on my bottom lip. “She told me enough.”

Kai’s soft brown eyes search mine and he shakes his head. “Not enough,bambolina.Tell me everything.”

“Fine,” I sigh as I sit up in bed and wrap the comforter around my body. “She confirmed everything that Anthony told us. I was pregnant when we were found at the farm. I had a baby, our baby, and they kept it a secret from us.”

“So, it wasn’t a lie?” he whispers, as if his mind still hasn’t processed anything that he knows.

I shake my head. “We have a daughter, Kai.” I pause as my words replay in my head. “Well, technically we do, but she has another family.”

Kai slowly sits up and shoots back, leaning against the headboard. “She has another family?”His face contorts with confusion and pain. “Why wasn’t she with you and your family?”