Craig had been murdered. Those footsteps he’d seen outside most likely belonged to the killer. He’d probably left them as he’d fled.

But there could be evidence somewhere about what had happened.

He and Andi could sit here on the couch and wait for the police to arrive—wait for hours doing nothing.

But that wasn’t how he rolled.

“I’m going to look for any evidence,” he announced.

Andi jerked her gaze up to his. “Is that a good idea? I mean, what if you contaminate the scene in the process? You don’t want that evidence to be thrown out in court if this ever goes to trial.”

Duke narrowed his eyes at her words. Why did she sound as if she’d been in situations like this before?

There was more to this woman than she let on. He felt certain of it.

“What?” She shrugged as if she didn’t like his scrutiny. “I watchLaw and Order.”

“I know how the law operates up here,” he finally said. “They do their best, but they have large areas to cover. I have no idea how long it will take anyone to get here. In the meantime, I just want to take a look.”

Andi stood from the couch, determination hardening in her gaze. “I want to help.”

Caution pinched his spine as he thought about everything that could possibly go wrong. “I’m not really sure how much you can do.”

Something flashed in her gaze—offense. “I assure you that I can do plenty.”

He studied her another moment. The woman wasn’t going to back down, was she?

He supposed she could help—Duke would just need to keep an eye on her. She was right—they couldn’t contaminate the scene. But the sooner someone could investigate the site of a murder, the better.

Right now, the scene was fresh.

“Fine,” he finally said. “Come with me. Just don’t touch anything.”

Her shoulders softened, almost as if she were relieved. “Got it. Where are you starting?”

“Craig’s studio seems like the best place.”

“I agree.” Andi swallowed hard as if she hadn’t meant to say those words.

Did she have more of a stake in this than she’d let on?

It almost seemed as if there was something she wasn’t saying.

They walked back into Craig’s studio, careful to step over Craig and the blood around him.

“You said Henrietta was stabbed, correct?” Duke paused in front of Craig’s desk, wishing the space was a little larger. There wasn’t much room to move—especially since Craig was sprawled on the floor. Plus, there were two of them in here investigating.

Andi looked back up at him and swallowed hard. “That’s right. She was stabbed.”

“How many times?”

“Five. Why?” Her eyes widened as she glanced at Craig. “You think he was stabbed the same number of times?”

Without touching the man, Duke counted the visible wound marks.


He decided not to tell Andi that. No doubt, she’d be able to see the truth herself, however.